~Unknown Time, Unknown Place~
A single light lit the otherwise dark space, the light dancing and shifting as the source, being a candle, moved as if to an unheard tune. The shadow of the individuals in the space seemed to stand out more so than the other chunks of varying darkness a crossed the four cheaply built wooden walls. A sound of exhalation emanated from whomever made one of the much large pools of darkness, their eyes closing as they rubbed their temples, only to find no relief and the filth of dried perspiration, dirt, and blood.
"<What do we do now?>" a voice, not belonging to the initially described individual, asked in their native tongue and a shaken voice. He hugged his knees tighter against his soiled and dirtied shirt, which almost resembled a kimono but had long since lost its form.
The flame danced, the blotches of darkness occupying the walls mimicking with an awkward grace with matching speed.
"<mama gone>" a smaller voice muttered, tears no longer cascading down her cheeks but the reddened marks of their trailing still remained, the area surrounding her eyes being pink from the irritation of her previously nonstop crying.
"<I know>" a third voice, this time from the initially described individual, muttered.
"<mama coming back?>" the second voice asked the other two present. Their box seemed to jump suddenly, the only boy snapping his arms out to catch the candle before the light could be snuffed out, his hands quickly became coated in a liquid wax and the small flame touched his skin for a mere moment before he could stop it. He hissed in pain, closing his golden eyes and wincing as he turned the candle over and setting the still lit object onto the wooden ground. The other two were silent as this happened, neither bothering, or daring, to move.
"<I wanna go home...>" the same voice muttered after a few more minutes.
"<You know as well as I that we can't do that, our home is gone, Ditsy.>" the third voice snapped, prompting nothing but muffled whimpers from the smaller sibling.
"<Why would anyone want to take mama away?>" Ditsy asked, the boy hugged himself again as he settled back in.
"<I don't know...>" the third voice responded slowly. Their mother had set a contract of peace with the group that had done this, they had a treaty! Why had they done this if that were the case?
The box car jumped again, much smaller this time, and the crate moved in tern. The candle tipped over this time, no one seeming to care to stop it, only to be resent by the male child once again.
"<Where are we going?>" Ditsy asked
"<I don't know>"
"<What do you know?>" Ditsy asked, being met by silence.
"<Well?>" she asked, Nightingale lifted her head from its previously bowed position, a firm, nearly glaring, look in her eyes.
"<I only know one ting for certain: if we are found, we will be killed.>" the train whistled and the box car jumped again, the small candle tipped over and lost the small flicker of its flame. Darkness engulfed the three siblings, and the dancing, which seemed to almost resemble that of one of the parties commonly held in their hive of a home, turned to an unmoving vat of inky black stillness.
~With Naruto~
The small group, consisting of the team of ninja plus their employer, stood at the entrance of the now finished bridge, a much larger group of people behind them and cheering at the job well done. The town was no where near flourishing, that would take time, but their hope in a better tomorrow had been rekindled and thus their enthusiasm.
To congratulate their anonymous heroes, the bridge had been dubbed, "The Great Predator Bridge", though the name seemed a tad odd it was the only thing the group could agree on. Tazuna had pressed for,"The Tazuna Bridge" or something of the sort but had been overruled by the townspeople as the bridge was made and payed for by the people, Tazuna, while the main worker, was only a volunteer worker.
Naruto glanced up at the newly made sign and grinned at it, Sakura scoffed, her cheeks slightly green from the reminder of the gruesome display she had seen, Sasuke tisked at it in annoyance as he had hoped to show off his own ability and test himself by trying his luck at the midget of a man, and Kakashi appeared indifferent, his eyes trained to his book.
Their work being done, they began to leave, only to be stopped by a nearly hysteric masked individual with black hair and some form of loose kimono that stopped just under his knees.
He glared behind his mask with wide eyes, his enraged madness being suppressed only by his desire to maim whomever had murdered his late master. Jumbled words spit from his mouth as he yelled at them, demands and questions and threats all mixing into nothing but incoherent words disguised as sound. He suddenly sprinted off to them, as if on impulse, and threw his senbon needles after any he could hit. If he had been thinking clearly, if he had aimed for a specific spot, they would be dead. However, rage blinded his eyes as he attacked as if he a child and this a tantrum. His normally refined and skilled hand loosing any meaning as he was decidedly not planning, merely trying to harm in any way possible.
There was a different to rage and wraith, rage is uncontrolled anger, attacking with only the set goal of getting back at whomever had wronged you and is unrefined, wraith is a sharpened weapon aimed at the throat at your wrongdoer, a weapon prepared and aimed to kill with its eyes sharp and mind clear. What Naruto saw now was little more than what he viewed of those in the same village as him, unrefined anger with only plans to harm rather than a specific goal.
Haku threw his blades at Sakura, many zooming far past and away from said target and only a few skimming her by, Kakashi grabbed her and tossed her out of the way as he had no believe in her capabilities. Naruto leapt forward, kunai in hand, but was slammed into by Sasuke as the other had skid sideways to move from the loosely aimed needles. Naruto was knocked from his feet by this collision and splashed into the water, only to push himself back up from the pool with a blast of his chakra. A small explosion emanated from his feet as the water went to either side, his body rocketing upwards and staying afloat for mere moments in the air as his momentum slowed and gravity began to take its toll, not five seconds later and he was falling.
Aiming three kunai, he launched the blades. One lodged into Haku's shoulder, another beside him, and a third pinning his trail-the loosely tied thing around his waist-to the wood in the ground. He had seen Sasuke, with multiple senbon lodged in his chest and side, fighting the enraged individual. Haku had much potential, his kenkei genkei being well trained and well used, but he lacked the mind set to even comprehend it as a possible weapon.
Naruto spoke few words to the angered other, all of which falling onto death ears. He tried to reason with his past acquaintance but was ignored as a person and viewed only as a target.
Haku yelled something again, but the wind that had seemed to stir from his momentum silenced as air sped past Naruto's ears. Ice seemed to form on the dampened wood wherever it touched water, causing Sasuke to slip as he dodged another attack and accidentally stepped on some of the water Naruto had splashed minutes ago. He cried out, falling, and nearly fell into the water as Naruto had before him.
Naruto sped over, crying out to make the raven aware of his presence, and distracted Haku for a few brief moments. He threw a couple shuriken, forcing Haku to dodge the attack, but was then forced to dodge a flame as it sped past him and at their enemy.
"Watch it!" Naruto yelled, for if he were just a few inches closer he would be scorched. Sasuke's eyes flashed to him for a moment before turning back to their enemy, not seeming to care of what he had almost done. Kakashi seemed to attack Haku in the background, having had been ordering Sakura to keep the townspeople at bay, only to find his feet frozen to the ground, the cold seeping into his feet and the areas around it, cooling his blood and would soon cause frost bite if not felt with.
Haku snapped back to the two teammates and began to throw his weapons in an attempt to of harming or incapacitating his opponents. Naruto jerked as his arm was grabbed, and had no time to react as he was yanked quickly in front of the raven Uchiha. He cried out in shock and then pain as those small needles penetrated his skin and went into his muscles, some poking at his organs and few trailing his neck. A single senbon stuck in his cheek, but Naruto had no time to pull it out as he found himself thrown aside as if he were rubbish or a dull, broken knife.
The fight got blurry from there, eventually Kakashi released himself from the hard ice that had invaded his feet and the majority of his legs and had used his Chidori to silence their opponent. Once the boy's heart had stopped its final beats, his corpse was tossed into the water and let to be eaten by the fish that lived there.
The group began to leave, not bothering to check for their fallen comrade. By the time Naruto came to, he found his lunges filled with water and himself at a shore on the other side of the water. He coughed, undesired of how he was alive, and tried to remove the liquid from his longs.
A sudden gag, and the water flew out, as well as a slightly purple substance, as he barfed the liquids up as well as his last meal. It took a while to pull out each individual needle, but he managed. He began to walk, soon finding a small campsite occupied by his supposed teammates, Sakura was on watch.
The pinkette almost screamed when she saw him, drenched and alive as if a ghost, but was quickly silenced by Naruto's hand, which was slammed into her face and mouth.
"Shut up, go get me something to eat" Naruto growled lovely, his eyes holding a definite anger as he glared at his teammate. She mouthed something to him but was silenced by his hand, but he knew syllables and could guess what she had said. He let go and backed up, his eyes demanding her to do as he had told, yet she stood frozen.
"H-how are you alive?" She asked timidly, backing up. "You di-ied in battle." She mumbled, Naruto scoffed
"You shoulda checked." Naruto replied curtly. She stood still, guilt obvious, before closing her eyes suddenly, grimacing, and going away to retrieve the leftovers of their meal.
Naruto looked upwards, a shaky breath escaping him, as he stared upwards at the night sky.
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