OneyNG x reader (part 1)

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The song is just a song that I like. Has nothing to do with the story


I look at the ceiling. Empty.

I turn my head and look at the wall. Empty.

I look at the dresser. Empty.

Recently I've been feeling like there is no point to life. I've been starting to feel like all my friends are starting to hate me. I feel like no one loves me. Not even my boyfriend Chris.

My friends have been starting to ignore me and started hanging out with other friends and when I try to talk to them, they don't notice me. Especially Chris.

The only time we do talk is when we go to bed. I would usually tell Chris what's wrong with me, but he's been out all day for the past month and he only comes to our apartment that we live in just to sleep or to have dinner. And even during dinner, he eats fast so I barely get to talk to him.

He hasn't given me any goodnight kisses or hugs, or even said 'I love you' to me. I don't know if he is cheating on me or if he is just hanging out with his friends. All day when he's gone, I brake down, crying all over the place, trying to keep calm, when really everything's a wreck.

It's currently the middle of the day, I texted my best friend and asked if they wanted to hang out. Of course, she said no. Then I tried Danny, Arin, Matt, and Ryan. They all were too busy. I throw my phone at the corner of the bed and start crying.

No one loves you

My crying gets worse

They don't care

And worse

Kill yourself

Then they stop.

I stare at the wall. Thinking about what my thoughts said. "Kill myself..." I repeated. Just then, I thought about running in front of a car. Getting hit at 50 miles per hour. Yes. Tonight.

I sniffle and get up, looking at myself in the mirror, seeing my eyes all red and puffy, my cheeks look stained, and my nose looks like it's seen better days. I walk into the kitchen and get myself a tangerine, then sit on the couch and watch whatever's on tv. I unpeeled the tangerine and in the middle of unpeeling, the door that was next to the couch opens, revealing Chris.

I jump and try to hide by looking the opposite direction. Chris just sits on the couch, after closing the door, and watches whatever I was watching. I slowly look at Chris and see him more focused on the tv then anything else. That's when I get up and walk back to the bedroom, with my tangerine.

I quickly eat the tangerine and lay back in bed. I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep.


I wake up and look at the clock. "3 o'clock am" I said, in a groggy voice. I got confused and looked on the other side of the bed and see Chris, fast asleep with his arm on his forehead and his other arm under the pillow. I would've smiled over how cute it looked but I felt too empty.

Now is your chance

I remember what I wanted to do. I get up and get a piece of paper and write down my last words. I put the note on the bed, right where I usually sleep. I get a last look at Chris before I walked through the door. I don't know what to feel. Anger? Sadness? Happiness? Nothing. I felt every emotion but yet, none.

I slipped through the door, and walk to the front door. My hand rests on the door handle. Do I really want to leave? I decided that I had to leave.

I turn the doorknob, carful not to wake Chris up, and walk out the door, slowly closing the door behind me. I let out a big sigh and walk down the stairs and put my feet onto the ground. I walk forward to the park that was near our apartment.

I at least wanted to have some good memories before I'm gone. Me and Chris used to come here especially during sunsets because that's when the kids were usually gone. I stare at the swing set and remember us swinging on there, and when I fell, Chris would always get off and aid me, whether it was a bruise or I wasn't even hurt, Chris was always there to give me kisses.

Then the slide. He always sat behind me and slid down with me, cheering about how amazing going down a short ramp. I didn't even know I was crying until I felt a drop on my hand. I decided to stand up and walk away before it gets worse.

As I start walking to the highway, I pass by a coffee shop that me and Chris would go to and chat. We would always order something different and talk about whatever we wanted.

I started crying even more which made me walk faster, making my stomps on the ground louder. I then passed by a local restaurant where me and Chris went to eat and sing karaoke if we got beers.

I then started running, passing by so many memories, until I reached the highway. Cars were zooming by, one by one as if they had to be somewhere in a hurry. I stare at the scenery. I then start to that I about why I was here.

Chris, my friends, and everyone else, have been ignoring me for the past month which made me realize everything about my life is horrible. Chris doesn't love me anymore, and so I ran away. Here I am.

I stand still, frozen and astonished from what I have accomplished. I see cars, going past my eyes, faster then I could imagine. I take a deep breath while putting one foot forward.

Then another.

Then another.


Cliffhanger I guess???

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