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"The capture of the bank robbers, who are wanted for 2 other crimes as well, was made relatively easy thanks to the intervention of the unknown superhero.

This is evidently not the first time they've operated though, as investigators have uncovered reported past cases of water suddenly acting on its own to engage in crime scenes scattered in the southwest area of the city. They may primarily work under the public's eye.

Nonetheless, we thank this camera-shy Super for the helping hand, and hope they plan on using their unique superpower to further assist in protecting Metroville's peace."

The news report from Sunday afternoon yesterday was still fresh in my mind as I stepped off of my bus and onto the school's grounds, a smile on my face for once. Even though I was anonymous, it was still nice receiving thanks. And no one had to worry, I fully intended on continuing to do hero work.

...As long as Dad doesn't catch me that is.

Half of me wishes I actually stuck around to talk to the officers, mostly the Incredibles honestly, but I'm not looking for fame...but most of all, I knew I would've forgotten how to speak. Maybe next time, if I meet them again, I'll feel more confident. That's the dream...

I stopped by my locker, opening it so I could take my needed books out and put my unneeded ones in. To my left a couple of yards, Dash stood in front of his locker, doing the same thing I was. A friend was with him, but the black-haired guy had his eyes focused on his phone as he leaned on a locker next to Dash's.

For the umpteenth time, I stared at Dash, following his movements. I don't know how he was making such a mundane thing like putting books into a locker look amazing, but he was.

... ... ...

Suddenly, his head turned, and he looked at me with a puzzled expression. Probably sensed me eyeing him.

I sharply went back to managing my bag with embarrassment heating my face, before I closed my locker and took off fast-walking down the hall. When I got around a corner, I slowed down, grimacing and face-palming.

This is dumb. Why can't I just go up and say "hi" to him or something? Why is he so...intimidating? And not in the "looks like he could kill me" kind of way either. I could maybe handle that. The idea that I could embarrass myself right before his eyes scares me way more.

I'd rather not gain the reputation of being "that one girl who did this or that in front of Dash". I liked my "nobody" status.


"To end off the lesson for today, I have a worksheet for you all to do. Work by yourself or in groups, I don't mind whichever you choose. It's due at the end of the period."

Our teacher explained as she passed out the sheets, and after she was done, everyone started getting up and moving around. As the ruckus of chair and desk legs scraping against the floor filled the room I looked at the problems on the front of the worksheet. They looked simple enough. Except for two questions, but I could figure them out.

I got to work, grabbing my pen and writing my name, which took a few attempts since it was starting to run out of ink. I regret accidently leaving my one and only pencil in my last class, but hopefully this thing can last.

I focused on the sheet, completely tuning out the noise around me. I don't know how much time passed, but it was at least peaceful; it was like I was the only one in the room.

Until, someone slid their chair in front of me.


I gawked like a deer caught in headlights as he looked down at me, lips curved into a smile.

"Want to work with me?" Dash asked, and I couldn't stop myself from staring into the blue pools of his eyes. My thoughts scrambled.

My brain-to-mouth filter failed, and I stuttered.


Dash's grin widened, and he sat down in front of me. Resisting the urge to back away was difficult.

He close to me. If I wanted to, I could've reached out and touched him, but of course I wasn't going to. That would be creepy.

How much I wanted to keep watching him wasn't much better. He grabbed his pencil and...wrote an answer down on his paper with an amount of speed that surprised me. I remember seeing him write fast back in 5th grade, but I thought it was just a quirk he'd grow out of. Apparently not.

...What was really surprising though, was how neat his handwriting was. How could he write that fast but still have it look almost elegant?

I figured I should stop gawking at him before he caught me, and started on my worksheet again. As I was jotting down an answer, the ink from my pen stopped. I frowned and rapidly scribbled on the paper to get more out, but nothing did.

It really dried up now, of all times? I have nothing else to write with, but I can't just stop and turn in what I have at the end of class. I don't like not-trying when it comes to things, schoolwork or not. But, what was I supposed to do...?

"So," Dash suddenly spoke up, making me jump slightly. I hoped he didn't notice, but of course he did.

"You alright?" He quirked a brow, and I wanted to duck my head. Instead, I averted my gaze.

"Yeah. Sorry, I'm just..." I hastily searched for an excuse. "...thinking."

"About what?" The blond looked a little interested now. I gripped my pen, mulling over if I should give him an actual answer or say it was nothing.

... ... ...

"The new Super in town." I blurted out, and instantly regretted it. Brain-to-mouth filter, I need you-

"Oh, the water-controlling one?" He smiled, and...was it me, or did he look excited now? Why would he be excited? "You know about them?"

"Kind of. I try to keep up with news about Supers, but I only know what was said about her on Sunday's broadcast." I lied, which Dash seemed to believe thankfully. However, he sat up a little straighter.


...Oh, right. Think Y/N, play it off...

"Yeah, she's a girl. You didn't know that?"

"I kind of suspected it, but no one apparently knew for sure. How'd you find out?"


"I've, heard things about her. Past stories and the small crimes she's stopped. And I saw a few pictures of her; she looks pretty lady-like to me." I shrugged, desperately hoping I was being believable.

"Interesting..." Dash's smile lowered into a half-smirk, the attractive sight causing heat to bloom in my chest. "Do you know her name, by chance?"


I still haven't come up with a name for myself. I'm too indecisive.

"It's something related to water though."

"Naturally." Dash chuckled, but I could tell he was a little disappointed. Guess he really wanted to know about her...or, me.

This was weird.

"...Hey. Sorry if this is random, but-" I glanced down at my pen. Still needed to finish my assignment. "Do you have another pen or pencil I can use? This stopped working."

"Yeah." Dash reached down into his backpack, and pulled out a case that I could see was filled with pencils. He opened it and smoothly handed one to me.

"Here you are~." He playfully winked, and just when I thought my heart couldn't possibly beat faster.

"T-Thanks." I took it and finished the answer I wrote down earlier, cherishing the excuse to look away from him. We both fell into silence, but it wasn't an awkward one.

Sure, there's some awkwardness since we don't interact regularly, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. Maybe because, we're familiar with each other? It's strange, I wouldn't call us genuine friends, but we've gone to the same schools for about a decade in total...

"Hey, Y/N?"

I looked up, seeing a soft smile on Dash's face.

"Sorry if this is random, have you been? These past days."

His tone was sheepish, which I honestly found cute. I was warmed though, to hear him ask that though. Either he's just trying to be nice, or...he cares about me? I don't why he would and I doubt he does, but it was still a sweet concept to entertain.

"I've been...ok. Surviving."

"Surviving? Not living?"

"Eh. For me, there's not much difference between the two. Either one works."

I state casually, writing down more answers on my worksheet.

"...I see." I briefly looked at him, and was confused to see his expression has dampened. Thinking nothing of it, I returned his earlier inquiry.

"How have you been?"

"Fine. Same old same old."

I snorted, the corners of my mouth rising. "I don't know what 'same old same old' means for you, but oook."

"Uh, right." Dash's cheeks...reddened? Was he blushing?

The suave Dash Parr, known for his confidence and cool nature, blushing? Have I somehow entered a new dimension?

"We don' much." He reached up to rub his neck.

"Honestly Y/N, want to change that?"

"...Huh?" My head tilted.

"I mean, do you want to talk more? With me."

... ... ...

Why was he asking? Out of curiosity?

"...Sure. I don't see why not." It was a miracle how I managed to keep my voice level, but I did.

"Cool." He flashed me a grin filled with pearly whites, and it was impossible to resist the smile that formed on my face in response.

I guess this means whenever we're going to see each other, we'll say some things and go our separate ways? I wanted to ask for clarification, but my earlier well of slight confidence dried up like my pen, so I kept quiet.

...I just now noticed, but didn't he ask if we could work together? Clearly he doesn't need help since he's filling out the sheet no problem, and he hasn't voiced a single concern about it, so why did he ask?

...Oh well, it wasn't important.

We finished our assignment, and turned them in just as the bell rang. Dash gave a small farewell, saying he'd catch me later before leaving with his friends. I took my time, packing up my stuff, as I realized I still had his pencil.

I left the room and ran-walked to catch up with him, uttering an apology to someone in the hall as I bumped into them, and tapped Dash on his shoulder. He stopped to look back at me, with his pals thankfully not noticing and continuing to walk away.

"Here. Thanks for letting me use it."

"Nah, it's fine. Keep it."

Dash shined another one of his award-winning grins, and I could only watch in a flustered silence as he turned and walked away, catching up with his posse at the end of the hall.

All the while, I watched him eventually take a left around a corner and move out of sight. I didn't realize either beforehand until I started moving again, but I got rid of the surely-dopey smile I carried and moved his pencil away from the pressed position it had against my chest.

Ooh. Hope no one saw that...

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