Reader – 17
Dash – 18
I'll give the ages of other important characters when they're fully established.
"Your" POV:
It would have been so easy to stay in bed.
It wouldn't have been a good idea, and Dad probably would have yelled at me for it, but...I just miss my bed. And my room.
My head made a quiet 'thud' as I pressed it against the glass next to me, gazing out of the window of the noisy school bus. I was trying to ignore everyone talking and basically shouting all around me, which I was usually good at, but it was impossible this morning. Why can't people be quieter? Was there really a need to be so loud?
I brought my hand up to the side of my head, already feeling the beginning dull tingles of a headache. Great. It's the first day of my year as a senior, and I'm starting it off annoyed and in pain.
I sighed, but when I saw Metroville High School's building come into view after the bus turned a corner, my heartbeat spiked. Now that I'm here, suddenly my nervousness is coming back. You think after going through a ton of "first school days" after a ton of summer breaks, this would be easier.
But, it wasn't. It never got easier. When the bus pulled up and around in a large circle of pavement, the driver stopped behind another bus and opened the doors, but I stayed seated while everyone else jumped up, taking some deep breaths to try and calm myself.
The first day of school was usually tedious and boring for me, but at least the teachers weren't going to give us a lot of work right away. It tended to be just giving out syllabuses and talking about the class before we were dismissed, so here's hoping the day will go by fast.
I finally got off the bus, somehow avoiding being the very last person, and followed the crowd into the nearest entrance. I was surrounded by people from all sides, but I somehow managed to feel like I was invisible. How everyone either went on their merry little ways or met up with their friends didn't help at all.
Meanwhile, I was alone. Story of my life.
I huffed, looking down at the linoleum tiles as I walked to the end of the hall and down another, keeping my head up enough so I could avoid running into anyone going in the opposite direction, but low enough that I didn't have to look anyone in the face. Or worse, make eye contact with them.
After turning another corner, I found my locker at last. I didn't necessarily need it right now, but I had its location memorized. Thinking why not, I spun in the combination printed on my schedule for it, and opened it to see nothing was inside. That was expected, but I was still curious.
"Hey, what's your first class?"
It was as if time stopped, when my brain registered a masculine, low-pitched sound that made my heart jump. I quietly gasped.
I know that voice.
I peeked around the door of my locker, to see someone I don't think I could ever forget. For many reasons.
His blond hair was styled the same as it's always been, brushed back with some hair gel applied so it could keep its wavy shape, but it went with his general appearance so well that changing it was unnecessary. His letterman jacket was a telltale sign of his achievements, and anyone who paid just the slightest amount of attention to the school's activities, was aware of the fact that he was a skilled athlete. His jeans and red & white converse complimented everything.
I couldn't see his face from how he was turned away from me, but I knew he looked as stunning as ever.
And, his locker was almost right next to mine? I wasn't sure whether to be happy or scared. I silently watched as Dash Parr spoke with 3 other guys, two of them wearing their own letterman jackets. I picked up bits and pieces of their conversation from the clamorous noise of in the hall, but could only gather that they were talking about their schedules. Meh.
I found myself staring at Dash though, and I shook myself when I realized, feeling warmth flood my skin. I need to not do that, I reminded myself.
He closed his locker, and he slipped a strap of his red backpack onto his shoulder, chuckling at something his brown curly-haired pal said. I think his name was...Peter? Whatever, I honestly don't pay that much attention to his friends.
I knew I was risking being late to first period by just hanging around here, the hall was even slowly being emptied and made quieter as students left, but...I couldn't stop looking at Dash. He's always had this effect on me, ever since we were kids. It's only gotten worse as time went on.
I thought after he moved away so suddenly during 5th grade, the pull would be gone, and I'd never see him again. But, Dash came back, for the last grade of middle school all those years ago. And once again, when I saw him...
I breathed deeply, realizing my heart was hammering away in my chest. Dash's family and him by extension have stayed in Metroville since then, and I'm...happy they did. I missed Dash so much, getting used to not seeing him everyday was tough...heh, all of this is funny though.
I feel this way about him, meanwhile for him, he barely knows I exist.
In the few times we interacted in 5th grade, he was a hyperactive but surprisingly nice boy. We still haven't spoken much to each other in current times, but I can tell he's changed. He's much calmer, and while he did keep his sense of humor, he's less childish but still easygoing. I suppose maturing can have that effect on someone.
I wonder how much I've changed...?
I continued to gawk, but I forced myself to look away, knowing the fact that he catching me ogling at him wouldn't be a good thing at all. I closed my locker, appreciating the gripping coldness of the metal, since it helped clear the fog in my head.
Involuntarily, my eyes drifted back to him, and I was disappointed to see he was walking away, chatting with Peter and his other friends as they went around a corner and out of sight. Inside, a voice urged me to follow him, but the logical part of me knew I couldn't.
That didn't stop that pull from tugging at my chest as I turned in the opposite direction and went down the hall, heading for my first class.
This was going to be a long day.
It was the final period, but my patience had long since left.
I stared down at my desk, with what I was sure looked like an annoyed expression to those who happened to look my way, waiting for the dismissal bell to ring. Our teacher left us to our own devices after briefing us on what type of work we were going to be doing, which I tried to listen to, but I mostly tuned it out.
I just want to go home. I'm drained, it'll take me awhile to get used to being around people like this after 3 months straight of not having to deal with it. I was especially tired, because...
His chuckle made me look up, and I saw the school's best track sprinter talking with some people he knew. How he could have as many friends as he did, I have no idea. I'm willing to bet that not all of his friends were actual friends though. How many of them would have his back, and how many of them would turn and look the other way if something happened to him?
Of course, I couldn't say for sure. But loyalty was a precious thing nowadays, not many people had it.
I tapped my pencil against my notebook to an unsteady rhythm, gazing with half-lidded eyes into nothing. I could feel myself becoming a little sleepy honestly, there was a big chance I'd collapse into my bed for a nap when I got home.
I sighed...and my eyes turned back up on their own, only to met with an unexpected sight.
Blue filled my vision at first. It instantly made me freeze up, and my breath hitched. We both held mostly neutral expressions, but his changed after a second or two.
I saw white. I was faintly surprised to not see his teeth sparkle in the light, but I was more grabbed at the fact that Dash was smiling. And not at a friend, or someone else in the room.
At me. He was looking at me, directly at that; not through me. No one else had his attention at the moment, it was all on me. And he was smiling.
Why? Did I do something...?
All I could do was gape in return, as he was comfortably leaned back in his chair, giving me his friendly and...cute little smile as if all was right in the world. With how the light hit him, how his head was angled, and with the yellow bangs above his forehead sticking out and curling over it, he
And I couldn't stand it.
My head craned back down, and I put a hand over my eyes. Seriously, why was he smiling? Should I be worried?
Is there something on my face? Is my hair messed up? Does he think I look funny?
... ... ...
The sound of the bell made me jump, but the rush of everyone getting up and leaving overshadowed it. Thank goodness. If I stayed any longer in the room, I might've exploded.
I quickly got my things together and left the classroom with the rush of my classmates, and I didn't look back. I kept my head down up until I was in the safety of the bus that would drop me off near my house.
All the while, I stared out of my window, only able to concentrate on the boy who I knew was going to drive me crazy.
Or more correctly: crazier than I am already.
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