The Chips Fly

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//A:N// Tis a dark chapter after all, 'tis a dark chapter after all, a dark, dark, chap—ter—errrr! *in the tune of its' a small world*

Naruto sat, wide eyed, as he stared at what he held. An insane grin stretched over his features as he began to slice through the cloth he had accidentally cut moments prior, lifting the blade and swiping it down once, twice, thrice, etcetera. His teeth were clenched tightly together and his lips exceeded the white fragments, revealing parts of his gums. His pupils were contracted into small and thin slits, impossibly small, as he began to impulsively slice away at the cloth. Laughter, or rather; giggles, began to sound from within the room he was in, starting slowly, quietly, and far apart, but slowly increasing in volume and concentration until they were nonstop, lasting far longer than what logic would say his lungs should or would allow.
He had sliced the fabric of his bed on impulse, as though defending himself, when a flash back of events he would rather forget flashed before the backs of his eyes. They were becoming more common, more frequent, and more painful. They were moving backwards, or perhaps they were selected at random, yet this failed to desensitize him of the horrors of his past. He found that, surprisingly, cutting something other than his own flesh was quite soothing, if not that then it was enjoyable. Increasingly so.
Thankfully, they seemed to be only occurring when he was without the presence of others, the reasons as to why were beyond him yet he was thankful nonetheless.
Again, though this time it happened a few hours later than the previous, he had been triggered into the same state of mind. It felt as though there was a slowly increasing pressure in his head that would decrease after one of such episodes.
His breath Hp was heavy as it pushed from his lungs, his heart racing frantically as he placed a hand over his heart to better feel the presence of the thump that was within his chest, any desire or thoughts of forcing it back down to normal speeds having  been forgotten as he gripped the cloth.
Screams, loud and clear, as though they were truly happening, danced through his skull. Again, the images, the scenes, the pain, it played, as though it were a movie with no pause or off button, as the unwilling viewer returned to the mindset of the one he had once had.

-Flashback (Gore Warning)
The metal straps were cold and tight, the limbs and flesh that laid beyond it having gone numb from the lack of circulation. His flesh had already been mutilated, so why he was still strapped down to the table baffled him, as this was when he would normally be brought-roughly-back to his iron scented cage.
The woman who was in charge of surveying the procedures done to him, as well as commonly leading them, had stopped unexpectedly, not ordering her lower ranking coworkers to unsteady him. His cuts bled through open wounds, precise gashes through his flesh, but then, suddenly, he heard the sound of something new. It hummed as its blade spun, a small round and toothy saw, like a bone saw, clean and unblemished, was turned on.

"Today, in addition to the other procedures, of which have already been done on a routine schedule, destructive testing shall ensue to test your more extensive healing capabilities, as well as how long it takes for such to finish completely. Testing shall conclude when subject either loses consciousness, subject fails to heal, or a solution that temporary prevents and or intensifies regenerative process is discovered." She said to the recording device near her. One of her coworkers looked to a schedule, finding this to be undocumented by the official papers. She glanced towards him and gave him a cold stare, a warning by its own rights. His mouth remained closed.
He moved towards a medical closet-which looked much more similarly to a refrigerator than anything else-and began to bring out vials, both small and large alike, of various fluids, many of which fluorescent, and placed each upon the table.
The woman lifted a syringe she had filled with fluid and injected it into the spot she had marked, a new experiment quickly ensuing.
The world returned from the dark haze it had been submerged within, and Naruto looked, down, his insane grin remaining. His cheeks were drenched in paths of salty liquid, and the floor he had sat on upon the flashback's beginning was covered in scratches, pieces of wood and blood forced beneath his ruined nails that had failed to extend.
Laughter, loud and manic, began, salty tears forcing their way from his eyes throughout the ordeal.
Around him, the walls, ground, furniture, and cupboards were all coated in scratches, akin to those of a deranged animal after such creature had been locked within its cage.

-Time Skip
Naruto walked, humming a small tune, through the streets of Konoha. He had been receiving the usual glares and fearful glances, her this time he also gained looks of confusion mingled with those of anger and hatred. Suddenly, a rock hit the back of Naruto's head, and his cheerful attitude ceased to exist. His body froze upon contact, and he slowly began to turn toward the thrower, who had been in the process of being congratulated by his companions for his feat.
He stared for a good moment, before his eyes became sharp and dark, his pupil sparking with a white yellow, and the person collapsed, clutching his cranium. Naruto turned back around, humming once more.
A small group of genin, going in chunin, watched wide eyed at the retreating form. Confusion, fears and horror filling their guts, as well as surprise. Naruto had never done anything, never raised a hand against others, and yet... Technically, he had done nothing, yet the person who had struck the boy with the stone now twitched on the ground, saliva frothing and sudsing over, blood beginning to drizzle from his nose and ears as his cohorts sped to bring him to the closest medical facility, not knowing the cause for the other's sudden downfall.
Naruto seemed to grin wider as fear polluted the air's scents further. He had decided that he liked the taste, and that he wanted to taste it more often.
The mind of any individual, like the sanity of the sane, is represented by a solid sheet of glass. Such plane becomes cracked with stress and doubt and fear, and shattered upon loss of sanity. The shards of Naruto's mind, long since crumbled and cracking, had fallen down each time they were chipped away, and now nothing but the chips remained.

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