No one dared to speak on the trip back, and even if they did, there was nothing to say. Naruto had decided to not be as forgiving to his group after the trip, and had made the decision that grudges are fine to have. He was becoming cold to his team, colder and colder as their progress in returning continued. He wouldn't speak with them, he scowled at the thought, which made their trip ever quieter in sound but roar ever so loud in psychological volumes.
When they finally go back, Kakashi gave a report that had been altered slightly from reality, not mentioning anything that would pose him as a flawed teacher or Sasuke as someone who had done acts of cruel or vile nature. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke were silent throughout it all.
Iruka, who was stuck at the missions desk until the academy started again next spring, congratulated the three on their job well done, only growing worried when he received a distinct lack of enthusiasm in Naruto's posture. He gave a worn down grin to Iruka and said nothing.
He said nothing to the three small children awaiting the academy, responded to the glares and stares with his silence, and didn't respond to the team of ninja, genin like him, that made a small, harmless joke at his response.
Kiba frowned at the lack of response but grinned at the challenge and plunged back in, wrapping a friendly arm around Naruto's shoulder and trying to prod him to speak via joking insults of his dream and a promise of ramen. Naruto ducked from the grasp and walked away, being as loud as the beings normally inside of him were present.
His apartment was destroyed, much more so than it had been before. The door had been completely broken from it's destroyed hinges and smashed, a large hole in the middle of the hallow wood, and any and all of his belongings were either gone, smashed, burnt, or dosed in either red paint or a rustic brown substance. His cupboards were broken just as the door, his pluming totaled as the what little he had to eat had been shoved into the drain.
Walking to the door, he lifted the ruined wood and tried to get it into the gaping hole where it was meant to stand, only for it to fall back down.
The sound of the door falling to the ground cashed the boy to jump back, the daze that had clouded his eyes dashing back away to his subconscious, every hair standing on end before realization hit him that nothing ha yet to happen, a false safety attempting to whisk his worries away, being just as successful as Naruto in his attempts to keep the door standing.
Staggering backwards and placing his hands over his face, he breathed out a sob as the hurt and fear from his betrayal overwhelmed him. Sasuke betrayed him...they left him for dead, what had he done to them to cause this response?! Warm and wet, the salty liquid slid down his sun kissed cheeks in rapid succession. After about half an hour of this, his breathing returned to him and he let his head fall forwards, his expression appearing as if he were in pain.
Forcing a few deep and slow breaths through his lunges, he walked over to his excuse of a bed and tried to fall asleep, ignoring the needs of his stomach as his appetite dissipated despite his gut's demands.
"Well that was weird." Kiba stated after Naruto sped away.
"What was?" Choji asked as he and Shikamaru walked on the scene, having been about to go for a late lunch and early diner.
"Naruto" Kiba responded instantly, the small canine on his head barking in agreement.
"He was acting strange when we saw him, ignoring Kiba when he tried to converse with him and walking away in the direction of down town. He looked paler than usual, and his body language was off as well." Shino explained for the newcomers.
"Downtown?!" Hinata squeaked
"Why would he be going down there?" She added quickly, her eyes darting into wat she felt was the direction of the distasteful destination.
"He has an apartment down there, I think." Shikamaru responded, Choji giving an affirmative nod to this.
"The three of us used to hang out when we were younger, and whenever he would leave he would go in that direction, though I've only ever been there a few times." He continued.
"I don't think our parents liked the idea of us going down there." Choji added
-Unknown Place, Unknown Time
The halls were dark and unpleasant, a thick musk coating the facility's air and making it difficult to breath. Creatures howled and hissed from their cages, an even darker atmosphere surrounding the space behind their bars. The only thing that could be seen if them, other than the occasional silhouette, where the glowing eyes of the many creatures.
"Are the preparations ready?" An aged and withered voice asked in a hushed tone. One of his accomplices took a whiff from his pipe, his white robes almost seeable through the darkness of the small holding cells.
"Yes, everything is in order." Another voice hissed, he checked another vial on the wall and wrote something down.
"Are the anbu ready to retrieve the boy?" Danzo asked, his hushed tone remaining.
"Already at his apartment, awaiting your command, sir." A man in uniform told Danzo, bowing at the waist before straightening back up.
"My command is given, retrieve the boy." The man bowed again before dashing away in a blur.
-Elsewhere, Present Time
The group of preteens walked over to where Naruto's home was to be.
"Be prepared, it might be a bit small." Skiamaru warned
"Why doesn't he just buy a better one?" Ino asked
"Don't look at me like that, orphans get a monthly check!" She defended, he face heating up slightly as she realized how insensitive she sounded. When the looks persisted, she continued to explain.
"Sakura's family works in the orphanage business, we would help out with the kids when we were younger but a greet deal of them end up living elsewhere since there aren't enough places for them all to go after the Kyuubi attack, those that decide to live elsewhere get checks to buy the necessaries." She explained, she had really liked working with the younger kids and felt she had a knack for it, it was so sad when most would leave unannounced, especially when they were so young, the youngest she had met was a mere four year old, she had never seen the child again after her disappearance. Now that she thought of it, why hadn't the child brought her things with her when she left? Everything had remained where the girl had left it in the shared room, not to mention the girl was one of the few with an actual bed rather than a mat.
The rest of the group continued to converse while Ino pondered upon the subject, but her thoughts stopped the moment she heard the shrill shriek of Hinata. Snapping her head towards the sound, she saw that they were now at the doorstep to what must have been the blonde's apartment, the door was chipped and broken, resting at her feet.
Hinata pointed to a red mess that she had spotted by the dim lighting, there was a pool of a thick red fluid.
"Calm down!" Kiba tried, instantly understanding that it was not actually blood but red paint. Walking inside, he saw that a large can of red paint had been spilt, still being wet, but not all of it had gone to waste. The walls were coated in graffiti, some of it brand new, but the blonde was no where to be seen.
On the wall, in fresh paint, was the dripping image of a beheaded and dissected fox with nine tails, black spilling from the wound.
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