The months without Naruto were odd to say the least.
The lie given to the genin that had joined the initial search held off against their suspicion for the first month before sapping away, only for the wall of contempt to be rebuilt as another similar explanation for the blonde's apparent absence, this one lasting for a total of three months, the last month being spent in silent suspicion.
To help distract them, many missions had issued to the point that the genin present had enough experience to qualify for the next rank, despite the fact that they were still so new.
Because of this, and the egos that were quickly breeding within the young ninjas, a tournament was decided to take place. During this time, the Hokage was oddly absent, as was Danzo and a handful of Jonin.
The tournament had begun with the new genin fighting first, quickly being eliminated by exhaustion or, for the fortunate few who actually practiced regularly and made it through the ranks, they were eliminated by those with more experience.
The sound ninja, of whom were still starting up their village and in need of the experience and respect of the other villages, took their absence as an opportunity to strike, at first blasting the crowd of olookers with a sound wave to minimize their balance. The sound ninja were limited in numbers but stronger than expected, being heavily underestimated by the chunin and genin that had remained in the area and thus gaining the upper hand, especially when the majority of the genin had already been worn out from battling each other.
This lasted a decent while until the Jonin came, which took a surprisingly long amount of time. Something that caught he attention of some of the Leaf's inhabitance was the complete lack of their leader during the fight. Word quickly began to spread in the form of murmurs in the streets, people beginning to believe that their homage had played a part in the attack.
Riots began as their questions remained unanswered, the hokage assigning a number of Danzo's workers to guard him openly.
At this time, the hokage seemed to grow increasingly anxious and nervous, as if he expected something to happen. In truth, Naruto had been broken out of his confinement by an unknown party before the seals Saratobi's snake-like student had prepared could be administered after the seal that had kept the parasitic creatures in the boy's stomach had been removed and the creatures recaptured, filled with the filtered energy of Naruto and Kurama.
The hokage wanted to make Naruto wanted, he wanted to make him a hunted enemy of the Leaf, but then he would be forced to explain why and no explanation would cooperate with what was told to the council on his absence and those who had asked. Because of this, and due to the fact that there were no witnesses to the attack, Naruto would be free to walk around and-more importantly-not be apprehended until it would be too late.
Saratobi remembered the look he had received from Naruto on the day of the unsealing, the look of betrayal and heartbreak. He remembered how that look turned to aggression and fury, hatred and despise, when Saratobi had ranted on how he had set up this plan for years, how he had outsmarted the child, how he had used the child to filter out such refined energy from the nine tailed beast, and how the things inside of Naruto, the things Naruto had learned to love like a family, were genetically designed and altered to be parasites, consuming the filtered power Naruto had carefully crafted and creating an army of power hungry beasts.
Saratobi had laughed at Naruto for his naivety and how the boy had grown attached to the parasitic creatures. He laughed at how the boy had thought Saratobi as a grandfather or a very close friend. Saratobi had called him an idiot, the foal the people believed him to be and a used up filter designed for his purposes. He had thanked the child, sarcastically, for his survives and told him that-once the day was up-he would be no longer needed.
As Saratobi had walked out from that room, away from where the bound child sat tied up and in the middle of multiple practiced sealers and armed Jonin waiting and at the ready, he heard the screeching as Naruto cursed the man, telling him that he would get him and that nothing could protect him.
Saratobi hadn't believed the child to survive that day and had been surprised when he did, deciding to use the remaining shambles of the boy as another tool for which he could use. But when the day had come to place the seals that would bend the remains of his mind, well, that team were no longer anywhere to be found in the realm of the living. Something-no-someone else had interfered and broken the child out, and Saratobi didn't want to stick around to see his day or reckoning.