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//A:N// Warning! Gore! Things will start to pick up now (finally)

A scream sounded from within the forest during the dead of night, blood splattering against the bark and forest floor. The short man continued to cry out as the yellow creature continued to tear at the man's abdomen and soon the stomach, ripping out the first squishy organ that was found

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The man gurgled as blood filled his mouth.

"Too damn late" a demonic voice hissed, a second creature suddenly jumping out, already coated in scarlet, and tore out the man's windpipe in one swift motion.

~A Few Hours Earlier~

Nightingale reappeared into a land, similar to that of a more western country side. Wild grasses and flower stuck out from the ground with a length that almost extended to her knees. The wind forced the grass to gently bend to one side and played with the leaves of a distant, old tree. An old swing moved slightly along with the leaves, going back and forth just barely, as if the ghost of those that had once used it remained and still swing on its now aged and weak wood with childish wonder. There was nothing remaining of the house that had once stood and owned the tree swing other than some ash and blackened wood. Nightingale was honestly surprised that the tree had not been harmed considering how close it was to the ruined house. She turned her head back and forth for a few seconds before realizing that the creature she desired to find was not here. She furrowed her brow in concentrated as she focused on trying to find the creature's energy.

"Were is he?" She mumbled, finding his chakra to be nowhere in her capabilities of sight. Dropping to the ground, she began to sniff, crawling around in all fours and making movements that would cause any sane human to call an exorcist. His scent was faint, but present. After approximately three hours, she found a train track where the scent was cut off. Someone screamed when they saw her, the way her shadow seemed to act as if it were possessed by the spirit of a fire and mimic one's actions, licking the ground around where she blocked the light and scorching anything living she allowed it to touch. It quickly silenced the mortal that had dared to alert others of her presence, though she wasn't at all concerned of whether or not he knew her, as the person was obviously from the city, but she did quickly hide away from view when she heard others coming.
She hid in one of the box cars and was patient as she watched the land move, bringing her close and closer to the city. Focusing on finding the scent, on the energy, of the creature she wanted to find. The scent picked up again suddenly and she leapt out from the train's car, shifting into an entirely animalistic form and sprinting onwards as the scent went on.
After a longer while, the scent led her to some storage apartment long abandoned. As she walked, someone that seemed to hold resemblance to both gender walked past, his almost pine tree hair sticking up from his hooded jacket. Nightingale jumped up to on of the windows, which had been smashed beforehand from something or someone else. She peered around, his scent was everywhere here, and tried to figure out just where he was. She let herself land on the dirt ground, only to be pounded by a similar creature, this one having three slimmer tails and his tips were red rather than a light indigo. He hissed and snarled at her with entirely animalistic, constricted eyes. She withheld a growl of her own, pushing the other off of her quickly and jumping up to on of the support beams.

"Stop it" she growled before straightening up, lowering her head and tilting it downwards so that she and the other had their eyes aligned "it's me" there was almost desperation in her voice, almost. His eyes focused on her for a second, unsure and confused, before realization snapped into his golden orbs. Her gave her a,glare after a moment and snarled lightly, this time with more purpose than before. With a snifter movement, he had jumped upwards and landed easily on one of the balance beams.

"Well, even if it is you" he looked over his shoulder and glanced at her "it doesn't give you the right to barge in to MY den" this was when she actually received the chance to really look at him. His fur had blackened and burnt away in random places, revealing angry red burns and gashes that had yet to heal completely, half of his fathers had been ripped out as well.

"What happened to you?" Nightingale wondered out loud. Edward made a sound akin to a huff

"Oh nothing" he drawled sarcastically, snarling at apparently nothing "Just what happened after our dear father told Al what exactly I was" he snarled again, this time louder "to think that I spent so many years on that no good, girlfriend stealing, cheating little bastard!" His voice turned into yells for a second and he slashed out at a chunk of the wooden structure, leaving deep engraved scars into the wood. This was when Nightingale noticed something else, his shoulder joint opposite from his velvet was scared horribly as well as one of his lower limbs near the hip joint. The wound went all around each limb, as if they had been sliced off and then later reattached and his fur had yet to heal over.

"You look horrible" Nightingale stated dryly

"Tell me something I don't know!" He snapped back with another snarl, beginning to pace back and forth on the beam. A portion of his skin and fur had been removed on his neck, going onto one of his cheeks. His ears held back in anger and his three long tails wrapped around the beam as best they could, this was when Nightingale noticed that the fur on one of them had been scalped partially. She seemed to steer herself back to the challenge, responding calmly to the other the news she had come with.

"I found mama" Nightingale stated. Edward snapped his head back to his sister

"You came to get my help, didn't you?" He asked. Instead of getting an answer, Nightingale walked away

"We have work to do" she stated calmly

"We need to find Ditsy too, right?" Edward asked, turning his head back to her as he had glanced away, to this she did answer

"I'll find her later, we need to get back and check up on the jinchuriki." Edward's eyes snapped wide with surprise "but first, let's go get you cleaned up."

"How long have you been looking for me?" Edward asked, the two people now in a different building. He made a soft hissing noise as some form of alcohol was placed on one of his wounds just before another large bandage was placed on top of the area.

"For a while" Nightingale replied, both were in a form halfway demonic and hallway human. "Time moves faster here than the dimension he's in so it doesn't really matter" she continued with a shrug. Soon enough, Edward was decorated with many different bandages, they were wrapped almost everywhere yet still showed plenty of his skin. Nightingale snapped a picture suddenly, regaining Edward's attention, before hiding the camera away
"Come on, we need to go"


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