//A:N// This chap will be explanatory mostly, also a filler I guess, so it might be a bit dull. It will be important though and will link to the one Im going to be making soon after this chap is done, so I'll be working double time with the fics soon and am planing a small series on October tenth that I'll start working on after I publish the first chapter of the connected series.
Disclaimer; I own nothing but my ideas.
Naruto smiled wide as he felt the cloth and realized what it was. His ears automatically tried to move into a different position that made them look almost like spikes of his hair if it weren't for their orange tips. He forgot his excitement and pride when his previous bit of uncomfortableness turned to a slight pain instead and he quickly loosened the forehead protector enough for it to land on his neck were he tightened it a bit. Noticing Iruka's confused look he smiled again with an explanatory grin and pointed at his ears, making them move to almost every angle to show the amount of space they needed.
"This way is much more comfy" he said simply and Iruka nodded in understanding
"Whose Jiji?" Iruka asked, getting an annoyed sigh from Naruto.
"Oh yeah, forgot that you don't know that I call him that. I guess it would be more well known and less confusing if I just call him the third." Naruto said in an explaining tone.
"Why doesn't the third not know about this?" Iruka asked bewildered
"Simple, I never told him." Was Naruto's overly calm reply, not knowing that it had already been known.
"Why wouldn't you tell him?!" Iruka was getting a bit loud again but Naruto wasn't as close this time so it was bearable.
"He never asked" Naruto replied simply. It was true, he never did ask him anything. Except for a few questions that sounded suspiciously like an interrogation but Naruto always played his cards right.
"But you should have told him anyway!" 'Wouldn't anyone tell the authorities when it came to something like this?' Iruka thought bewildered
"But then I would have to explain how I have them and that would lead to explaining the other things associated with it." Naruto explained
"Other things?" Iruka asked slightly suspicious.
"For example, my bloodlines-"
"You said it as a plural Naruto"
"I know, my clan, my species, my relationship with Kuru, and how it is possible for me to have over a hundred siblings, though none of us have the same parents."
"Over a hundred...?"
"We'll explain it later, for now, we should give them the scroll back and get you actually looked at by people who do it to get paid to by the hospital." Naruto said as his features went back to normal and he hid his wings by his orange jacket. The second he did though, three Anbu landed nearby.
"Uzumaki Naruto, you are herby being taken into see Ibiki, do not resist." One said threateningly
"Isn't it protocol to give me a choice first? I get to choose to surrender and talk to the old man or to resist and then go to Ibiki, or die while trying to run. Either way, I won't resist. May I see the Third now?" Naruto asked while maintaining an air innocence and respect. Taken aback by the sudden change of character, the Anbu in the lead was at a loss for words.
"Of course Naru, will you hand us the scroll first?" An Anbu with a dog mask asked with a slight bored undertone that he knew always put the blonde at ease and reminded him that he knew him. It seemed to have worked as Naruto's posture lost the stiffness and his shoulders sagged just barely. With a nod, Naruto went to the large scroll, picked it up, and handed it to the Anbu. He recognized two of them almost instantly as two of the frequent people that would guard him when he was first given an apartment to live in and smiled at the two lightly. He could feel there chakra become a little bit more light and taste a bit sweeter and feel a tad bit warmer when it mixed with their auras of soul waves and their separate spirits, along with other things. It took a bit of self control and will power to not pass out right then and there when the adrenaline finally left his system. He was a little bit dizzy and his headache had worsened a bit but he was fine other wise. He needed an excuse to get this over with quickly though and his thoughts went back to his newest precious person, Iruka.
"Can we hurry this up a bit please? Iruka needs medical attention." He said adding a hint of concern in his voice. Dog and cat noticed this and led them all to the hokage tower medical wing. Once Iruka was mostly healed they continued to the Third's office.
The Third was dealing with what all high ranked ninjas most feared and powerful enemy; paper work, when they came in to see an odd sight. Sarutobi was glaring at his paper work with a murderous glare that would be terrifying to see or receive on a normal basis, but the fact that he was glaring at a mere stack of papers was funny enough to get a chuckle from the group, though Naruto was all out laughing his ass off. Naruto's loud laughing caught the attention of Sarutobi and he looked up to them.
"Ah Naruto, I was wondering when you would get here. I think it is time for you and I to have a little talk." He said as calmly as possible as he had almost received a heart attack when he watched the battle go down from the crystal ball like instrument. Let it be said that he was a tad more than a little bit angry when he found out of Mixuki's actions and had gained a headache and a sweat drop when he heard why he wasn't informed on the subject.
"Sure but can it wait for tomorrow? Iruka needs rest first and you have work to do" 'and I am going to drop to the floor pretty soon.' He kept the last part to himself as the corners of his vision were black and he felt beyond exhausted. Sarutobi must have agreed on the paperwork part as a nock was heard on the door and someone opened it with a huge stack of paperwork to add to the other pile already on his desk.
"But isn't he going to be punished for stealing the scroll!?" The Anbu a Naruto didn't recognize asked, though it sounded more like a demand.
"I saw the whole ordeal through my crystal ball. Naruto was tricked into stealing it and therefore, doesn't get punished."
"Wait...what ever happened to a Mizuki?" Iruka suddenly asked
"Oh yeah...forgot about him during the rush to get here...whoops! He's knocked unconscious by the area were you picked us up dog-san, cat-san, Anbu san." Naruto said with a nervous chuckle.
"Iruka was hurt so we had to get here fast, ya know?" With an amused shake of his head, the dog masked Anbu left in a swirl of leaves and was followed by his two companions. Once they were gone, Sarutobi cleared his throat.
"So, how about you two come here tomorrow and we can discuss this matter with some others that should know what is going on?" Sarutobi asked. Naruto's head suddenly gave a quick jerk upwards and he spun a round towards the bookshelf with a hard look on his features.
"Naruto, wha-" Iruka began
"I know you are there" Naruto said with his glare never wavering from the bookshelf. An Anbu with the ROOT symbol on his mask stepped from behind it.
"Excuse me, but if this meeting will have sensitive information about Konoha's jinchuriki, then Danzo-sama should be made aware of it and should attend. Also, how is it that the Kyuubi jinchuriki knew of my presence and location?"
"I can sense a person is there with out looking for just chakra. You may be able to suppress your chakra completely but your heart is still beating and you still have an aura. Plus your interest peeked while Jiji was talking and I sensed it." He explained earning two surprised and confused looks.
"I'll explain it all tomorrow, I don't want to have to do it more than once." Naruto stated before turning to Jiji and asking one thing
"can I go now?" He received a nod and left the the building.
When Naruto got outside he wasn't surprised to see it to be about midnight. He headed straight for home and ignored the hungry growls his stomach made. He was hungry, but the second he thought of food, his stomach did a sickening flip.
'Food can wait for tomorrow, I think something is wrong with me, Kuru?'
"You are getting a fever, Kit" Kuruma said softly to the sleepy and sick kitsune Hybrid
"if you were human you would have passed out hours ago. Instead your immune system is just rather low and now you've picked up some bug because of it." She continued
"This is a stronger sickness than a normal fever so it will bounce back after a little while, but at least you should be good for tomorrow." Naruto was glad it was so late now because the were less people out. Less people, less harassment. When he got to his apartment, he unlocked it and went inside. Re-locking it behind him, he threw off his jacket/jumpsuit when he felt something warm sweep through him and instantly passed out.
The reason he had passed out was Kuru's pleasant and warm chakra came into his system in rather large amounts through his chakra system. Kuruma face pawed at her lack of care, the moment she went to ease his sore muscles and have him relax while temporary getting rid of whatever sickness that was in his system, she had been careless and flooded him with her chakra in a gentle and soothing wave.
'Ok, that was dumb on my part.' Kuruma thought to herself
'flood a wave of chakra into the chakra exhausted Kitsubasa wasn't smart, but it'll do the job, at least.' With that, she quickly went at work.
When Naruto woke up he could still feel Kuruma's chakra going through his chakra system into his chakra network and therefore, his body. He loved it when he was surrounded in the chakra of the official alpha of his pack, of his clan. He stayed still and stayed in a sleep like state were he was awake and aware, but still resting. His consciousness faded in and out in a blissful blur. He noticed that the amount of chakra she was sending him had gone down to the point of it being a gentle and constant stream. He then checked himself for anything he should be aware of.
'Soreness? Gone, headache? Gone, chakra exhaustion? Gone and I feel like I ate all of the chakra she was wasting. Any more info that I need to know about? Nope, ooh! I just remembered my clone's training! I can do so many awesome jutsu now! Gotta try out later. What am I doing today? Oh right, tell them everything about what I am and shit. Speaking of shit, what am I going to do?! Am I going to really have to explain everything to them? Or is there a loophole?...who else am I explaining it to though? Just Jiji and Iruka sensai? Probably going to do it for my joninn instructed guy too...wonder who I'll get?' Naruto thought before he realized that the chakra had stoped oozing in large amounts and the tiny drips of multiple chakra sources (including Kuruma's) started to come through again.
"Morning Kit, how long have were you awake?" Kuruma asked in a quiet tone as not to startle the newly awaken kitsune.
'Been up for a while' he answered
'though, I was kinda half asleep for a while though, too. Hey Kuru? What will I do wh-' Naruto was interrupted by a crash from the window beside his bed, a rock having been thrown through, sending glass shards everywhere, a few either grazing or slicing into him were they stuck in his skin and cloths. Naruto gave a startled and pained yell. The rock read "the" on it and Naruto suddenly leapt off the bed as rocks of varying sizes smashed through his window, completely breaking it.
Naruto's ears and tails glowed dully before disappearing and he tightened his wings to his back. Glass was everywhere and it hurt to walk. The scent of his blood hit his nose as he heard the happy cheers and laughing from outside his apartment in the street. Naruto was on the third and highest floor so it took a bit more extra force to throw them in the window. He waited for the laughs and happy chit chat to quiet before checking if they had left before walking over to sit where eight rocks sat on his bed with a pile of glass.
Naruto made five clones appear and they did as they knew to do without needing to be told to do so. The female omega carefully picked out all of the pieces of glass from the original while the male omega (calling them omega F and omega M from now on) looked for something to use in place of bandages as they had used them all up on Iruka and never got the cloth bandages back from him. Settling on using the ones from his own wounds as they had almost been healed. He then walked back to the original Naruto and set down the bandages and went to the bathroom for the sowing needle and thread. He then returned and set that down too and helped Omega F remove the rest of the remaining glass from the original who was trying not to flinch, wince, or fidget through the painful process. They found no wound to bad for home made stitches so they wrapped the bandages around his neck were there was a large cut that was oozing blood at a decent rate. It would heal quick enough though so stickers were not in order. Beta and Alpha had finished picking up all of the pieces of glass and had put them in a nice little bowl and was placed on Naruto's bed.
'Great, now I'm going to have to pay for a new window too. Should probably set the alarm system up soon though...I can do that later. For now, I have to get ready to explain this all to Jiji and Iruka...and probably my Jonin instructor, then there's Danzo, the elders, and anyone else who decides they have the right to know about me. It's going to be a long day.'
"Hey boss, if your going to go do stuff today, won't you need that bandage around your neck all day? I thought that when we go, our stuff that puffed here with us puffs back." Beta said in a confused tone. That hadn't crossed any of the other Naruto's minds so far and were also confused after realization set in.
"Well then," Boss Naruto started "how about guy Omega stays when the rest of you goes puff and turns into something else?" He offered
"Just call me Omega M k?" Omega M asked
"Why would you want to be called Omega M K?" Alpha asked
"K as in ok you smart ass!" He snapped back in a very un Naruto way, a few minutes of silence ensuing immediately afterwards.
"Well..." Omega M started awkwardly "I could shift into our chibi fox form, the one we're if you do it right you can look like a scarf." He offered
"What's that shift called again?" Naruto Alpha asked. He received a look that said "your shitting me right?".
"Were the same person, you should know this if I do." He stated in a deadpan way
"but... I think that it's called 'modern day camouflage Kitsune' or 'fox scarf', something like that." He answered.
"Kitsune Scarf" they heard a deep voice correct them. The original thanked her before turning back to Omega M.
"Good idea, Omega M, can you turn into fo-Kitsune scarf form now?" He asked and corrected himself. Omega M obliged with the request and began to glow a dull shade of mixing colors ranging from red to blue. He shifted his form to a small fox with one very long tail. Whenever they turn into this form, they only ever have one tail for the disguise but it was extremely long and could wrap around Naruto at least three times.
" If you are going to have a clone with you all day then may I posses that clone and shift him into me?" Kuruma asked, excited.
"How do we do that?" Omega F asked confused wondering what the Male Omega shadow cone would do to be possessed.
"Just don't fight me when you feel funny, Omega Kit clone." She responded kindly as she sent some soul filled chakra to Omega M Naruto. His blue eyes turned red and all of his fur became a red orange. It physically changed into her in every way. She kept on the original Naruto's shoulder were she sat and wrapped her long tail around his neck and made herself look like a scarf. Naruto straightened up and looked at tech rest of his clones.
"You know..." she began
"there IS a better way to tell them what you are with ought you actually having to say anything." She said and Naruto looked at the fox on his shoulder
"How?" He asked out loud and Kuruma focused on something until a few hard cover books materialized along with a few scrolls. Naruto looked at her questionably.
"Just seal those somewhere you can bring them around with you." She said before closing her eyes and taking a nap. The Narutos rolled their (his?) eyes at her laziness before getting back to the other tasks.
"Ok, Alpha, seal all of our belongings that we don't want ruined, Beta please start making breakfast and Omega F check for any more pieces of glass." Boss Naruto ordered and most of them rushed off to do there designated jobs. Alpha looked around before turning back to Boss Naruto.
"I don't see much we need to seal other than our knew info, those can go in the scroll seal, but we do need a couple new seals cuz these ones don't qualify for the stuff the ones we already have are assigned to hold." Alpha said. In response, Boss Naruto unsealed his sealing set-composed mostly of stolen implements-which was an ink pen and a bottle of chakra absorbent ink that he had swiped from a store a while ago. He handed these things to Alpha and extended his arm and waited for the other him to be ready and to give him his orders.
"Ok, focus your chakra now please?" It was odd to be talking to himself but he channeled chakra anyway and pushed his chakra to make all of the other seal show nicely so that Alpha wouldn't accidentally overlap any of them and ruin them. With swift and gentle strokes, Alpha had three more seals to add to the collection already on Naruto's arms. One was just above his wrist, this one was to seal his seals, one on his upper arm just below the shoulder and was meant to hold his valuables that he didn't wan to leave in his apartment were it could be lost, stollen, or destroyed. The last one was to hold anything like contracts, money, treasure he gets when shoplifting, and after Kuruma told him about raiding missions, a seal on his elbow.
When Alpha was done he sealed the ink in his own seal and puffed away. The seals tingled with chakra as they settled in his skin. The ink slowly became transparent, signaling that it was done, and he was handed (tossed from the other room) a towel to wipe it off. He cleaned the ink and channeled chakra into his arm and saw, in all their glory, all of his seals.
Each one was as small as they could safely be with ought a possible failing seal and were about the size of a large quarter with very skinny lines. They faded away and he stood up, ruffling his feathers before slipping on his second favorite jacket. It was his favorite because it gave him a dobe appearance that helped his persona among other reasons. There was a slight tingle were one of his seals were and smiled.
"Ok, I know Alpha is gone so who did that?" He asked, Omega F looked at him from over his shoulder with a bright smile.
"It's the mask that Kaka-san gave us that one time!" She chirped happily, Naruto smiled at the reminder of the first form of kindness he had ever received from a human being.
Naruto had, by then, learned how to use his mixed instincts productively since he had been thrown out of the orphanage and had since earned the title as 'The Street Fox" rather than a street rat because, rather than begging for food and money that would never come, he had learned to
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