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~Unknown place, time, and POV~

A small, skinny boy sat in an empty, old dumpster that served as his makeshift home. He did not make a sound and was hardly moving if at all. The boy was deathly skinny, his bones seeable through his old, dirty, and worn down shirt. This is what he had been doing ever since he had been thrown out of the only home he had ever known and was still only a toddler. There was a loud smash like noise nearby, the boy did nothing. His eyes seemed to not register any movement around him and looked almost dead as they stared straight ahead, as if the boy had no hope or will to live. He made no move when a drunken man grabbed him and slammed him on the wall parallel to his sideways dumpster and was about to assault the young boy, though this wouldn't have been the first time this would have ever happened. The boy put up no fight, even if he had the will, he was too weak to defend himself due to a lethal condition of malnutrition and dehydration. When the man had finished his game, one that the boy had grown fairly familiar with, he left him alone again and the boy tried to crawl back to his dumpster, his safe haven. He never made it there as a man with a mask on and some black ninja attire picked the boy up before disappearing in a show of leaves.

~Present time, training ground seven, October 8~

Naruto sat on the bridge, this time right side up so as to not get in trouble again, and sat there waiting for his three teammates. Two days, two days were all that was left before the unspoken torture would begin again.

"This time, this time I can fight back though" Naruto said out loud quietly to himself. He decided not to wait for his teammates to start being productive, deciding to instead stretch his usual limbs and then start brutally fighting a one sided battle with a tree stump. He wasn't using any of his tools or weapons as he forced both bark and wood alike off with strong kicks and fast punches, not stopping until the tree stump suddenly gave way and it's roots tore from the ground, becoming exposed in the dim light of the barely rising sun. Kakashi had told them to come extra early today so that they could do an extra sum of missions before the day let out. The previous day had been spent with doing nothing but training, Kakashi telling me and Sakura to run laps and soar while he taught Sasuke how to tree walk.

'I have time...' Naruto thought, before walking up to the nearest tree that also went on for quite the ways up. Naruto let out a deep breath before attempting to sprint up the tree and shoved a rather large amount of chakra to his feet to get a feel to how much was needed to be used, he was thrown of instantly on contact. Naruto landed on his hands before throwing himself into the air and landing on his feet with ease, a thoughtful expression in his face 'So an over load of chakra in an object repels then huh? Interesting.' He thought but was interrupted by the sound of cracking wood. The base of the tree, the part were he was shot off from, had been completely destroyed. "Timber!!" Naruto yelled to himself jokingly, his inner demons still sleeping, and he shoved an overload into his feet and found himself high in the air, far above the tree top.
He watched as the tree fell to the floor and the dirt settle as he seemed to fall downward in slow motion, as if he was defying gravity. "Ok, I'm bored" he said suddenly after a few more minutes of watching the ground from afar. The moment he said this however, it seemed as though gravity had decided to return to normal and he quickly began falling towards the ground at blazing speeds, landing on his feet with a loud bang as he created a creator on the Earth's surface.

"Looks like someone made a bit of a mess." Kurama suddenly said from inside of Naruto's head

'Gooood MORNIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGG!' Naruto responded in his mind loudly and cheerfully and he could swear that someone had tried to throw something at his mental self.

"Keep it down out there!'' Someone yelled in a grouchy tone

"You might want to fix up the place before everyone else shows up" Kurama said, earning a nod from the blonde. Naruto walked up to the exposed root of the demolished tree and focused on what he wanted it to do. It started moving and lifting itself up right, severed branches reconnecting, and broken branches disappearing from the place they laid to their rightful place, the skate with every fallen leaf. Once the tree was back to normal Naruto walked over to his crater and lowered his hand to the ground before touching it and slowly lifting his arm, the ground rising with him, until it had returned to normal. Naruto dusted off his hands and began walking back to the bridge to wait for his so called team to show up, they had ten more minutes until Naruto would expect them to show after all.

//A:N// I'm alive motha fukas! Decided to take a small.....maybe not so small break from writing, but am back since the tests are about to start, COMMENT

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