He Yells At You (Requested)

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Hi! I am back with another request! This request was made by the amazing Highlow123423 ! I am so excited to write this! 

I hope you enjoy!

Y/n/n-Your Nickname

Let's gooooooooo!

Louis~Your POV! (Age 4)

Today Louis and I were going to see a movie. 

He promised me that it was just going to be us today! 

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night last night to go potty. When I walked past Louis's room, his door was open.

He was still up and looked frustrated. But I just kept walking, the clock said 3:58 am. 

I just shrugged it off and went back to bed.

Today I woke up really early, like 10 am early!

I walked downstairs and saw Louis at the table absentmindedly drinking coffee. 

I yelled, "GOOD MORNING LOUIS!" He sighed and said, "Y/n, quiet."

I smiled and grabbed a candy bar for breakfast. Before I could even open it he snatched it up and yelled, "Geez Y/n! You are so annoying, I swear you are the most needy person. I can't deal with you today!"

I stepped back, I felt tears coming to my eyes.

His face softened after he processed what happened. He took a step towards me, and I took 2 back.

I turned and ran to my room. I tried so hard to get away, but Louis was faster.

He picked me up and I tried to get away. He stopped me and said, "Y/n! I am so sorry, I was up late and that's not an excuse. I am sorry, how about that candy for breakfast?"

Niall~Your POV! (Age 7)

"Wow, second grade is hard." I told my mom while walking into the house. 

I had to give a play today and I forgot one of my lines. It was just for the school, but still.

She laughed and took my backpack. I didn't have any homework today so I didn't need my backpack.

I walked into the living room and saw Ni on the couch. I smiled and sat next to him, "Hi Niall."

He sighed but didn't answer. I started to watch the golf on the TV, occasionally glancing at Niall. 

He seemed like he didn't want to talk so I let him be. His phone rang and he rolled his eyes at the caller.

He answered and answered a sharp, "What?" 

He listened and got angrier by the second. He finally cut the person off and yelled, "Well, that isn't my fault. I have a lot to do as well! Bye." He threw his phone and I gasped.

He looked down and saw the fear in my eyes.

I shrunk into the couch and he sat down beside me.

He pulled me into a hug and said, "I'm sorry Y/n/n, I was just having a bad day. Now, that you're home, tell me about your day."

Liam~Your POV! (Age 3)

Today my big brother was coming back from his job. 

My mommy said he went on a thing called a tour?...

But we were waiting at the airport and a bunch of girls were there. 

I was on my mommy's phone when a bunch of girls started screaming. I looked up and saw 4 boys come over to us. We were sitting with the rest of the band's families too!

My sister leaned over and whispered, "There's Liam! Your big brother!"

When he left for tour I was still 2, so I didn't really remember him.

Liam turned around and yelled, "Welcome home everybody!" The whole crowd went crazy.

He was scary to me. He was taller, muscular, and just bigger than I remembered.

He came over and hugged my mom. He high-fived my sisters really hard! They gasped and laughed, "Always getting us with those hard high-fives!" He laughed and looked at me.

"Y/n!" He yelled. I wasn't used to all the yelling. I scooted closer to Ruth and hide behind her arm.

Liam pouted and said, "Y/n, don't be scared. It's just me, your big brother."

I nodded and he gave me a hug. I can definitely get used to him being home!

Harry~Your POV! (Age 5)

I sighed as I sat at the dinner table. Harry was still making dinner and I was basically dying.

Even though I ate a snack like 10 minutes ago, I was still dying.

I whined and said, "Hazza! I need food!"

He sighed, "I'm getting it Y/n." 

I sighed again and he just rolled his eyes.

Ever since his "lucky socks" went missing, he has been in a sour mood.

I played with my fingers and looked around.

I was at Harry's today. I usually was at my house when I saw him, but he was watching me today. 

I got up and walked past the stove to the cabinet. I decided I would help set the table. 

He smiled and said, "Thank you Y/n, be careful though."

I nodded and balanced 2 glass plates in my hands. I almost slipped but caught myself.

Harry went to the fridge to get milk when i fell. 

Not only did I drop the plates and break them, I grabbed the handle to the pot of mac and cheese and pulled it to the ground.

The cooking noodles were now all over the ground...Not cooking.

He gasped and yelled, "Y/n! Why are you so clumsy?! I knew I should have stopped you, but I didn't! Just go to your room!"

I ran up to my room and cried on my bed.

After what seemed like forever, Harry came into my room. I gasped and cried even more.

He sighed and pulled me into his arms and shushed me. He whispered, "Shhh, I'm sorry, you're ok."

I hope you like it! Thanks for reading, bye!

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