Haku and Demons

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While Sasuke and Sakura learned under Kakashi for the day, Naruto continued to chat with Inari. Their conversations didn't last too long, Naruto having to leave as his clone puffed itself out from existence to relay some important information to him.

"I need to go" Naruto said suddenly, standing up and preparing to dash away

"But what did you mean-" but by the time Inari spoke, Naruto had already ran off.


Haku stood hidden from view and with his aura made as small as possible, so small that he didn't notice his chakra become numb to him until it was far too late. With no chakra available, and no weapon other than the three needles held within his grasp available, Haku was quickly rendered helpless.
Haku twisted around when he heard air rushing behind him, something so faint he had almost missed it, and threw his needles. This was a mistake, he soon realized, as he had forgotten that he had replaced all of the weapons from his person and had left his others with his boss when he had went out to get herbs and had never went back to retrieve them. He was quickly pinned to the tree he had used a a hiding spot, the other having had swooped onto him as if he a bird of prey and Haku the hunted creature of interest. Haku tried to turn his head around so as to see his attacker but found himself pinned to well, only able to see a portion of wild, unkept feathers from a large wing.

"Who are you?" A voice, male and slightly younger then Haku, demanded.

"I would ask you the same question" Haku responded, his chest heaving slightly from adrenaline as it surged his system. "Or rather, what" he corrected. The other pushed Haku harder against the tree and a slight animalistic growl was heard, varying awkwardly between deeper and lighter tones as if from both an older creature and a much younger.

"I asked you" the other growled lowly, voice randomly becoming demonic. The pressure lessened to a more reasonable pressure, still being powerful enough so as to keep the other pinned to the bark.

"Haku" Haku finally weeded after another level of pressure was forced on his back and side, almost strong enough to remove air from his lungs

"Were you hunting the bridge builder?" The voice asked, pressure remaining the same.

"No" Haku replied honestly through his near air-less lunges. He heard something sniff him and he was suddenly released

"I believe you" Naruto said in a much more docile voice, calmer. His hair quickly returned to its softer spikes rather than the almost electric mess it had been moments earlier and his whiskers returned to their defined, slim marks. His eyes faded from red to yellow, before transitioning to a mixture of blues, indigos, and violets. He sat on his haunches, his five tails resting on the wood of the large branch, and eyed Haku curiously, the other quickly matching the action as he had never seen something quit like the being before him.
"To answer your question-" Naruto began, pausing for effect "I am-" he paused again, as if not sure what to say

"A demon, that's what you are my kit" kurama told Naruto

"...I'm a demon"

A long pause came after this revelation

"I doubt it" Haku stated, breaking the silence, at a lack of response, he continued "My people claimed me to be of demonic blood and tried to kill me and people of similar faults. Your faults, while much larger, seem fairly similar to my own." Haku continued, unaware of the fury of those that fell under demonic standards who were watching.

"FAULTS?!!!!" Someone hollered from within Naruto, who quickly blocked them out as their rant began.

"You reeeaaaally should watch what you say" Naruto said in a slow drawl "You never know who you're going to insult, and what they'll do in response." The look on Naruto's face...the only way to describe it was creepy. His eyes were like a combination of water and oil once it was lit ablaze, the colors swimming from the many different shades of green, blue, indigo, and purple. If it weren't for the fact that Haku was so close to the other, he wouldn't have been able to see the ocean of colors. Only one of his eyes was entirely in view as the boy's head had been tilted and some of his bangs coating half of one of his eyes. His facial expression was almost blank as he spoke, yet he bore a smile on his lips.

Haku remained in place, one arm on his knee while his other rested firmly on the ground beside his other side's knees, he was kneeling and had his head bowed slightly.

"Why have you returned so soon?" Zabuza questioned in a demanding yet calm tone.

"There has been a new update on the bridge builder's current guardians, I was unable to truly see the progress of his construction before interference showed itself, we may have issues in the near future concerning our task." Haku replied formally, tone respectful and obedient.

"Interference? You mean to say that the Jonin saw you?" Zabuza asked, almost threateningly. Haku shook his head

"The silver haired ninja did not, nor do I believe him to know of us yet. It was the blonde one that found me, Master-Sama." Haku' head was angled to look at Zabuza yet his eyes were out of view due to the mask that blocks off his identity.

"Hmm" Zabuza mused for a moment, glancing out of his current room's window "we may have to act before he can warn the others, but first, explain to me everything that happened."

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