//A:N// Hey guess, Winged-Kitsune here (depending on what media this is posted on) and it has come to my attention that I haven't been the most descriptive on the character's appearance, specifically Naruto's. This is more directed to fanfiction.com rather than my Wattpad viewers, as I have submitted images of my old work concerning Naruto's appearance (need to update them) so here is the description based on the questions asked:
Naruto is slender and slightly short for his age-he was held back from his classes, remember? He's older than the others realize but only by a few years-and has blond hair that blends into a very slight orangish color. His ears, which he has referred to as kitsune in appearance, are slightly feline and more to the side of his head than the top, they are the same base color as his hair and transcend into a more prominent orange around the top tip. His wings are the same base color as his hair with a slight difference in the fact that his first primaries are a solid orange/yellow while the rest of them smooth into the same shade as his hair and ears do, the same is for his five fluffy and slightly short tails. His wings are in fact feathered opposed to leathery.
An unmentioned divergence from normal feathered wings is the fact that, because he is a Kitsubasa, he can shift. He can extend and retracted his feathers to suit different needs-such as long distance, higher swiftness, dynamic soaring, gliding, and etc.-but he doesn't know how to do this because he doesn't know how.
He looks nearly identical in the second book but with a couple keen differences. In this book, due to my original design of his character, had orange and red tips, and to clear away any present confusion, just in case I had said he had red in his colors, he does not. Another difference is that, while in the first book his eyes are an intricate mix of vibrant blues, violets, indigos, and aqua marine-shifts from shades but purple is at the top, greener shades the bottom and the middle a mix with dark blue pools where his pupils should be to hide the fact that his change back and forth. The reason for this is that these colors are those of the energies of the creatures laying dormant within him, causing his current energy to be shades similar to his irises. In the second book, however, his eyes fade into a yellow (fire yellow shade of yellow).
Edward, in this story thus far, is mostly covered in cloth bandages due to the betrayal of the people he had companies in the realm he had lived in after the fall of the original Burrow and before Nightingale goes to bring him back. Due to the fact that his last clothes were mostly charred to ash in the betrayal, he now wears mostly the late Zabuza's attire until he can go clothes shopping, as Zabuza had been much larger than himself and thus the clothes don't fit him. The bandages allow only one of his eyes to be seen, the other side of his face being covered in healing and dissipating scar tissue-will have healed entirely and look as he had before betrayal before second book(before before -_-)-his mouth is also shown through the bandages and he can converse, eat, etc. through it easily and without much discomfort. His hair is growing back quickly where it had been burnt away but is not entirely gone, his bangs on the side of his face with his revealed eye still intact and a few locks of honey gold sticking out though the present bandages.
Ed's ears, tails (three), and wings are a lighter hue than his hair and eyes-daffodil yellow-all of which fade into a slightly saturated candy apple red.
Ditsy-having had lived in poverty whilst away due to her inability to sustain herself when few would hire her due to her physical and verbal disabilities-wears a large beige jacket made of a thick, scratchy material. She is smart but, similarly to Naruto, naive and poorly educated due to being born in a span of time too short to be taught much of anything before the destruction of the original Burrow, leaving her education to be similarly to that of a child.
Due to her poverty and the world she had been living in, she had a diet of poor nutrition, as the kind she had lived with were generally herbivores, thus her fur, hair, skin, and feathers are all dim and highest saturated, but in the second book-where she is much more healthy-she has bumblebee/daffodil mix eyes and a vibrant daffodil head of hair. Her ear tuffs (Naruto doesn't have ear tuffs but Ed does) are dyed an undecided shade of blue, though they are originally a yellow that matches her eyes-she has congenital strabismus, forgot to mention it-and her coat (not entirely done designing her shades and pattern(s)) is somewhere around pms 535 (see above, if image doesn't show then it's basically a shade of semi vibrant grey/blue). She has slight blue highlights on her tail nub (something that all Kitsubasas have, is over the other tails' base (she has two semi puffy tails), tail nubs look to be similar to a deer's average tail. The tips of her tails are undecided, may be yellow or may end up being blue, might have it originally yellow and end up being dyed blue, tails are a grey akin to her coat that fades to yellow in an area still near the base.
Nightingale fire yellow eyes and daffodil coat, one tail, and has arguably the simplest color scheme of the group, especially when compared to Nico (third book character, I jumped ahead, it already has more chapters than this one) but has died the tips of her hair and tail different shades of blue and indigo at different times while her ear tuffs and the inside of her tail nub are a light banana yellow.
The days past, the group deducing that Naruto had simply moved out and that this apartment was not his current place of residence, but they did tell their instructors of the events and of their suspicions. Nothing happened as a result. They also didn't see Naruto for the days following, days which soon turned to weeks and weeks to months. No one looked for him.
The group were told that the boy was simply gone for a time and that he would return when he was finished, though what he was doing remained in the shadows as well as why they couldn't know. The weeks soon turned to months, nothing was found.
~Unknown Place, Unknown Time~
Darkness coated the room, the echoes of cages creatures touching each walk and haunting all who heard them. There was the ever present sound of a dripping as well as multiple machines that would often be seen in a hospital, but not one of this world.
Such technology had yet to be crafted in this dimension, yet it proved useful in monitoring their test subjects without being in the room, as their numbers were rather limited. On one side of the wall was what appeared to be a large mirror, a reflective surface coating the wall. It was a one way window, the other side allowing for anyone watching to peer through with ease and without detection.
In the middle of the room was a large pole, a chain attached yet with nothing else to connect it. It hung limply, awaiting for the next time it would be used, it sat in the shadows as well. There was a bed, though it was truly just a mere mattress, on a side of one of the walls, the thin sheet still warm from its last users' departure, it lay in the shadows.
The sound of three pairs of footsteps cut through the darkness and unspoken unease, through the shadows and the ever present calls of the creatures on the other side of the cage bars.
The sounds of hisses and howls grew louder as the group passed, but they hushed quickly as the familiar sound of a click, the sound of a button being pressed, sliced through the noise. The screeches of the creatures was heard, silence ensuing.
Another click and the turn of a large handle, the door flung open, silence reigning.
~Present Day, Unknown Place~
The ever present sound of the caged animals greeted Naruto upon waking in this place, having been taken only days prior. The ever familiar room had greeted hi as well, though the iron collar now around his throat was new. Inside of the metal were slips of paper, each of which holding various seals that prevented his retaliation and escape from this hellish place. There was a second collar overtop the first, this one of a leathery substance that was joint to a chain, the chain being connected to a pole.
The double collar wasn't decidedly fashionable, but neither was the light blue hospital gown adorning Naruto's body. His body ached as he slowly lifted his bandaged form, clipped wings unable to shift into a comfortable position as they were tied tightly to his back, his almost metallic primaries being wrapped in a cut proof material.
The color of his hair was easily saturated and dimmed to an almost grey shade, his complexion also reflecting the murky tones.
His eyes, which normally shone with a varying vibrancy of equally varying shades of blue, were now a murky brown/blue, the pupils seeming faded and blurred with the rest of the irises, which had taken on a darker color due to the lack of light emitting from the pupils. He slowly dragged his legs to his chest, chains rattling sharply at the movement, the boy setting his head on the soft flesh that oddly hadn't lost it's muscle mass, merely the shades of which it used to be.
He was fed near daily but the food varied, he lifted a hand to his whiskered cheek and felt the skin, being amazed once again when he felt no difference in the shape of his cheeks, as if he hadn't been fed imported and processed food that held limited nutrients for him and made him wish to vomit the contents of his stomach.
The food itself appeared to be fine, though not tasting the best, and he had heard the greedy sounds of most other subjects devouring their meal, and his lack of enthusiasm to the food both confused and irritated those that held him.
Footsteps greeted him through the sounds of the normal holding cells, three pairs of footsteps resounding through the cell.
Once they reached the door next to the large mirror, a button resounded and the chain began to recede into a hole on the pole, pulling the boy with it. The chain was long enough for him to move closer before it would truly tug him, though he merely moved to the other edge of the bed before letting himself rest back down, laying on his still stomach before resting his face in his arms, his ears splayed back and resting lazily on his head as his face pressed softly into the bed's top blanket.
Icy coldness gripped his very being, but it was a cold, like the hunger, that was never satisfied by normal means. The door opened with another beep, the sound processing in Naruto's mind but ultimately going ignored. Only two pairs of feet moved closer, one having had stayed at the door while another moved to the center of the room, the last one going completely to Naruto and lowering herself down to eye the unresponsive demon.
She spoke, but went ignored. Naruto was vaguely aware of the darkness that slipped through and that was processed by his closed eyes turned a slightly lighter hue, the lights having been turned on.
"What's wrong with him?" The one in the center of the room asked, a male and slightly higher pitched than the usual gruff toned ones that would commonly work in these facilities. The pink haired man checked the pole, pushing a key into the slot and opening up a panel in the side of it to check the status of the room, trying to find an abnormality in the monitors. Heart beat was, while slightly raised due to possibly having had noted their presence, similar to that of an unconscious individual, body temperature was 20% lower than what had been averaged for the subject.
"Do you think he's dyeing?" The young adult asked his aunt
"No, merely slipping into energy deprivation." The woman corrected as she grabbed the boy's shoulders and flipped him over with minor difficulty. He seemed to have losses consciousness again, his eyes closed and body unresponsive, possibly not even processing the fact that he was being moved nor prodded at.
The woman lifted up his shirt and checked the still present wound from three days previous that ran a crossed his upper and middle abdomen, a large upside down "Y" having been sown shut.
"Regeneration and healing processes seem to have decreased by 97%" The woman noted, the male writing the information down swiftly and with great practice.
"Suggested means of proceeding?" The boy asked, still scribbling away on the paper and not looking up. The woman hummed for a moment before replying.
"Have the guard retrieve my bag from the main office, I'll take it from there." She told him before prying open on of the bot's eyes and taking out a small flashlight, noting the near lack of reaction from the pupil. These creatures were easily moldings at this faze, but she would not be able to do so now, not having the proper supplies nor authority to go through with the expensive process.
Being a demon tamer had been the original tradition of the family, and many means had been practiced to do so. So much so that, eventually, means of inter-dimensional transportation were discovered. Now, an naturally born inter dimensional being was rare and difficult to find, but where one was, many could be found.
She had devoted her life to understanding these creatures through any means necessary, finding near immortality in the process and tearing any ties of her home dimension, quickly joining an incorporation, on of many, devoted to goals similar to her own.
Her current role was demeaning and pathetic for one of her standing, and she had hated every last moment of this boring experience. Luckily and unluckily, she would be done by tomorrow and would leave by then, though she was displeased at the fact that she wouldn't be able to bring such a good subject with her, oh, how much potential he had.
A destroyed mind was easy to manipulate if you had the resources, understanding, and experience she did. To destroy the mentality, the morals, and the sanity of any individual took time and careful, precise, precision.
The torture had been fun, and most of her work had been done for her by the disgraceful people of this land, but-if done correctly-this boy would grow to be the most loyal and lethal weapon the land of the Leaf could possibly receive in a long time.
The boy returned with the guard, each faculty member not being allowed to travel alone in this place without protection before to cause such rules, and the requested bag was with them.
Swiping the bag and opening it-punching the numbers to the code in discreetly-she took out a vial filled with a glowing green substance. She cleaned a spot on his chest and carefully prepared the needle.
"In the past I have claimed you not worth mercy," She began calmly, checking the measurements with her green eyes, the other two not interrupting her apparent monologue.
"This is still true, I hold no regrets for what I have done, nor for what I will do on the near and distant future." She pulled his shirt up again and slipped the needle through his skin and into his chest.
"I know you can't hear me, and I know that you won't remember this, highest likelihood is that this will all be a blur of unaware thought." She pulled the needle out and placed the cap on with careful precision, preserving any possible DNA the needle might have taken before observing as the fluid now inside of the boy began to spread, the veins glowing green in the area surrounding the punctured flesh before diminishing. It would jumpstart the energy recreation process.
She stared down at him for a few silent moments, watching as his now slightly open, half lidded eyes began to resume their previous color.
"I will be honest in the fact that I enjoyed your suffering in the past when trauma was to be implemented into your mind, both conscious and subconscious, I am not ashamed of my deeds." She lifted a hand and closed his eyes manually before standing, putting away the needle to be replaced later on.
"But, for what is to come, not even I would wish upon you." She finished before walking back out and away.
As the three walked out, the stereotypically gruff and buff guard being in the back, his eyes shifting suspiciously to the cages and holding cells on their respective sides and places.
"If the symptoms persist, give him one of these a day until he returns to full health and all experimentation is to decrease by a minimum of 41%." She told the guard without looking towards him.
"Come, we are no longer needed here." The chain had loosened after the door slid shut, the slightly sprawled figure, whom ad begun the ever slow process of returning to his normal hues. She slipped her ID through the scanner, the light above the door flashing to red before beginning to open.
"Pack your things, we leave in the morning." The boy she had spoken to nodded, following her through the now open door and into the next passageway. Finally, they would return to sterile facilities with actual tests and leaps of science rather than basic and near pointless brutality. She hadn't lied, she would have done it all again if possible or needed, but what was done to every other subject? The unnecessary torment of orphaned children and random street creatures was simply overkill, such a waste of resources.
"The extraction begins tomorrow."
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net