A Reunion

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//A:N// finally! Reunion time~ and yes, this has been my plan since the beginning so be nice, and enjoy! (Will be weird for a bit but bare with me, the blood shall come soon)

Zabuza walked calmly and confidently to where he knew Naruto to be. He would have had Haku do this but he already knew that to be a faulty choice. He heard something from behind him, similar to many small cracking noises and grumbled hisses, before he was suddenly slammed into a nearby tree by the thing's tail. Naruto, having had heard the noise, quickly arrived to the scene from his previous perch on the large tree branch.

"What the-!?" He cried as he quickly noticed the odd serpent-like-creature and the enemy ninja, he moved into an attack stance, only to find that neither were attack him. "Who are you?!" Naruto cried aloud from his attack stance. The creature snapped its large, odd head towards the speaker and stared at him for a brief moment before snapping back towards the downed man, hissing all the while as if it were an actual snake rather than some dragonous imitation. Naruto scooted away from the upcoming fight unto his back hit something, and it definitely wasn't a tree nor rock.

Whomever's' legs he had just bumped into slapped a hand around his mouth to silence him before using the other to blind fold him, yanking his body upwards with the force.

-Naruto's POV

"Don't struggle, make it easier on all of us and just cooperate." A female voice, somehow familiar, hissed into my ear. Another person poked my stomach a few times, humming quietly to theirselves before speaking

"My mom's in your stomach, is it alright if I cut her out?" I heard his sincere, crazed reply over the silence that plagued my mind. Silence, absolute silence. I screamed for their help, pleading for my one and only family to reply, but they seemed to not here me, something blocking our communication. They were never this silent...
I felt the hold on me loosen and something struck the back of my neck, blackness met me through the darkness that had already consumed my vision.

-Normal POV

"What do we do with him?" Edward asked as he poked Zabuza's stomach with his bandaged foot before a crazed grin split his face. Pulling his leg back, he swung it hard and kicked Zabuza, the man's unconscious body skimming over the moist ground from the previous mist and bumping into another large rock, he couched, a small stream of blood dribbling from his mouth. Edward giggle as if he were an exited child and was about to do the action again before Nightingale spoke up, raising an eyebrow at her brother's ruined psyche.

"They really did a number on you, didn't they?" She mumbled, swinging the smaller body of Naruto onto her shoulder as if he a sack of potatoes. "Bring him with us" she stated, turning away as she walked deeper into the trees's bramble. She could here his childish cry of agreement, followed by the sound of something heavy being dragged, and the bumping of said dragged thing as smaller stones and sticks poked and bumped into the man's body.

~A Few Hours Later~

Naruto's eyes fluttered open, revealing the dim lighting. He glanced around his surroundings, some abandoned and small shelter, wood rotting in the aged walls and hardly anything in the area.

"How long was I out?" Naruto asked aloud before hearing someone groan from wherever they were before becoming silent once again. It was then that he heard the gentle sound of even, if not slightly heavy, breath. He glanced around again and tried to force his eyes to focus on wherever the other was, finding an old cot resting a bit away from him and near a table. Naruto looked around, turning his head back and forth, trying to see a means of escape. The only source of light was behind him, his body casting a shadow before him and revealing another chair behind him and to his side.

With new determination, and a clearer head, Naruto pressed his feet against the floor and began to slowly turn the chair against the old dirt floor, it made multiple scratching noises as it scraped on its way. The sleeping member of the room's occupants made a small whining noise at the sound, groaning again and turning around in the newly added sheets, his bandages rubbing slightly on the blanket.

'Kurama?! Can you here me?!!' Naruto cried in his head

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick!?" Kurama cried back, her voice sounding as if being through water or some tunnel, or possibly both, before becoming clearer

'I never left, listen, Iv'e been kidnapped by two...I don't know who...and taken to Kami knows where! What should I do?!' Naruto cried in a helpless tone. His chakra seemed to have been stripped away, his seal burned as it absorbed it as if it where nothing but a sip of much needed water. This was an often occurrence, not the kidnapping-though this happened often as well-but he had woken up on so many times from his sleep with this drained feeling, let it be known that not all of his screw ups in the academy were on purpose.

"Calm down, can you see anything?" Kurama asked in a demanding tone. If it had been in Konoha, neither of them would question it, but they weren't in Konoha, this was somewhere else entirely.

'It's...just look' Naruto gave the other access to his eyes and felt them move in all directions without his will behind the action.

"Wait, can you turn the other way?" Kurama's tone had changed, she knew that presence. Naruto was silent for a moment before forcing himself to turn the chair in the other direction. He had finally managed to get the lump on the bed within view when he saw said lump shift as he groaned again at the noise.

'Who is that Kurama-chan?' Naruto asked, trying to remember anything that might give him a clue on who it was 'Why did he call you mom? Kurama? Hello?' Kurama wasn't answering, too focused on what she could of the other being.

"I haven't seen him since the fall..." she mumbled to the void within Naruto. Things went from confusing to un-processable fast, Naruto honestly had no understanding of what was going on by the time he was untied. What little he did comprehend was that Kuruma somehow knew those that had taken him fairly well and had somehow talked despite the fact that she never left, nor took over, his body.
When the other member that had assisted in his captivity came back, she had come with someone else as well. This person had hair following the same trend of being yellow as the other two, though hers was more of a crayon shade rather than gold, as well as having eyes that matched with the yellow mess on her head. Nightingale had looked to be in better condition than Edward, however, the reverse comparison could be seen here as the newcomer's cloths, while old and worn down from time and use, were clean. Her shirt see,ed to have once been a light blue but had long since turned gray, her hair, while obviously clean, seemed to be dry and scratchy. Her eyes were crossed but the most easily viewable part of her was the skin underneath them. It seemed to be rubbed raw and pink, the area beneath them showing similar signs, as if it had been agitated repeatedly and far too often.

"She's not here" The girl snapped to Nightingale with a slight snarl, her pupils appearing to be constricted into slits and glowed dimly but held no threat due to the fact that neither of them were correctly aligned with the one her glare was directed towards.

"Yes she is" Nightingale replied in the same tone, it was made apparent that those gathered had difficulty functioning together due to the last time they had all been together, whatever they had done at that time was still a mystery to Naruto, however, so his ability to understand the situation was lacking. Edward made a slight growl and joined in on the argument that had begun to unfold.

"SHUT UP!" Naruto yelled suddenly, standing up from his previous position of sitting on the cot. "Listen, I don't really know who the hell any of you are, and I'm only still hear because you all seem to know Kuru-chan, but if this is all you guys are going to do then I saw fuck no!" He continued, his loud rant causing the still unconscious Zabuza to reawaken.
The man struggled against his gag and binds, his blindfolded eyes clearly open as if were attempting to see through the cloth.

"Oh yeah, what are we supposed to do about him?" Nighty asked, a crazed grin splitting Edward's face again as he watched to tied man

"I can eat him, I haven't done it in quite some time~" Edward coed, a definite rumble, almost a purr ,iced with a growl, sounded from the back of his throat.

"I'm fine with that" Ditsy replied, though she licked her lips slightly "Though, I'm a bit peckish." She mumbled. Nightingale shook her head, though a smile was clearly evident.

"I ate a while ago, found a corpse in a train while looking for you two." She explained before turning her head over to Naruto, who had a curios yet horrified look
"Hungry?" She asked

"Not for that" Naruto replied, gesturing towards Zabuza and the two grinning beings.

"Oh come on!" Edward replied joyously, grabbing a knife from Naruto's bag before tossing it aside as it was dull. Nightingale handed him a knife that almost looked like a medical scalpel, only with a longer blade. Edward grinned at her, though-due to the bandages and his razors if teeth-it looked to be manic and riddled with insanity, and quickly sliced off a chunk of the shoulder.

~Naruto's POV~

Everything seemed to freeze as he held his arm in an outstretched position, that piece of meat being offered to me and the delicious scent of the metallic blood making my tongue tingle but the nausea of what they were doing overpowering the oddly delicious scent, I shook my head no quickly, almost violently.
Red, so red, I couldn't help but stare at the substance that seemed to ooze from the open wound on Zabuza's arm.

"Seriously, I don't think mom's here" the blonde restated, swiping the chunk of flesh from her brother's hand and quickly pushing the morsel into her mouth, chewing vigorously,

"This boy is her jinchuriki and a Kitsubasa" Nightingale explained, gesturing to him. Edward, who was leaning on the back of Zabuza's chair, stared at Naruto with curios eyes

"A Kitsubasa? He's really one of us?" The blonde, Ditsy, asked in disbelief

"Yep, saw it myself." Nighty replied "Or rather, my 'pets' did." She continued, gently rubbing what appeared to be a tattoo on both of her arms.

"I don't buy it, there's no way this guy is like us if he can't even stomachs a bit of carnage." She snapped again

"He hasn't grown to crave it yet" Edward replied in a silky voice, undoing the knot of the blindfold and pocketing the cloth.

"What happened to him?" Ditsy asked, gesturing to their other sibling

"I don't really know, but he should heal soon enough." Nightingale whispered, Edward's head snapped over to the two, his tongue moving as if it belonged to a snake, and hissed anomalistically. Naruto blinked, recognizing the motion as one he often did himself.

"You two reeeeeaaally need to learn how to whisper better." The goldette male whispered, blowing some of his bangs from his face

"I don't think you should kill him" Naruto said in a slight mumble, his brow furrowed in thought.

"Why not? He is merely an obstacle in your mission, after all, why should you care if he died or not?" Nightingale asked, knowing that Zabuza was a danger to Naruto's client.

"Well yeah but..." Naruto was at a loss for words

"Listen, whether you like it or not, he's a mortal. Mortals die, I'm just making his death worth something." Edward explained, gently patting Zabuza's head in mock kindness.
"No, if you'll excuse me" Edward stood on wobbly legs, putting a single hand on the side of the chair to help himself up. "I have some fun to prepare for."

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