//A:N// I feel the need to explain a few things, so here we go:
While making Naru have murderous and cannibalistic tendencies and habits is amusing and fun, there is an actual reason behind it and another for why he hadn't had them in earlier chapters.
Naruto is something akin to a spirit, though he falls under the category of demon, and no he is not human. Human beings and other carbon based life forms preserve ourselves via consumption of needed nutrients to rebuild, maintain, and energize ourselves, the same being said for any other form of life. While it is true that they can nourish themselves in part by consuming normal foods, this only helps so much. Another form is the energy that attaches a soul to the body, the soul itself, and etcetera. The mist that had been breathed out was Naruto tying his meal to the body, specifically the blood and soft tissue, and is one of the easiest methods of consuming the needed energy that Naruto knows.
He feels pity for those he consumes due to the fact that he is aware that they have done him no wrong, and he doesn't go out of his way to find an intact meal-unharmed and alive-because he can't let anything trace back to him and he still hasn't lost enough morality to kill without remorse, unless they are his enemies.
He hadn't needed to do this before because before he had a mutually parasitic relationship with the things that lived within him. He subconsciously ate their spirit while they his chakra, which incidentally left room for their chakra instead.
All good? Questions all answered? Yeah? Okay, continue with the story!
Naruto sat, bored, as the man before him continued on with lecturing him of something or other. Kakashi, as per usual, had elected to train Sasuke one on one. Feeling bad, he had managed to find Naruto and Sakura their own temporary trainers, though they paired in comparison to the silver haired jonin. Right now, Ebisu stood proudly as he explained the mechanics of a commonly used technique. Naruto looked at him with eyes that had dulled due to his boredom.
"So..." Naruto began slowly, tone flat and without caution.
"You want me to walk on water?" He summarized using the same tone. Ebisu's brow showed him to be glaring through his circular sunglasses as he began to lecture his temporary student on respect and mannerisms. Groaning, Naruto walked over easily and studied the water. It bubbled with heat, as it was the hot springs, and he tuned back to Ebisu, who bore a triumphant grin across his maw.
"See? You don't know how to do it! Now, let me explain to you how-" Naruto interrupted the boastful speech with a hand, making a hush sing with one finger across his lips.
"Shut up and let me speak." He demanded, surprisingly calm. He glanced back over to the water before turning to the man once more.
"You want a student, who you don't know to have any experience with water walking, to practice over a constantly moving surface? Doesn't that sound like something that should be done by someone with more experience?" Naruto asked blankly, giving the man a flat stare. Sighing, Naruto turned back around and strode over towards the water.
"I can probably do it, but your teaching skills suck." He stated, his feet keeping him overtop the constantly moving and shifting surface. Turning back around, he grinned snidely at the teacher.
"Your turn, Ebisu-San." He noted coldly, amusement obvious. The scent of shock shifted to that of mild fear, causing Naruto to laugh and lose his balance temporarily, falling onto the surface.
"Note to self, remember to keep balance." Naruto said aloud, placing one hand on the hot surface as he stood back up. As he stood, he slipped again and fell onto the surface.
"Dang it!" He cried, a small splash erupting from his last fall. Oddly enough, he still remained over the surface. A white haired man poked his head towards the commotion, head being seen from above the slightly elevated fence that blocked off the woman's section. Upon seeing the scene before him, a genin student slipping near constantly while his instructed ogled in surprised confusion, he laughed loudly, walking over and through the gate of the bath house.
He offered a hand out for the other to use, grin still very much present.
"Here let me help you up, Gaki." He said, giving Naruto a toothy grin. When Naruto was no longer fumbling on the liquid's surface, he turned towards Ebisu.
"You go and hit the showers, I'll watch this Gaki for you." He said, the other man looking on with surprise before nodding and walking off.
"I'm impressed that a genin can stay afloat like that, though your footing needs work." He noted easily, Naruto rolling his eyes at the comment.
'No shit, Sherlock.' He thought blankly, though he nodded in agreement for the later comment. He stood again, this time from dry land, and began to walk off.
"Hey, where are you going?!" The man asked in alarm.
"Well, since I'm done here, I might as well leave and go practice something else. Chunin exams and stuff." Naruto explained easily, grabbing his street cloths before venturing to the changing room, acutely aware of the following other.
"Hey! Kid! Wait up!" The man called as he followed him through the double doors of the building. Naruto turned swiftly towards him, a slightly annoyed look overtaking his features.
"Look, I don't know you and you don't know me; stop following me." He said simply before turning back around and continuing over towards a bench. He heard rather than saw the man gawk at him at the dismissal, the man moving over closer to introduce and explain himself, pride blatant.
"In that case-" he paused long enough to strike a pose, one leg bent slightly to widen his stance and a single hand raised, pointing at nothing but the inattentive ceiling.
"I am the sannin and sage Jiraiya!" He exclaimed boastfully, seeming confident in the words he spoke and the volumes he used. The moment following was filled with unamused silence, followed by the sound of a loosely knotted towel coming undone and falling to the wooden surface of the ground. Silence remained for a few moments longer before being interrupted by and eruption of laughter. Naruto's repetitive sound of amusement sliced through the awkward moment, during which time the sannin seemed to finally recognize what had happened, his brain finally processing the slight loss of heat that had once surrounded his lower region.
Naruto bent over from where he sat as the much elder man scrambled for the slightly rough cloth, small tears forming from the severity of Naruto's laughter.
"That has got to be-" Naruto began, taking a moment to regain his breath due to the distinct lack of oxygen present within his lungs, the glass having been used up during the laughter.
"The worst first impression of all time!" He finished, pausing again as he attempted to regain composure before bursting out in laughter again. Naruto made quick work of slipping the orange cloth over his head and back over his body, pants and underwear replacing the loyal towel that had been securely tied there.
Naruto flicked a large lock of hair from his face, grin still prominent, the slight transition to orange tinted locks being made more obvious when the hair touched the untinged and solidly yellow strands that stuck out on the top of his spiky head.
"See you around, pervy sage." Naruto said before walking out of the confined space, also well aware of his remaining stockers as they watched their supposed 'tool in the making', a cocky smirk slipping over his lips.
'No, not yet,' he cautioned himself, the sunlight of the day contrasting so sharply with the previous illumination if the building that it nearly blinded the nocturnally designed creature.
'We can't delete them before the Old man, wouldn't want him to know what's coming after all.' He thought to himself, almost breaking out into hysterical laughter again but restrained himself, only snickering quietly to himself.
The room was well lit by candle and electrical light, a desk that had been piled with many papers sat heavily overtop the
large wooden desk. Within the chair sat the current hokage, Sarutobi. His head was bowed, his face covered by the large hat that he adorned that showed his rank among the village, and the wind blew softly threw the open windows, the curtains fluttering and moving in slow smooth motions.
Three nin appeared before the man, backs towards the opening of the window and fronts towards the man before them.
"Report." The elderly man instructed calmly. The second man, in the middle, spoke without lifting his gaze from the ground, as he was crouched in a respecting manner that was not uncommon for those in his field of work.
"The weapon is near full incubation and ready for restocking, however, his behaviors have changed significantly within such a short period if time." A pause erupted for a few moments before the highest ranking nin among the three spoke again, as though gathering himself for what he was to say.
"Unfortunately, we were unable to maintain surveillance during the second portion of the exam, as well as a good time after he had finished the said section of the test. His abilities seem to have become far more refine than they had been before the test, and he has proven more violent and less mature than he had been prior." He continued, stopping to allow the psychiatrist among them to say their bit.
"Along with the previously stated observations, he seems to have become significantly more unstable than he had been prior to the second test, and his personality seems to switch spontaneously into several different states for varying periods of time. As was already said, he has become more volatile and extremely aggressive towards his teammates and becomes triggered randomly where before he would have merely excepted what was done to him. In addition, he has lost all violent tendencies towards himself-or has dropped in such extensively-and now has no tolerance of the harassment given to him." She explained in a calm voice, monotone and devoid of emotion.
"Has he contracted Dissociative Identity Disorder?" Sarutobi asked, either detached or uncaring of the person he had ruined.
"That has been undecided." She replied easily, her head having not changed from its position.
"Lastly-" the third Black Operations Nin began
"The seal, of which I had been in charge of maintaining and supervising, is no longer in effect. The reason of such has yet to be determined." He said simply, sounding more like a robot than the others, as though he were merely a machine composed of blood and organic tissue but without the instructions needed to compose emotion. Sarutobi's emotions failed to portray option his face, failed to show his horror, his fear, of the person they had been speaking of. He nodded calmly, his facial muscles giving no sign of his internal turmoil, and he dismissed the nin.
An invisible figure smirked, knowing himself to be unseen and un-sensed. In this form, a form of a spirit, he made no impact on the world of the mortals, yet still,
he could taste the man before him's fear.
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