Early morning sickness

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-4:15 a.m. October 6-

~Naruto's POV~

I woke up in a cold sweat from dreams that had been disturbed by my nightmares that always seemed to worsen around this time of year and around most of all holidays but those ones are never as bad as these ones...usually......
'It's time for me to get up" I said out loud and gave a small sneeze and shiver, I had fallen asleep on the ground leaning on the cold door that had been left open a crack and had managed to catch a small cold or something. Great, just fuckin' great. This couldn't get any worse. I sneezed and jerked my head down, getting a small head ache in the process. Ugh

"Kui-chan..." I said out loud

"I'll fix it, for now but it will eventually come back with the other little cold you managed to catch soooo...." she trailed off and I realize that this is going to suck, a fucking ton.

"Wooow, you cus a lot when you're sick" a teenage male gray fox said from my mind space.

'Fuck off' they decided to be quiet for a while, good. I felt my headache disappear after some time before standing up. I knew that I was supposed to do something important today.

'Today, today, what is today? Today is.....oh shit. I need to go to the training ground like, an hour ago.'


~No one's POV~

Naruto stood up and ran around his apartment to get ready

"Should we tell him that it's not even five a.m.?" A wolf asked and Naruto froze mid step.

'...when were you guys going to tell me?' Naruto asked mentally

"....." none of them responded, Naruto groaned loudly

"Well I'm up now anyway and I'm already dressed, and I'm not going to go wait for Kakashi's late ass the entire time so what to do for the next few hours...." Naruto trailed of and went into thought before coming up with an idea and groaning. 'Kurama, I might as well take care of being sick while I have free time so give it. I'll be better before it's time to go though, so just do it please.' Naruto asked

"Alright kit, if you're ready then...." Naruto nodded after sitting down on his bed and instantly felt sick. He felt hot and sticky with a sore throat and a headache, his stomachs hurt bad but he hardly noticed it, acid always hurt much worse than a little stomach ache. Naruto sat there and tried to meditate through the ordeal, this way he wouldn't Barron his bed in his sleep, he was saving his cleaning supplies for...what he knew was to come soon.

'Don't think about that right now Naru, don't think about-' Naruto gagged and ran to the bathroom before reaching into the toilet. When his stomach was empty of all of its contents, he started dry gagging until his stomachs hurt no more. "Ugh...What time is it?" He asked out loud

"You still have an hour kit" Kurama cood sweetly at her sick kit. Naruto groaned before retching again into the toilet, spewing some stomach acid in the almost over filled toilet before flushing, the loud sound hurting his ears. Said ears pulled themselves back in retaliation before moving into there usual spot and Naruto ringed his mouth out. He blinked in confusion as his cold started disappearing, his Uzumaki metabolism kicking in through one of the seals.

Naruto pulled up his shirt and saw the now seeable, small and complex seal over his heart, he hated that seal. It always seemed to hurt more on his birthday.

"Whatever" Naruto said, surprisingly clear and un raspy, his throat was no longer sore as one of his bloodlines healed it. He stood up and stretched his lean muscles before moving towards the door and leaving to the training ground. 'Sakura and Sasuke are already there by now anyway...'

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