Naruto sat, watching, as a violent battle persisted below. His legs swung over the side, one moving forwards while the other backwards before they would switch a repeat in a nonstop show of a childlike inability to sit still. Naruto hummed as he watched, a grin having long since formed overtop his features as he watched the gruesome battle.
He, Sasuke, and Sakura had made it to the center station the day prior and he was now waiting out the remaining time of the second portion of the test. He bit his lip until he bled, trying to withhold his laughter, as one of the fighting participants stabbed the other through what appeared to be the receiving member's right lung.
"Of all the people here, you were the last one I expected to just sit and watch." A redheaded boy said as he entered the area, seeming to have been seeking out Naruto and following his aura. Naruto twisted his head into an unnatural angle, grinning with his head practically upside down.
"It's funny, is it not? You never know when someone might be into something like this, it's best not to judge~" Naruto replied, unable to prevent his joyous laughter as the katana was removed from the now disabled and gurgling other, a spurt of blood staining the ground before the rest of the red fluid could finish its dripping as it stained the earth.
"And I thought I was messed up." Gaara said quietly, though Naruto still heard it due to his sensitive hearing and their close proximity.
"Congrats on being the first person here, by the way." Naruto praised, smiling oddly at the jinchuriki, as if his words were a mislead to his true intentions.
"But, next time, maybe don't be such a pathetic wimp who relies solely on their demons to protect and fight for them, it's really demeaning of your potential, not to mention pitiful." He added, giggling slightly at the enraged look that crossed Gaara's face.
"You think you can do better? You little-!" His words were cut off by pain, an unfamiliar sensation to the redhead, erupted from within his skull and chest. Naruto merely laughed harder as the other doubled over, their demon seeming oddly absent through the ordeal, not ceasing the opportunity to gain control for no apparent reason.
"You really think you're that big and bad, don't you?!" Naruto laughed, the repetitive sound slowly becoming manic as he held his middle. Naruto smirked uncharacteristically sadistic.
"No matter how powerful you are, there's always going to be someone else better than you, smarter than you, stronger than you. You think that just 'cause you got away with so many deaths, you can simply command anyone and everyone? Ha! Not even I, with all I can do and destroy, am that blind to the truth." A glint of madness slipped through the barricades within Naruto's mind, entering his eyes as he grind nefariously. The pain stopped suddenly and without warning, as Naruto seemed satisfied.
"Even so, I will not kill you, I can't, you're to important to me." Gaara blinked in confusion at this, looking up from his place on the sturdy tree branch, not standing from where he had fallen.
"I won't lie to you, you know to much to fool after all, so I'll be honest: the thing inside of you isn't your mother, it's a demon, a bijuu specifically, and all it wants is to eat your soul and break your mind." Was that amusement in his tone?
"However, I have disabled this, though, this also means that your sand will no longer act on its own to protect you, and now you'll have the pleasure of never seeing nor hearing its voice again, instead, you're mine." The boy stood from where he sat, cantering over and away from his much enjoyed show. He grabbed onto the cloth of Gaara's shirt tightly, his grin-now more tame-returning to plaster his features.
"That pain? Not a deterrent, it was a test. I wanted to see if I could do it, and now you'll get to feel that wonderful sensation every time that thing, that figment of the real version of itself, tries to take over. It will hurt, nothing can change that now, and no one else will ever see anything different with that seal of yours." A small pause occurs, during which time Naruto's eyes swept over Gaara's figure, sizing him up quickly.
"You may think of this as cruel, but it's not, it's for the best, honestly. Your world is better than the one ai first cake from, but it is still one of the bad ones, so you need to watch your back." Naruto looked up, giving Gaara a soft smile as he did so and causing Gaara's heart to flutter oddly, his mind seeming to forget the horror of all that had been revealed and the hand that still gripped his shirt's cloth with intimidating intensity.
Naruto released the other, almost pushing him away, and walked back to the spot he had been in before Gaara's arrival, though he still stood.
"Time for me to go, I need to get down there before my meal expires, or else it won't nourish me, it would be a shame to have to hint and wait for another fight like this one had been, wouldn't it?" Naruto spoke in an oddly calm, seemingly longing tone, eyes shimmering slightly and he allowed his body to fall forwards, disappearing to the ground below.
The question Gaara had prior to the confrontation, his reason for tracking Naruto down in the first place, seemed to misplace themselves from within Gaara's memory, forgotten due to the various other things he had learned and been told, though they would soon return.
Why did Naruto no longer produce the same aura he had before? Why could he no longer sense the powerful presence of the fox from within him? And most of all, why was his mother fearful of him?
~With Naruto~
-Gore Warning-
Naruto grinned wide, his sharp teeth revealing themselves as he did so, as he closed the distance between him and the slowly diminishing source of life.
Granted, this source had lost much of its abundance and thus would not correctly subdue his hunger, it would grow again soon, yet that didn't matter, he would cross that bridge when he got to it. Naruto leaned over towards his meal and gave him an almost sympathetic look, knowing that the other was still very much conscious.
"Hey" Naruto greeted lamely, trying to give the stranger a comforting smile. In truth, he felt more empathy towards his meals than his so called 'friends', he disliked others dying in such a fashion despite the warmth it gave his stomach and the joy he felt while watching, an odd contrast, yet still it was just a way of life for him now.
The person wheezed softly, warm blood having mostly filled one of his lungs prior to that point.
"I know it hurts, just try and sit still while I eat your blood." He told him, trying to sound soothing but causing nothing but the scent of fear to fill the air. He flicked his tongue from between his lips, a habit that had remained from before his last imprisonment, and tasted the emotion easily. He did not know why he was able to taste emotions and state of mind, he had thought it a trait he had been burrowing from one of the many inhabitance that had taken residence within him, but the fact that it persisted long after their absence had become potent had proved him and the others wrong in their collective theory.
Naruto continued to mumble quietly, trying to irradiate the taste and scent of fear in the air. Admittedly, it did taste quite pleasant, but the look on his face seemed less than, almost reminding Naruto of the many he himself had made long ago.
He allowed his jaw to open, a slight mist of glowing substance coming out and moving towards the very much still conscious, though slowly drowning prey. By the time the mist had subsided, all the boy was capable of was soft wheezing, breathing proving difficult.
The sound of wet cries and gasps of pain were all but absorbed by the natural hisses and other such noises produced by the forest and its inhabitance, the popping of bone, wet pop noises, and the sound of great chewing could however be heard within the wooden area that was just big enough a clearing to allow a few rays of untouched sunlight to slip through.
The person twitched slightly as his organs and the soft tissue of his middle region were consumed, his face remaining untouched by the blood yet stained by tears. The boy was blonde with orange highlights, a little older than Naruto, and had warm violet eyes, now dimmed and void of any sentience as the life force of their owner had been removed, the systems that had been keeping him alive having been disrupted, removed, and consumed.
When Naruto was finished, he looked over the unnamed stranger before leaning forwards and removing his headband, looking over it to see the symbol etched over it. He didn't recognize it, though the same could be said for most of the villages, but he decided to keep at least this much.
Leaving his mess out would be pointless, burying it would be a much better option. Moving quickly, he began to dig a hole within the dirt before setting the warm corpse in the spot, placing a cloth over his face and closing his eyelids manually, before covering the area back up and patting it down with the shovel. When he was finished, he released the tool and allowed it to glow, mass turning to much more easily transferred energy, which he then stored in a small vial, the glowing substance condensing and turning to liquid. With this done, he headed off to rid himself of the mess that stained his clothing and skin.
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