When North meet South

When North meet South

11,793 322 84

Teodora, a passionate folklorist from Serbia, has the opportunity to participate in an international folklore festival in Norway. Marcus and Martinus, world famous singers, happen to attend the festival as special guests, where they perform their hits. Teodora, already amazed by their music, dreams of dancing to their songs and dreams of meeting them one day.At the festival, the fates of Marcus and Martinus cross paths with Teodora's. Teodora, in addition to showing her talent in folk dance, decides to perform a special dance to their music where she connects the unconnected. Martinus, charmed by her dancing and passion, decides to meet her after the performance.Teodora, in awe of meeting her idols, spends time with brothers. Martinus is fascinated by her passion for folk dancing, while Teodora discovers a depth and warmth in Martinus's character that is not seen on stage.During the following days, while the festival lasts, Marcus and Martinus become daily visitors to Teodora's performances. A special bond is born between them, connected by their love for music and folklore culture. Will something happen with Teodora and Martinus, will the distance destroy them, or will Martinus give up on her? Find out in the story ''When North meet South'' .…

A trust that can't be broken (A Lukanette story) part 1

A trust that can't be broken (A Lukanette story) part 1

28,144 429 200

After the events when Luka was akumatized, Marinette's been sad that her relationship with Luka has to end- not because of her feelings for Adrien, but her duty as Ladybug and the guardian. She thought Luka couldn't be trusted in keeping her secret. But what would happen if she told him, will he be trustworthy and help her?…

I Was Younger Then

I Was Younger Then

101,139 2,996 132

Penny Potter may be the twin of Harry Potter but she does not share his proclivity for a hatred of the Potions Master, Severus Snape. Likewise, Snape finds, despite his better efforts that Penny has become dangerously intertwined in his life. Given a second chance, will Snape make the same mistake twice or can things be different this time? A redemption story.This is a long haul fic that focuses almost entirely on the OC and Snape, and how that gives a different perspective on cannon events.#1 in Snape#1 in Snapefanfiction #1 SnapexOC #2 eventualromance…

Prepare for a comeback (A trust that can't be broken) part 2

Prepare for a comeback (A trust that can't be broken) part 2

10,536 199 200

Let's recap from part 1. Lukanette was broken up because of something Marinette couldn't tell Luka about. But after getting much thought, she decided to tell him the truth and he mows understand it all, which made him happy now that she told him what was going on and that mended their relationship and she fully trust him. And with current and new miraculouses from part 1, nothing will bring them down. Now for part 2, you'll may or may not see the rest of villains- just depends on how the story goes from here, be prepare for something that's worth the waiting for.…

[PART 3] Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten

[PART 3] Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten

239,818 6,812 200

Part 3The iron-blooded Master Mu had three specialties: great marksmanship, great skills and masterful ways to spoil his wife! Everyone in Jingdu knew that Yun Xi was the apple of Mu Feichi's eye. Anyone who saw her would be envious and anyone who crossed her would hurt their bones. Reborn one day, Yun Xi the star of death was unloved and neglected by her parents. However, she somehow ends up in the devilish vortex of Mu Feichi's love... 帝少爆宠Author: Gu Jiaqi…

bill denbrough // fancasts

bill denbrough // fancasts

34,880 495 199

in which I cast movies, tv shows, books, and more…



5,089 3 128

Just a list of social media influencers you can use for your stories :)…

Jokes And Memes That Only A Beatlemaniac Will Understand Book 2 \(^0^)/

Jokes And Memes That Only A Beatlemaniac Will Understand Book 2 \(^0^)/

47,172 1,963 111

This is just like my 1st Beatle Joke Book. *winks*So prepare for some more funny jokes,memes,gifs and vids from this book! \(^0^)/…

Preferencje The Vamps v2

Preferencje The Vamps v2

21,143 2,445 92

Druga część preferencji zespołu The Vamps!Zapraszam też na pierwszą część!…

music I Love

music I Love

563 17 176

Just something to share…



224 1 162

KINGDOM(EARTH) HEARTS(WATER) 3(LIGHT) MEMORY(TIME) ARCHIVE(TIME+EARTH) 5(FAMILY) DARKNESSOrganization 13's true goal is to divide Xehanort's heart among 13 vessels; 13 Xehanorts, what is? The Real Organization 13; now Master Xehanort has warned of a 3rd attempt to start his War; All of this was decided. My 12 selves would welcome me here on this day when I would return as a complete person. It is the future that lies beyond my sight. Let us finish this at the Fated Place when your Lights and my Darknesses have joined together. Even Time itself cannot contain Xehanort's ambitions. 7 Lights; 13 Darknesses; The End is coming.…

Rant Book #7

Rant Book #7

920 32 200

I decided to create another rant book. I hope you enjoy reading this book. I look forward to reading your comments.…

Pani Architekt

Pani Architekt

28 1 1

-NIE WIERZĘ! DOSTAŁAM SIĘ NA ARCHITEKTURĘ NA YALE! -Naprawdę? Pokaż mi ten list, przecież dostanie się tam to niemal cud.***-Hej,jak masz na imię?-Jestem Hope,a ty?-Wiktoria,ale wolę gdy zwraca się do mnie drugim imieniem- Olivia lub Livia.-Więc,Livia,wygląda na to że będziemy współlokatorkami.***-Dzień dobry,chciałabym zmienić nazwisko.-Proszę wypełnić ten formularz i...***-Nie wierzę,nasze pierwsze,własne mieszkanie!-Ostatni rok studiów i nareszcie mogłyśmy znaleźć coś tylko dla siebie.***-To list z firmy Saint&Smith, najpopularniejszych architektów na wchodnim wybrzeżu.-Czemu dostałaś od nich list? Żadna z nas nie ma z nimi nic wspólnego.-O MÓJ BOŻE! CHCĄ MNIE PRZYJĄĆ NA STAŻ! PROPONUJĄ MI STAŻ,ROZUMIESZ TO?!***-Jestem Olivia Williams, byłam umówiona na spotkanie z panem Saint.-Prosto do windy,proszę jechać na piętro 68.***-Panno Williams,to mój syn Christopher. To on przejmie firmę,oczywiście przy tym zachowa pani swoje stanowisko asystentki szefa.***-Proszę nie zwracać się do mnie per pan,tylko po imieniu,Chris. Mam nadzieję,że także mogę tak do pani się zwracać.-Oczywiście,Olivia lub tak jak mówią do mnie przyjaciele-Livia,Liv.***-Czego się spodziewałaś? Ze rzucę wszystko aby być z tobą? Byłaś po prostu kolejną do kolekcji!-Nie chcę cię więcej widzieć! Biorę dwa tygodnie wolnego! Nawet nie waż się do mnie odzywać Chris!***-I co teraz zrobisz Livvy?-Wysyłam wypowiedzenie. Nie będę więcej u niego pracować. Robiłam dość projektów,mam swoich stałych klientów a nowi nadal napływają. Zakładam własną firmę. I mam nadzieję,że więcej go nie spotkam.Początek:27.12.2017Koniec:Przewidywana ilość rozdziałów:50-60…