I stand still, frozen and astonished from what I have accomplished. I see cars, going past my eyes, faster then I could imagine. I take a deep breath while putting one foot forward.
Then another.
Then another.
As I go on to take another step, I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me and pull me away from the fast cars. Scared, I look up to see who it was, but instead of figuring out who the man was, I started having a fit.
"LET GO OF ME, LET GO OF ME, LET GO OF ME!" I yell, struggling to get out of the grip. "NEVER IN A MILLION FUCKING YEARS I WONT, WHAT THE FUCK'S WRONG WITH YOU!" The man yelled back, although his question didn't even sound like a question and more like he was furious at me.
I try to elbow the man, kick him, head-butting him, but no use. My eyes went misty, my cheeks were warm. I finally give up and stop struggling, but start crying instead. "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING, ABOUT TO WALK INTO THE HIGHWAY WHERE YOU COULD'VE DIED!?" I cry even more
The man sighs and carries me into a car. I never noticed how much I was shaking until the man had to put my seatbelt on for me. The man gets into the drives seat while I'm in the passengers seat. "Y/N, please. What were you doing?" He says, a lot calmer now.
I'm still too scared to look at the man. A finger is placed under my chin and my face is lifted to look directly at the man. It was Chris. That made me cry again. "Y/N..." I could hear Chris's voice crack up. I didn't know what to feel anymore. I felt angry, sad, and happy.
Angry because of what Chris has done to me. Ignoring me, making me feel like I was nothing, abandoning me. Sad because I couldn't run and take away my life. Being alone, and isolated. Happy because Chris was there to save me.
"C-Chris, I-I'm so s-sorry for-" I stopped and choked on my words. It was difficult to speak. I could only spew out a few words. "Y/N, please, it's not your fault." Chris says, trying to calm me down.
We start driving. I'm a lot calmer now, with only a few tears falling. "What were you doing out there?" He asks, a lot calmer then he was before when he was yelling at me. "I-I wanted to run away." I tell the truth.
It was a silent night ride home. Sometimes I would hear Chris sniffle. I felt terrible. I looked away from the window just to get a glance at Chris. He was a mess. His eyes were puffy, his hair was messy, his shirt was all worn out. I look back out the window so that I wouldn't brake down again.
We park in the parking lot and I hear Chris leaving the car. I stayed in the car for a while, still reflecting on what happened. After five minutes, I unbuckle and get out of the car. I walk into our apartment, seeing that the door is already open, and close the door.
I walk straight to our bedroom and see Chris sitting on the bed, reading the note I left while sometimes smoothing the paper with his thumb. I stand in the doorway and look at him, not knowing what to do. If I go any further, Chris would want to talk to me. If I left, Chris would probably follow me.
I look down at the ground, cradling my arms, my foot rubbing against the floor. "Y/N, please come here..." he commands. I walk towards Chris, still looking at the ground. "Sit down." He says. I sit down next to Chris looking up just to see the wall, while resting my arms on my legs, twiddling my thumbs.
I rest my head on Chris's shoulders. I heard the paper being put down While Chris wrapped his arm around my body, which led into a hug. I hugged back with my arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around my chest.
My face got hot again and tears started falling again. I cry even more. "I-I'm so sorry Chris. I'm super- super sorr-" I got cut off by Chris. "No, baby, no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for ignoring you and treating you like shit. I've been working really hard on something really special and that has been adding up to my work which makes me spend longer days over in the office. I'm fucking sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Chris says hugging me even tighter.
It was weird seeing a boy like Chris in a situation that he would joke about. I sniffle and try burrowing my face in the crook of Chris's neck. "I love you. You know that right?" I hear Chris say. "You sure don't seem to show it" I reply harshly but it comes out more of a sob.
"Oh, baby. It's because I'm always working too hard, I'm far too tired." Chris explains. "Bullshit, what about the days we eat dinner together?" I cry. "Shh. Calm down." He replies. I stop crying and just lay still, head still in the crook of his neck.
I can feel Chris move his head. "Y/N." "Yea?" "Look at me, Y/N" I look up and stare at Chris. Chris leans in fast and smacks his lips onto mine. Chris's hands cup my face. I'm shocked but melt into the kiss and kiss back.
We part our lips, followed up with small kisses. "Wow." I say, breathless. "I love you so much." Chris said, kissing me with more passion and even deeper. I kiss back, just as passionate. The passionate kiss turn into a rough, sloppy kiss.
We fall on the bed, with me on the top of Chris. We stop kissing and look at our position. I start chuckling and so does he.
"I love you so much, you are the most perfect girl I could ever meet. Your hair is so soft and so fun to play with, your eyes are a beautiful color and I just love staring at them, your lips so soft that I want to kiss them all day long." Chris went off, giving me another peck on the lips.
"Oh Chris, please stop" I giggled. "I'm being serious right here. I love you a lot. You mean a lot to me and I probably wouldn't be here without you." Chris said, kissing me again.
"Chriiis, please stop. I'm really tired." Chris chuckled, "Alright, sleepyhead." We sat up and Chris made me lay down on the bed. Chris payed down next to me and pulled the sheets on top of us.
I shut my eyes and try to sleep. I couldn't sleep. I tried for 5 minuets more and still nothing.
"Chris." I spoke. "Hmm?" Chris hummed. "How did you find me?" I asked, my voice sounding groggy. "What do you mean, honey?" His voice also sounding groggy. "Like, when I was on the highway." "Oh, well, I woke up because I felt the bed having an uneven feel and I saw that you were gone, so I panicked and looked for clues and shit." He explained, clearly very tired. He scooted closer to me and put an arm around me.
"I'll make sure you'll never leave again, baby." Chris mumbled. I smiled and closed my eyes, drifting away to sleep.
~~~~~a few months later~~~~~
I'm doing a lot better now, I'm going to a therapist, Chris makes sure that I'm getting daily love and attention, my friends have been hanging out with me more. Although, time to time I do get upset at small things like a child.
I walk into our apartment, yelling, "HELLO!" Chris immediately starts running towards me. "Hello, sexy woman." he joked. I giggled, sitting down on the couch.
"Hot man." I replied. Chris sat down next to me and started giving me small kisses. I closed my eyes, because Chris's kisses tickled me making me giggle again. My giggles turned to laughs, which sounded like music to Chris's ears.
Chris stopped kissing me, letting me open my eyes to look into his green eyes. I stopped giggling and kept a smile to my face. "Anyways, I'm about to go the office and record for a series and I was wondering if you would like to record with us?" Chris asked, holding my hands.
Chris's hands were warm and sweaty as if he was nervous. "Of course!" I chirped with enthusiasm. Chris chuckled and let my hands go while giving me another kiss on the forehead before getting off the couch. Chris put out his hand for me to grab and I kindly accepted his offer.
I got off the couch and my hand remained in his. Chris got his keys and walked out the door with me following behind him. We walk to the car, letting go of each other's hands.
Chris got in the drivers and I got in the passenger seat, grabbing the aux cord swiftly. "Awe man I wanted my music on!" Chris said in a voice of a whiny child while beginning to drive. "Well too bad, my music is better!" I mimic him.
He chuckles while I turned up the music. It was silent besides the music, but it was a comfortable silence. After a few minutes of driving we arrived and parked. I got out of the car, with Chris following.
I allow Chris to open the door and go through with me walking behind him. "Hey Y/N!" Arin greeted me. "Hello! How are you?" I asked. "I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. You?" He replied. "I'm doing fine as well!" I said. "Cmon, The boy's are waiting for us." Chris mentioned.
I walked with him to where we would be recording, and I see Julian and DingDong sitting on the couch, and Matt and Ryan sitting on the floor. "I call dibs on the couch!" Chris yelled. The couch was only made to fit three people, four depending if the four people were paper thin, so of course Chris would call dibs.
"You jerk!" I joked, jabbing Chris with my elbow. "Ow, you faggot, stop!" Chris pleaded. I sat on the floor, between Ryan and Matt, while Chris sat in the middle of DingDong and Julian. "Hey, I wanna sit next to Ryan and be gay with him!" Matt whined. "No dating in this Christian server!" I said, slapping the floor.
"But that means Chris and you get to be gay!" Ryan stated, pointing to Chris. "Guys, you do know that the camera caught that, right?" Julian laughed. "Oh shit, well, I mean, it's ok for me to be gay with Chris because he's above me, not right fucking next to me!" I continued the conversation.
"This is an interesting intro." DingDong said. "Hello, I'm here with DingDong, Julian the gay fag, Matt and Ryan the gay duo, and my gay lover Y/N." "Chris why is I not gay?" I heard DingDong ask in broken English. "Because You're so gay that you're straight!"
The game starts and I immediately recognize what game it's is. "YO WHAT THE FUCK?" I yelled, scaring everyone. "Jesus Christ calm down!" I heard Matt tell me. "I'm sorry but is that (FAVORITE CHILDHOOD GAME)?" I yelled at the end. "Uh, yea, I guess. I mean the title is literally on the screen!" Matt chuckled. "I'm sorry but it was my favorite childhood game!" I protested.
"That's why I fucking picked this game, you faggotini!" I heard Chris say. I put the sleeves of my shirt against my mouth and started doing muffled screams. This game has been very close to my heart ever since I was little, so playing this again after many years is like pure imagination.
Chris kicked my back lightly, causing me to stop screaming and make me look at him. "What was that for!" I complained. "It was an accident, I swear!" "Swearing is a sin, Chris!" DingDong butted into the conversation.
Chris let me play a good bit of the game, but allowing him and the others to play the game. Some offensive slurs here and there. Julian wheezing and Matt screaming like a little girl.
"Fucking jump, you retard!" I yelled at Chris. "I can't fucking jump!" Chris yelled in response. I groaned, knowing Chris would not let me have the controller, only because I would hog it.
"Chriiiis." I said in a singsong voice. "Ye?" "May I have the controller pwease?" I asked, trying to mimic the voice of a 3 year old. "No! I need to play!" Chris said, holding the controller higher as if it would help him jump. I sigh, seeing how he kept failing to jump.
"This is taking forever! I heard Julian say. "Calm your tits!" Chris said, clearly frustrated. "This is taking too long, I'm going to go have children without you." I say, having an excuse to go get some water.
I walk out the room and start walking to the pack of water that was under a counter. I got the water, untwisted the cap and started drinking. I stay in place, needing time to start unwinding. I was tired from work, and having to go to my therapist and having to scream in a microphone. I kept drinking the water until I was done with it. I proceeded to throw it in the trash and walk back to the room, where I was greeted by many screams, which stopped when I walked to sit on the floor.
I noticed that Chris has finally learned how to jump, because he was going farther in the game. Every one played some more and joked some more.
Near the end of the game, Chris was getting a little antsy. I shrugged it off, and watched as Ryan tried to finish a level. "The floor feels like shit! That's it, I'm sitting on the couch!" I said fed up with the floor. It was too uncomfortable no matter what position I was in.
I got on my feet and sat on the arm of the couch. Which was surprisingly a lot more comfortable then the floor. "Hey uh, Y/N?" I heard Chris call.
"Hmm?" "Um... ah fuck. Will you come outside with me?" "Sure." Chris got up and walked out the door with me following him. I closed the door, then Chris held my hand gently. I looked at Chris's eyes, seeing how it was like it's own galaxy. You could get lost in them (HeY aNdY sWeEtY). "I was going to say this later but, I just can't wait anymore."
"Y/N, you are the most amazing, smartest, hilarious, and beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on and I would hate to miss out on that for my entire life." Chris reaches in his pocket and pulls out a box. "Y/N would you make me the happiest little boy and marry me?"
Tears started brimming my eyes and soon I was crying, whispering, "yes." Chris slipped my ring on which fit perfectly. I heard the door open and some gasping behind me but I didnt even bother to see who it was, I was more focused on Chris and reached up to kiss him a million times. "I love you, Y/N."
But yea, Anyways this was 2600 words long so it's a bit longer then normal and if you see something wrong please tell me because I wrote a majority of this at night when I get all loopy and shit.
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