Naruto walked through the streets and ignored the harsh glares of those around him, ignoring them all until someone grabbed his wrist, hurting his still sensitive skin.
"Owowowowwow let go!" Naruto said suddenly before yanking his arm from the man's grasp. He froze when he realized who the man was "Iruka-sensei?" He asked
"We were calling your name but you were zoning out and kinda about to walk into a wall Boss." Konohamaru said with slight worry, Iruka was looking at Naruto's clothed arm
"What's wrong with your wrist Naruto?" He asked 'he isn't cutting, he can't be cutting, right?' Naruto rolled up his sleeve to show them the newly opened patch of ruined skin
"wow" Konohamaru said
"What the hell happened?!" Iruka yelled suddenly, causing multiple random people to look at them strangely. One civilian noticed blood and yelled at them before throwing a rock at Naruto, cutting him just above the eye
"Well, gotta run before they get the pitch forks OK BY!!" Naruto yelled before jumping onto the nearest roof and speeding off quickly and stopping when he knew no one was behind him. He rubbed his bleeding wrist and wiped his brow to clean away the blood that dripped down. I decided to jump back down to resume my search, I was grabbed again 'at least it's not my arm' Naruto thought as he looked at his worried ex-teacher. "Sup"
"Naruto, what happened" Iruka said in a demanding tone
"Just a little ninja practice concerning escaping some ninja wire, don't think it was supposed to be that sharp know...practice miscalculations..." Naruto lied, he knew that it was no accident that a Jonin tied him up with a wire meant to hold up, kill, and used to attack enemy. 'At least I got a new weapon to use'
"Are you alright though?" Iruka asked worriedly, Naruto nodded casually
"Yeah, just need some bandages for 'em so that they'll heal without reopening....again" Naruto said, licking some more of the blood away to help clean the wound again as it closed. Iruka watched the wound close with a mix of horror and confusion.
"What are-so the Kyuubi can-" Iruka was at a loss for words, in the end he just decided to shut his mouth.
"I heal fast for multiple reasons, one of them being the fact that I'm an Uzumaki" Naruto answered the unasked question, Iruka made an Oh face 'with the abilities of every branch of my family' Naruto added the last part and kept it to himself, he liked a Iruka but doubted that he would keep his lips sealed if he told him. Iruka gestured for him to follow as he walked back to his house. It was smallish and homie, but nothing to complain about. "So...I don't mind or anything, but why are we at your place again?" Naruto asked while looking around the kitchen, it was the room that he had been brought into after all and was the only space that he could actually see.
"I'll be right back" Iruka said before going into a different room ad out of Naruto's sight. Naruto groaned as he gained a slight headache suddenly and he let his wings become physical again, he had taken off his jacket at the door at Iruka's request and had nothing to cover them, they had to stay hidden. He always had to keep at least one feature out at almost all time, otherwise Naruto would either find himself puking his guts out, get a panic attack, or get a painful migraine. Something about brain signals bouncing back or something. Naruto quickly stretched his large wings out as far as he could in the space before making them fade out of existence.
"Hey Iruka, were'd ya go?" Naruto yelled before realizing that he was not going to be heard, Naruto groaned "I can already feel a migraine coming on, great." He muttered to himself. Kurama stayed silent, she was taking her nap and couldn't help him put on this one either way. Iruka came back into the kitchen with a small medical kit and set it down in the table before opening it and rummaging through its contents, pulling out a few rolls of cloth bandages and setting them on the table for later use. Iruka was watching Naruto with a small look of confusion and surprise from the corner of his eye while still getting out a few items from the emergency kit. By the time he had closed the container, a good portion of part of the table had been covered in medical utensils. There was robbing alcohol, a small sowing kit, and a lot of bandages ranging from type and use, both cloth ones and non cloth. Iruka first picked up the rubbing alcohol and looked at Naruto expectantly. "Wut?" Naruto asked, not understanding what was expected of him.
"Can you roll up your sleeve?" Iruka asked patiently, Naruto complied, Iruka looked at the shallow gashes and cuts and saw that they went up all of the way to his shoulders by the small red stains that were slowly appearing, but also noticed the same thing on his chest, only much less. "You might have to take off your shirt Naruto." Naruto looked at him for a few seconds, as if thinking over all of his choices, before complying after a little more prompting from Iruka, who didn't understand the sudden shift in the blonde's mood, it was almost as if the blonde was hiding something. When the shirt had been completely removed and set aside, Iruka saw why. The blonde,s body was completely coated in light colored scars that would not have been noticed unless one were actively looking for them, Iruka had been looking for more injuries. There was more though, completely lining Naruto's chest cavity had been almost completely coated with seals leading to his stomach where the original seal showed. They were faded, as if disappearing, but they were still there. Iruka gingerly ran his hand over a few of the lines and found that each of the lines were almost raised slightly from the rest of the skin, similar to how a scar would feel. Naruto flinched at the contact and started shivering slightly, as if cold or...scared.
"Uhm Iruka, I have things to do today so I should probably gat going if all you're going to do is rub my stomach." Naruto said in an almost timid voice 'get away from the seal gat away from the seal get away from the seal get away from th-' Naruto continually thought and he started to stand. Iruka, who now realized that touching the seal was a big no no, started waving his arms comically.
"You still need the bandages so, wait a minute..." Iruka's tone changed from worried to realization, he took in Naruto,s apearence and it finally clicked "what happened to your tails and stuff?" He asked, he had forgotten about them after everything that had happened on that day. Naruto looked at him with slight shock
"You remember that?" Naruto asked in a surprised tone, Iruka nodded.
"I forgot after all the blood loss and stitches, but I do remember a hazy view of you, but not you like right now." Iruka said
"Do you want me to clear your memory?" Naruto said before his body started to change, he wasn't going to wait for an answer. He grew a pair of wings and five tails (pretty sure that's how many I said he had, right?) that wrapped around themselves to appears as one large fluffy bundle of fur, a matching pair of ears appeared and his eyes became a bit more slitted but remained in a round oval shape. Naruto stretched every appendage, his tails unraveled for a few seconds while doing so, and Iruka gave him a slightly startled look. There was a difference to knowing something and seeing it after all, even though he had already seen it before.
-Naruto's POV
I stretched myself out fro a bit before wincing slightly as some of the still healing skin was pulled open when I stretched my arms. I looked at them and Iruka followed my gaze before getting out the sowing needle.
"Eek!" I accidentally let out a sound of fear and he looked at me funny before gaining an understanding look and putting the needle back away.
"You probably don't need stitches if you heal that fast..." I heard him say before getting out the rubbing alcohol and carefully cleaning the still opened wounds. It stung a bit but not too much. When he was done cleaning all of the remaining blood that had dripped out earlier with a wet hand towel he started wrapping the cloth bandages around my arms and torso.
"I'll give the bandages back after cleaning them and-" I stopped talking when Iruka shook his head and interrupted me.
"Keep them, you'll use them more than I will. I'm a teacher, remember?" He said to me and he was right, he was a teacher to the ninja of the next generation while I am active ninja, even though I wasn't really one until today but whatever! Hey wait a second-
"Hey where'd Konohamaru go?" I asked after realizing that he wasn't here with us
"I sent him home before going after you" he said back to me calmly and My stomach growled loudly, reminding me that I had not eaten anything yet today. Iruka looked at me understandingly and gave me a kind smile "How does rice and pork sound for dinner? I know it's a little bit early but I had a small lunch and you look hungry."
~9:30 pm~
-Iruka's POV
Me and Naruto ate our early dinner and then decided to chat for a while, most of it was actually from me, surprisingly, and before we knew it, the sun had set. Naruto wanted to leave for his home but I told him to stay here for the night, he's now sleeping on my couch. When he fell asleep I went to see something. I know that it's creepy, and kind of immoral, but here I am, watching him sleep like a total creep. I just couldn't get over his...appendages...without really looking at them closely so here I am. After about an hour or two passed, Naruto stirred slightly. I accidentally made a creaking noise from the floor when I shifted my weight and I guess at Naruto's ears are hypersensitive or something, they twitched at the sound I accidentally made. I decided to evacuate myself to my own bed for the night and at yawned, tucking Naruto in a little before walking away.
"Good night Naruto." I said while still yawning
"...G'night...Iru-ka..." a small, quiet voice replied slowly and drowsily. I paused and looked back over my shoulder at the still sleeping creature, had he been talking in his sleep? I shrugged before walking away to my room.
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