He Likes Your Twin Better

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Hi! This was requested by Hazzessed !

Sorry for the little technical difficulty and here we go! I hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!

Harry-Your POV! (15)

I smiled as I looked at the calendar. Today was the day Harry would finally be coming home from tour.

It was currently 9:33 am and I was drowning in anticipation because Harry's plane doesn't land until 2:30 pm.

My twin, y/t/n, was at a friend's house and wasn't coming home until 5:30ish.

My mom was pretty mad about that but she brushed it off.

I wasn't going to the airport because it was too chaotic.

Harry requested that only mom and dad would go, he doesn't like to put us in the spotlight.

He always says, "My lifestyle shouldn't have a everlasting effect on your lifestyle. I want you to do whatever you want to do and my career shouldn't influence that."

Harry has always been down to Earth.

Harry and I hadn't talked much while he was on tour which was upsetting but now that he's home I can make up for all that.

I decided to kill some time by watching YouTube and finding various ways to entertain myself.

I heard the door open and I checked the time. It was 3:00 pm and I bolted downstairs.

You guess it! Harry stood with his bags in the foyer and was smiling.

You could tell he was happy to be home.

I yelled, "Harry! You're home!"

He smiled and walked over and gave me a hug.

"Hey y/n/n, it's been a while. How's my sister been?"

I smiled, "Good, and I can't wait to catch up!"

He smiled and looked around, Gemma noticed, "Looking for something Harry?"

He nodded, "Where y/t/n?"

My mom pitched in, "She's at a friend's, she will be home later."

He sighed, "Oh ok. Well how about linner? I'm starved!"

"Linner?" I questioned. "Linner, lunch and dinner combined."

I nodded, "Got it."

~Time skip to 5:45~

My mom made her famous spaghetti. It took a while to make but it was all worth it.

Y/t/n walked in the door, and yelled, "Harry! I'm home!"

Harry jumped up from the couch and ran to her. He picked her up in a hug and spun her around.

Wait. Why is he that excited to see her? He didn't do that to me..

Does he like my twin more than me?!

Well whatever, I'll lean more towards Gemma.

Before he went on tour, we were so close.

Now what...

~3 weeks later~

It has been 3 weeks since Harry came home. Him and my twin have been hanging out so much.

They are basically conjoined twins. They spend that much time together.

I've become VERY close to Gemma.

I don't think Harry has noticed because he's been spending so much time with y/t/n.

He walked into my room while I was on my laptop.

"Hey y/n/n, y/t/n and I are going out for ice cream, want to come?"

I mumbled, "Wow you actually remembered about me."

It wasn't meant for him to hear but of course he did.

"You think I forgot about you? I never could."

I rolled my eyes, and he sat down on my bed.

"What do you mean? You keep hanging out with y/t/n and never with me. I missed you so much and you just didn't seem to be excited to see me.."

He sighed, "Y/n, I love you so much, you and Gemma seem so close and I didn't want to ruin that. I miss you and I thought you forgot about me."

I laughed, "I guess it was just a miscommunication."

He nodded, "Now how about that ice cream?.."

I hope you loved it! The other boys will be up later!

Love y'all!


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