In the "100 votes" chapter I asked you guys to submit questions for a Q&A! And you did and now I'm here to answer them!
Let's go!
1) How did you find out about IE/IE GO? By Tokyo_Cupcakes
Well, I was actually six when I did, it was dubbed into Arabic and we had it on TV (it's still airs till this day, but on repeat) I loved it so much, only problem is that Endou was named Amer, Kazemaru: Mansoor, Kidou: Sid, Fudou: Malek, Midorikawa: Akhdar (the literal translation of Green) and the team was named Eagels throughout the whole thing. Oh Rococo was named Tayseer and they made him evil.
2) What motivated you to first start the book and Why? By Melodic_Star
I saw alot of one-shot books and I though "Hey! Why not start my own?" Though my real motivation was Inazuma11Fangirl3923 (she encourged me to make an rp book which I never published mire but guess my mind linda stirred her encourgment to this book) and your own book!!
3) Who is your favourite Inazuma Eleven character as well as Inazuma Eleven Go character and why? By Purplepuppy14
Inazuma Eleven: Fudou Akio
I like him because I can kind of relate to him, when I first broke out of my depression and realised I'm worth something I wanted revenge on my bullies and acted exactly like him, took me awhile to realise I became no different than the people I despise.
Inazuma Eleven Go: Kirino Ranmaru.
I like him because he's thoughtful and kind, also the way he got self-consious reminded me of myself and it reminded me in the moment I needed the most the people can get self-consious from time to time no matter how wonderful they are.
4) If you had to choose between going naked or having your thoughts appear in thought bubbles above your head for everyone to read, which would you choose? By gashunmi
Going naked, I'd prefer to keep my thoughts to myself as they're not acceptable in my country, you can't support LGBTQ+ in here without receiving disgusted looks... also I wouldn't want anyone to steal my story ideas even if I don't write them most of the time.
5) Which Fubuki twin would be better for Me? By Fubuki_SnowWarrior
I feel as if Shirou would be better for you as he is a soft spoken person and very understanding unlike Atsuya who might unintentionally hurt your feelings or could be a little selfish. Though honestly both are good.
6) Which country do you live in? By Fubuki_SnowWarrior
Jordan, it's near the red sea, it contains the dead sea, and we also have Petra.
There we're done! I hope you enjoyed even though you probably skipped.
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