This is going to have a cuss word or two.
Disclaimer; Me no own it
"Demon talk"
"Normal talk"
"Other language"
'Thinking/telepathic talking
"Hello Naruto, I have a deal for you." Mizuki said with a smirk, this had gone just according to plan.
"What do you want?" Naruto asked with a slight growl as he knew he had been sabotaged by this man, this traitor,
'too bad he isn't an official betrayal yet, can't kill him.'
"Well, I was worried about you" he lied
"Iruka was going a little bit hard on you there-"
"When are you people not?" Naruto asked sarcastically.
"-but he actually cares about you and doesn't want you to get hurt, the life of a ninja is dangerous after all." Mizuki continued, unfazed by the interruption.
"If he cared about me, he would have passed me." 'If he had cared, he wouldn't have set me up to fail with those excuse rules.'
"Tell you what, there is a way you can still yet become a genin!" He said with false optimism, hoping to pull the blonde into his trap.
"Really?! How!" Naruto said with a renewed smile and excitement that he hadn't felt in days.
"You just need to do something for little me, a little task." Mizuki answered with an evil smirk that went unnoticed by the cheering blonde.
~time skip~
Sarutobi was stuck in the council room as he listened to the civilians yapping about how the demon had failed and what to do with him.
"He needs to be trained to be useful for the leaf!" Yelled a civilian in a dress kimono.
"I say Danzo does it, seeing as he can actually get the job done." He continued with a hint of distain.
"He is a member of Konoha. He should be allowed to live a normal life." Shikaku said, muttering a "troublesome" afterwards.
"He is the nine tails Jinchuriki, the demon itself! He needs to be our weapon and we all must see to it that he becomes what he is needed to be." One of Sarutobi's advisors said.
"Enough, Naruto has never done anything to harm this village and therefor, cannot be punished."Sarutobi finalized. The moment he finished however, the door was burst open as Mizuki quickly ran in front of Sarutobi.
"What is the meaning of this?! We were in the middle of an important meeting!" A member of the civilian council with pink hair yelled, infuriated that someone had the gal to interrupt so rudely unannounced in an important meeting.
"Forgive my suddenness Lord Third, but" he paused for a moment for effect and pretended to catch his breath "Uzumaki Naruto has stollen the forbidden Jutsu scroll and ran." Sarutobi thought for a moment and nodded
"We will have to send a search party. Tell them to capture Naruto and retrieve the scroll. Uzumaki Naruto is not to be hurt, understood?" Sarutobi said
'Naruto, why would you steel the scroll? Just what is going on here? I need to look into this, lest my efforts to achieve the perfect weapon be wasted.'
"Mizuki, I want you to go and retrieve all of the files on Uzumaki Naruto." He instructed
"What about his school work? Do those count?" Mizuki asked, worried.
"No, just his scores and the written notes about his behavior that all of the teachers do on the students." He replied. Mizuki quickly turned away and dashed out of the room. Once he was out of sight however, a victorious smirk crossed his features.
"Faze two" he muttered
~with Naruto~
Naruto had just gone to the spot he was told to go to by Mizuki and was wondering were to start. Looking through the scroll, he found one that could assist him greatly: the Kage Bunshin. After reading what it said about the jutsu and how to perform it he began using the needed hand signs, landing on a cross one he hadn't yet learned in the academy.
'Must not be one of the twelve basics.' He thought as five exact replicas of him came into existence.
"Wow, nice job boss! Five is good! Five is very good!" One clone yelled excitedly.
"This is so cool!" The original exclaimed loudly.
"hey, do you guys feel? Are you real?" He continued as he poked the one closest to him. It puffed out of existence almost instantly.
"Five was good but, we need to work on making us all stronger, we should be able to take about two or three kicks or so." Another clone said and demonstrated this by kicking the one next to him, who puffed out of existence.
"That's all good to work on and all but, wait, I remember what the other clones saw!"another said and the real Naruto's eyes widened in realization as he too remembered.
"Ok, we could use that to our advantage with studying but, for now, we need to come up with code names or something. I can't just call you all "clone", it's too confusing!" The original said with a slight whine.
"Well, we could call you boss, one of us alpha, one beta, and all the others omega, like a pack." One reasoned
"That could work out, I think I'm a beta!" Beta cried happily. An extra clone later and they all got to work on naming themselves. It ended up with two omegas (one turned into female) and went to work on training. The omegas looked at the scroll before turning to boss Naruto.
"It would be a waste to just learn one boss-" one started
"-We should learn all of them!" The other one announced
"How 'bout you guys copy all of the jutsu on some scrolls?" Boss Naruto said as he handed them a few scrolls and all of the other needed material. The two nodded, quickly going to work on copying the scroll word for word.
While those two did that, Boss Naruto made as many clones as he could. The entire area was quickly flooded with clones and it looked almost like a sea of orange. He separated them all into ten groups of twenty and had them all work on different things like chakra control and some of the jutsu he saw in the scroll but one group he had fight him all at once. Each group had one alpha per group all members of said groups working swiftly. After about an hour or two, Naruto noticed that this was close to his favorite spot in the forest and decided to leave this spot.
"Hey boss," an omega started as he too was thinking about the area
"Do you think we should stop for today? Mizuki sensei will be coming for us soon." He reasoned, Naruto nodding.
"OK EVERYONE!" He yelled to the different groups
"I think that was enough for today, puff out in a couple minutes, I think I will go for a walk...I'll bring the scrolls." He was handed about ten different skinny scrolls and the one huge one. He sealed the skinny ones into a seal he drew on the inner side to his arm were he could use it easily to hold all of his stuff so it could never be lost, broken, or stolen. The last one was carried by two of the alpha clones. As they were walking, they suddenly stopped when all of the other clones dispersed at once, making the only two remaining clones puff out of existence from an information overload and the chakra exhausted Naruto fall to the ground by a large tree root.
All of the info, the memories those clones had, and all of the extra chakra from them had flooded his body and mind, it was far too much. His chakra coils had somehow grown when his clones were using up his chakra and now he just shoved extra chakra in them, forcing them to expand. His uneven and heavy breaths being heard from a good distance around him as he tried to process everything but found that unconsciousness was pulling him hard. He was forced to stop trying to process it all and instead focused on trying to stay awake until he could show either of his two senseis what he could do and pass. Becoming an actual ninja was top priority after all and he didn't want to take any risks for his carrier.
"Naruto! There you are!" Iruka yelled and Naruto felt relief that he could soon go to sleep and rest. Iruka, however, had different plans in mind.
~with Iruka about an hour or two ago~
"Finally done" Iruka said as class had just been dismissed and everyone, including the fellow teacher Mizuki, had already left. He had been cleaning up the room and going through the tests to look for one in particular, feeling guilt and the need to reestablish the fact that Naruto's failure was not of his fault but couldn't find it. He checked again, same result. We're was it?
He started to look around the room around the blondes desk, but still didn't see the test. He finally found it crumpled up in the trash can and turn up into pieces. Shocked, he carefully took all of the scraps of paper from the otherwise empty trash can. He looked at all of the scraps and set them all down feeling more confused than ever.
'Why is this thrown away? It doesn't even look graded!" He was interrupted by Mizuki entering the room with a smug look on his face that he quickly hid with a frown.
"What's wrong Mizuki?" Iruka asked as his childhood friend as he went through the papers and took out all of the observation taken on Naruto from both of them.
"Naruto stole the forbidden jutsu scroll and no one knows where he ran off to. I was asked to get all of the papers with his name on them to the third." Mizuki answered before taking notice of what Iruka was doing.
"What?!" He yelled, horrified
"Why would he do that?! Just because he isn't a just makes no sense." He calmed down some and turned his eyes towards the scraps of paper still on his desk and sealed them into a small scroll before handing it to Mizuki
"Here, if you're taking all of the papers with his name on it...than that would include this" he said before turning around to the door of the room and practically running out.
"Wait! We're are you going!" Mizuki demanded, fearing his plans to be in jeopardy.
"To find Naruto!" He called back before closing the door and dashing into the thick forest.
~back with Naruto~
A wide grin filled Naruto's face as he found some renewed energy, quickly sitting up and waving at Iruka.
"Hey Iruka! I finally found you!" Naruto yelled excitedly.
"I was the one who found you! I've been looking for you for almost an hour!" He yelled back
"Oh yeah, hehe" Naruto laughed a little embarrassed
"sorry Sensei, I know Mizuki Sensei said to be over by that old twisted tree and stuff but...this area right here seemed more ideal to rest after training for it ya know?" Naruto asked as he stood up on weak legs and supported himself a bit on the large tree behind him.
'Maybe I should have toned down the training...' He thought as he was staring to regret the insane physical workout he gave himself while his clones worked on jutsu. Iruka noticed Naruto's exhaustion and took note of the blondes behavior.
"...Naruto, why did you take the forbidden scroll?" He asked demandingly with a hint of worry.
"For the secrete way to pass the test!" Naruto said, ignoring the confusion in Iruka's face.
"Secret way to pass?" Iruka asked slowly, unsure of whether he had heard right
"Who told you that?"
"Mizuki Sensai did of course. He said to get this big scroll and learn one of the jutsu in it by there." He gestured towards the large scroll that was now in his arms, than the area a bit off to the left
"When I was done I was tired, so I came here for a bit, so, how do we do this? Do I show you the jutsu or something?" Iruka was off in his own world though, deep in thought. Something finally clicked in his mind and looked up again.
"Mizuki told you to bring this here?" He asked. Suddenly, Mizuki jumped from the trees and unto the ground. He looked from Naruto's confused face to Iruka's widened eyes. He then looked back to Naruto and put his hand out towards him.
"Naruto, I will take that scroll now please." He said in a demanding voice that hid his glee and shock. Glee at his plan working and shock for Iruka being there.
'Oh well' he thought calmly
'This just means I have to kill Iruka too.' Naruto took a step forward with the large scroll in his arms.
"Naruto stop! Do not give Mizuki that scroll!" Iruka yelled earning a startled yelp from the blonde not even two feet away from him.
"What was that for!" Naruto cried as he tried to rub away the pain in his hypersensitive ears but realized his hands were full.
"Mizuki tricked you into stealing the scroll! Don't give it to him!" Naruto was now backing away from both of his senseis that were yelling at him about the scroll. Mizuki to give it to him, Iruka to give it to himself. Naruto's ears were ringing by now and tears started to form in his eyes as the pain in his ears added to the soreness in his muscles, the headache he had from all of the information he refused to process for now because it would nock him out, the odd feeling of strong hunger he always got when low on chakra, and the strong confusion that quickly turned to fear as he subconsciously compared this to 'mob time' as he so called it.
His breath starting to speed up when his back touched the tree he had used as a support for himself just minutes ago as fear and instinct were starting to cloud his thinking. By the time his quick breathing was almost hyperventilating, instinct and fear had become strong enough for him to run around Iruka and make a dash for it, He was pulled out of his escape by being pushed to the ground quickly and a sound of clothing and flesh being cut into by something big and sharp.
Something warm and wet touched his skin as the smell of iron reached his sensitive nose. Looking up to see if his hypothesis was correct, Naruto saw Iruka on all fours above him protectively with a large shuriken lodged into his back, a small bit of blood dripping down the wound and onto Naruto as he tried to get his already overloaded mind to process the knew information as he continued to stare at Iruka with disbelief and horror at what both of his senseis had done.
"Why?" He finally got out
'Why would he safe me? Why didn't he just watch like most would have done? Why put himself in the danger of death?' It made no sense to him.
"B-bcause you and I have a lot in common Naruto. We were both all alone while growing up. Naruto, take the scroll and run, you nee-" Naruto wasted no time on that demand and took off like a bullet, running to the nerarest tree and then jumping to the level with thick, strong branches, running at breakneck speed from branch to branch on all four like an animal. Saddened slightly at how quickly Naruto had left him, Iruka took the shuriken out of his back quickly and carefully and threw it at Mizuki, who dodged the half-hazardously thrown weapon with ease.
"Iruka, let me kill him! The demon doesn't deserve to live! Are you just trying to save him so that you could kill him? Do you seek your lone revenge for your parents death? Is that it?" Iruka didn't answer as he was trying to figure out what to do next. Mizuki took his silence as a regretful yes and laughed before turning to the direction Naruto left in.
"No, I think you will not get to kill the boy all by yourself. The Kyuubi incarnation must die today, it will be my last good deed for this village." He jumped to the branch Naruto had jumped on moments ago and gave chase, he had turned everywhere and finally found Naruto. He henged into Iruka and ran to the branch behind him keeping a little bit of distance between the two.
"Naruto! I got away from Mizuki! Throw me the scroll!"nhe yelled Naruto just whipped around and made a rain of shuriken aimed towards him, a few making there mark on the target, forcing Mizuki to drop the henge.
"How did you know I wasn't Iruka?" He demanded the question as he pulled the five shuriken out of his wounds, suddenly, there was another puff of smoke where Naruto had stood moments prior.
"Because I'm Iruka." He said as he leaned on the huge stem that connected to the branch.
'I'm starting to loose to much blood, I think I can still fight for a little while longer. That should give you some more time, Naruto.' He thought as Mizuki looked at he tired and now weak Iruka before smirking as he had come up with an idea to get Naruto to give himself away. He looked around the area.
"Naruto! I know you can hear me! Do you know why the whole village hates you?!" He yelled so that he would be heard
"Mizuki don't! It's forbidden!" Iruka yelled
'Mizuki wouldn't break the thirds law, would he?' "What are you thinking?!" But he was ignored.
"The Kyuubi was sealed into you and has taken residence in your body! You are the Kyuubi incarnation! You are a murderer! Your very existence is a disgrace to the Fourth!" He continued his rambling. Naruto was hidden on the highest branch he could and was hidden with perfect camouflage. Some of the leaves had turned yellow and orange due to the season. His breathing was still fast and uneven but he had calmed down somewhat, though it was still too loud, one of his hands being placed over his mouth and nose to silence the noise, his other arm holding the heavy scroll and pinning it to his body.
'That's why they all hate me? Because I have Kuru in me? It wasn't even her fault about the night! I always thought they hated me because of me being a kitsune hybrid.' He thought. Naruto was again brought out of his thoughts when Iruka finally decided to speak.
"Your right, Kyuubi is a monster" Naruto felt his heart began to shatter and he was about to run again
"but Naruto isn't the Kyuubi! He is Uzumaki Naruto, not a demon!"
"You are right about one thing at least Iruka, just because Kuru is sealed in me...that doesn't make me a demon, Im a demon because of something else..." Naruto whispered quietly to himself.
"I was going to save you for after I dealt with the demon but, if you are so obsessed with saving that little monster, then you will die with him!" He threw his large shuriken once more. Naruto quickly moved on instinct and was in front of Iruka in an instant. He had removed his orange jacket revealing his black shirt and light yellow wings tipped red and orange. With one powerful flap he had blown the large weapon back to his ex Sensai, using five of his tails to stabilize himself from the force of his own flap. Iruka gave a surprised yelp-like-noise at the sudden appearance and Mizuki gasped at what was in front of him as the giant shuriken lodged itself into a tree. Before him was Naruto in all his glory with his tails, ears, and wings out. His whisker marks were a bit more defined but still in their lines, his canines were slightly sharper and longer than they normally were to the point of fangs and his nails were longer and sharper to the point of razor sharp claws. Naruto's ears pressed to the back of head and gave him a look that said "I'm pissed off" and he gave a low growl.
"You touch my Sensai again, I'll kill you!" He said, starting in a calmly before turning in a yell.
"You? You may be a demon but like that you are weak!" He yelled with an obnoxious dose of pride in his words. The world slowed as Kuruma spoke in his mind and she appeared behind him in her cage.
"Oh this human reeks of Humorous. And just like him he will fall to the ground dead." Kuruma said with a hint of anger
"What do you think, Kit? How does a number five sound?" She asked kindly
'Sleep well?' Naruto mentally asked sarcastically before the him in his mind frowned
'To do a number five there needs to be five people.' He said slowly before it clicked
"You can do all of the multi group attacks you can do. Granted, you can only do certain ones with ought the others but you can now do more than you could do before." She replied before he could vocalize his realization.
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