Naruto's eyelids twitched as the sun beat down apron his face, making sleep difficult to maintain and forcing him awake. The birds chirped in the trees, singing to one another as if to entice a mate or call to a parent in hopes of the first meal. The wind gently messed with Naruto's locks of blonde spikes, tickling his ears slightly and making them twitch.
That got him up, standing with a start and a slight yelp of surprise he slipped and fell onto his rump, landing almost painfully on his five tails.
He groaned as he patted his tails in hopes of fixing the messy fur before forcing them away with a slight glow. Once this was done he slid down the roof, grabbing in the rim and swinging into the open window with ease. He landed on his bare feet and walked to the bathroom to wait his turn, Sakura having already woken up and started taking a shower with her home-brought soaps, making the area smell as if it were a loaded with flowers, an overpopulating flower bed to be precise, which would have been enjoyable if not for the sensitivity of Naruto's nose. The sent stung and he could feel a slight headache begin to form.
Naruto decided to avoid this area of the house and shower after the cent had gone down. He moved to the kitchen and sat at the table, boredom plane on his face, and waited for the sound of an opening door. He sat there for a while before suddenly growing aware that he was being stared at from behind. He turned around quickly to see that Kakashi had moved to stand directly behind him, his face rather close to his own.
"G-good morning Kakashi-Sensei!" Naruto greeted after a prolonged silence, putting on a smile
"I know" Kakashi stated, moving to the chair before the blonde
"Hm?" Naruto asked, confused and frightened
"I know what you've done" He continued, his single showing eye glaring "Demon scum" he added. Naruto had heard this phrase before, many many times actually, it was what the people who orchestrated his suffering-or to put it more simply organized groups who hated him-would call him. People only ever call him this specific thing right to his face after speaking to someone else who had given him torture or tortured him at one point of time. The very first time someone had called him that was when a group of three had caught him just after he began living on the streets and had began to peel his flesh away with objects similar to large potato peelers. It hurt like hell, like nothing else had before hand. That was the first real torture session as before that he had been under the protection of a nice old lady in an orphanage. He was kicked out after she died and his life seemed to quickly become worse and worse afterwards.
"What are you two talking about?" Tazuna questioned, now sober, as he walked into the room and patted his head as if to rid himself of his headache.
"Nothing" Kakashi lied, standing up and moving to the fridge "Today I'm training my students to tree walk." He paused as if in thought "Naruto here will guard you from the trees." He declared, sending Naruto a threatening glare that dared him to speak against his word.
~Unknown Time, Unknown Place~
An elderly woman held the young and bleeding newborn slightly above her sagging chest, trying to calm down the young babe's wails. The person who had given the young being to her held an empty, cold look within his eyes, the person behind him holding a small bag file with bloody clumps of flesh, fur, and feathers. Due to the healing ability of any normal demon the limbs and other articles of being would eventually grow back but for now the young child appeared human, hopefully the way he would be raised. Demon feathers are sold on the black market for hundreds, sometimes thousands, and could easily make a single man rich if he knew the right people. Danzo glanced at the bag within his grasp and grinned maliciously, any trace of his past sanity having been torn away years ago, and he looked towards his companion who had held the child down. His newly redone Hokage robes were stained in blood and would have to be thrown away, not that the messy liquid bothered him much. He and his group turned away and began to walk back to Danzo's base of operation after leaving the bleeding child with the aged woman. She had always wanted children but due to an issue with her womb she was unable to produce her own.
She had started a orphanage prior but was now flooded with the newly orphaned children from after the Kyuubie's (I feel like I spelt that wrong) most recent attempt of escape. Buildings still crackled with fire and the many children wept within her underfunded building. She blew a gray-pink hair out of her face and walked back to her home and workplace.
~With Naruto, Present time~
Naruto sat bored as he watched Tazuna from afar, eyeing the group of workers as they continued to develop the partially made bridge. It was halfway done now, only needing a few more days to connect the two halves together but the stretch of area between the two done parts was spacious. Naruto wondered vaguely whether or not they would have enough would to finish before remembering what he was sitting on, any doubt of their wood supplies vanishing quickly. His demon family had begun to worry him with their ongoing silence as he had long since gotten used to not being able to hear himself think. The silence gave him a better ability to hear and notice things he heard however and this seemed to assist him as his ears caught the sound of someone walking below.
He peered down and saw the kid from before. Inari walked onwards, Naruto deciding to follow him while leaving a shadow clone behind in his place to take his job. He watched as Inari walked to some old, breaking dock, as if by pure instinct, and sat at it's damp edge. The boy stared at the fog and mist that blocked the distant horizon, as if in thought. Naruto landed next to the boy from the tree, falling to the ground and landing in a crouch, before siting next to the younger child.
"Why" Inari's voice asked, never looking up
"Why what?" Naruto questioned quietly
"Why do you even bother?" He clarified, his eyes hidden by his bangs slightly, his head faced downwards
"Because that's our job." Naruto replied, his eyes now closed
"Well, your job is going to get you killed." Inari replied, a small tremor coming to his voice "There is no such thing as heroes."
"I think I'll be alright" Naruto said with a grin, looking upwards and into the sky
"You just think that 'cause no one's hurt you yet" Inari mumbled before raises his voice slightly when he spoke next "Once someone does that, you'll be dead for sure." Naruto never looked at him, his head remaining raised. His smile seemed to become slightly strained, as if it were forced
"I already am"
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