You Get Arrested (Requested)

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Hey! I know it's been a long while since I last posted! I have been busy with school and another one of my book has gotten many requests!

So sorry for my absence!

I have another request from the lovely Jenniferbirch79 ! She has requested so much and she is amazing for that!

She is also super nice and sweet!

So go show her some love and here we go!

Jennifer's POV!

I swear, this wasn't my fault.

I didn't mean for all this to happen.

I was, what do they say?

Ah, yes!

I was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I am currently sitting in a jail cell, now yeah..

You read that right. I haven't used my one call yet...I think I'm going to call Louis.

Well, here's what happened..

*Flashback to 3 hours earlier*

"Hey Jenno! I'm so glad you came!" My friend said. I smiled, "Yeah! I managed to convince my parents to let me come!"

The most popular kid in school was having a party.

You see, I wasn't really invited this party. I am just a +1.

My friend got invited so she felt bad that I wasn't..

Now, I know, it sounds sad and like she is just doing it out of pity.

But, she reassured me that she was glad to invite me!

"Hey, let's get the drinks pouring!" Some kid yelled.

Everyone screamed and the DJ went crazy.

This kid, who was the host, was crazy rich.

As cliche as it sounds, but his parents weren't home.

Long story, short my friend got completely wasted. Now, for me, I didn't touch a drink. Louis would be mad and since he doesn't exactly know I'm here...Well, you get the idea.

People started getting completely wasted and things got a bit crazy.

Kids were throwing things everywhere and the party went to the front lawn.

The cops got called and they tried to catch everyone they could. Most kids were either driven home, if they were lucky, or taken to the police station.

I, personally, wasn't in that much trouble. Since I was completely sober, they said that someone just had to come pick me up.

They wouldn't mark it in my permanent record, but it would be remembered. If it happened again, it would be worse.

Now, in real time, I'm debating if I should call Lou or not.

"Miss, are you ready for your one call or.." I nodded, it's now or never.

I picked up the phone and dialed Louis's number.

It rang 3 times and I was pretty sure he wasn't going to answer.

But before the call ended, I heard, "Hello?"

I sighed, "Hey Lou.." I trailed off.

"Jenno, why are you calling from the police station?"

I sucked in a breath, "Well, I technically got arrested..."

He gasped, "What?! Jennifer! How dare you?!"

I looked down, "I'm sorry Louis, it's really not my fault!"

He sighed, "How is it not your fault?! You just don't magically end up in jail for no reason!"

"Just please come get me, my bail is only $5.." He sighed, "Fine."

He hung up and I thanked the officer for my call.

I waited about 20 minutes until Louis got there.

And boy, he did not look happy.

"Thank you officer, I promise this will not happen again."

He looked at me and glared, "Let's go."

We got in the car and he said, "Start talking."

This is going to be a long night....

I hope you enjoyed! Thank you so much for reading and please go show some love to Jennifer!

Love y'all!


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