-October 8, 10:00 Training Ground Seven
-Naruto's POV
I looked at the poor young tree that I had used as a target for the training Kakashi had assigned me to, once again he left me and Sakura for Sasuke, and he had hardly spoken towards me since we first became a team. Right now he had me thro both kunai and shuriken at the tree, which was strangely much smaller then its brethren, because he had said that I needed to practice my aim. My aim is better then that Uchiha emo! I bested his score on the test for crying out loud!! But....no one really paid attention to my strong suits when they already think I'm useless and a monster. I wonder what they would think if I were to show them NO!! I suddenly sliced at the tree with a lethal blow of claws that had appeared instantly.
'They can never know' I told myself as I looked at the wood caught under my claws from the powerful blow I had just moments ago felt opinions it. I lifted my hand to my mouth and carefully began prying out the wood chunks while I examined the tree. 'It's going to die for shore now' I thought to myself as I looked at the deep marks that made the tree uneven. It wood fall under its own weight, pun intended
"Ha" a fox-like creature said with a small snicker but seriously though, this tree is as good as dead.
"It might survive" someone argued. Are you seeing this tree or just half listening to me?
"Kind of hard to listen to someone who isn't actually talking to us." A wolf said. Whoops
'Sorry' I said mentally, just then Sakura came up, covered in sweat and breathing hard, and she began to try to catch her rebate to speak.
"Kakashi....wants.....us" she huffed between breathes
"How many laps have you done today?"
"Bet you a dollar that sshe ssayss under five." A snake said boldly
'You're on'
"I did like ten" she said, still heaving. Suck it
"You ssuck"
'You know you love me'
"Liess" I was brought out of my conversation with a light bunk on the head, not a hit, a bunk.
-Sakura's POV
Naruto had stared off into space again while I was catching my breath and, to be honest, he actually looked different from how he used to for some odd reason. Maybe it was the fact that both of us were being ignored by Kakashi, or maybe it's because I feel guilty about-but he seems fine so that doesn't need to be brought up. His eyes lost focus because of his lack of outward attention and I actually decided to take his appearance in for once. He still wearing that orange jump suit today but had tossed the top part aside earlier at the begging of today's trading, he probably didn't want to get it dirty, and had worn a grey short sleeve shirt that made him almost appear feminine. It didn't, look like it was on purpose but the shirt was much less loose then his usual attire, it showed his slight curved and slightly muscular body rather then the fat I had expected. I looked at his arms, without the long sleeves of the jumpsuit I could see the black fingerless gloves and matching elbow warmers on his arms, as well as the odd light marks that littered his arm in many different shapes and sizes, most being very small and thin lines. His hair was longer then I had once thought and, with nothing to keep them up, his bangs fell on his face. Part of his bangs hiding most of one of his eyes while the rest of them were simply pulled to the side. Lastly was the two identical larger spikes of his hair on either side of his head that looked like he died red and orange around the tips.
"Naruto" I tried, but he still looked off into space. My temper flared for a moment and I was about to hit him, but then I stopped midway when I realized that it wasn't the best corse of action. Last time I even tried to hit him I ended up getting kicked in the face, don't want to repeat that mistake. I settled for lightly bonking him on the head and he did look at me with slight confusion and surprise. Do I really hit him that much?
"Come on Naruto, Kakashi wants us." I said in a quieter voice then I normally would. I guess I felt guiltier then I thought.
-No one's POV
~With Kakashi~
Kakashi was leaning on a tree with his little orange book opened when the neglected pair of students came to him as he requested.
"Hnn" Sasuke said in greeting
"Sasuke-kun" Sakura greeted slightly forceful. She felt that if she tried hard enough she would forgive what he did, she wasn't mad at him but-'If he's so willing to do that to Naruto, will he do the same to me?' She was scared of him now. Kakashi looked at Naruto with the hint of disgust before looking back to his book 'I thought that they liked each other' Sakura thought confused
"Alright, the hokage needs us to take care of a low c rank mission since everybody else is taken" he said lazily
"Hnn" Sasuke said with a smirk, the fact that they hadn't even had any mission at all and suddenly went straight to a c rank was impressive and he took pride in the fact. Sakura looked worried and Naruto looked skeptical at the assigned job but neither had a chance to outwardly question it before Kakashi had shushined em all to the Mission Desk.
, they disappeared in a shine of leafs.
~Mission Desk~
Iruka had managed to get stuck behind a desk, the school year was over after all and he had only been assigned as a teacher to keep watch over Naruto, and was currently handing out assigned jobs to other ninja. Sitting next to him sat the hokage who had decided to neglect his current work to read some book with a blank cover on both sides. Just as the current team finished grabbing their mission form, team 7 appeared in a flash of leafs a few feet away from the desk.
"Gah!" Iruka yelled out in surprise before regaining his composure, Sarutobi sighed
"Use the door please" he said in an annoyed tone before smiling at the whispered blonde "Hello Naruto" he said pleasantly
"Hi old man" said blonde replied, Iruka noticed that Kakashi was oddly silent, and that his little orange book was oddly absent. Iruka followed his single-eyed gaze to see him staring straight at his blonde student. He must have felt his gaze, he lifted his gaze and their eyes met for a moment before Kakashi looked away to the hokage, who was engaged in a small conversation with Naruto. Sarutobi looked at Kakashi for a mere moment before nodding and turning towards the door.
"Bring him in."
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