//A/N// Ok, I put a bad word or two in there so, you have been warned!
Disclaimer; I own nothing! I don't own the quotes, most of the places, songs, or half of the characters.
"Different language!"
Naruto opened his eyes, his body shooting upwards near instantly, sweat covering him from near all of his pours as tears began to slide down his whiskered and reddened cheeks. Realization hit him after he had caught his breath and processed were he was and what had happened: a nightmare, he had only had a nightmare. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding in. He was safe...for now at least...was the young kitsune ever really safe though? His apartment was old and had seen better days with graffiti every were on his walls going along the lines of "die demon" "your not wanted here" in either bright red paint, or the blood of an animal, most likely from a pig or fox.
He looked to his abused door with worry, it wouldn't be the first time someone would break it down if someone were to attack. He sighed and went to get up off of the long ruined mattress when his healing wounds started acting up. He went to the small bathroom connected to his room to switch the bandages and noticed that he would need some more soon. His apartment had two rooms with his "bed" and a small table with his goggles and an old mask on it in one room and the other was a small bathroom with the more basic necessities. Next to the bed was a small kitchen with a normal, if not small, looking table, if not scratched up a bit.
He shivered at the cold temperature his house was. It was fall now, the dreaded winter quickly approaching. He didn't have any heating, nor hot water. If he wanted to get warm water he had to heat it up with a small blue flame he had been able to make in the center of his palm.
It was always blue, why? He didn't know, wasn't fire supposed to be red and orange? He thought so, and recalled seeing it multiple times but who knows? Maybe it could be multi colored. He took off the damp and dirtied clothes he had been wearing and went through his morning schedule. After taking a warmed-up-by-his-fire shower, he made a thing of instant ramen, his favorite food due to it's easy accessibility, and looked at the calendar. His ears flattened against his head in fear, his wings giving a small flutter and tails pooling up in fear. It was October 4th and THAT day was quickly approaching.
"Nothing I can do about it..." He said in a defeated tone as he ate his finally finished meal. He sat, waiting for it to cook. The smell would find its way to his sensitive nose and made it utter agony to wait for. He quickly inhaled his meal and enjoyed the feeling of a full stomach as it made him feel a decent bit better.
Checking the time on his cracked clock, he cursed, he was running late. He quickly used one of the only jutsu he knew to hide his ears and tail before putting on his orange jacket. It was bright and a bit of an eyesore and he knew it. He kept it for two reasons, one, he really liked the color orange, and two, it was the only thing they would give the young kitsune when he went clothes shopping. It was warm and Jiji had gotten him clothes he liked more to go under it so he really didn't care. Plus it had room on the inside so he could slip some stuff here and there in it when he needed a kunai or two after "finding" it somewhere. He kept his wings out though. You couldn't see them from there place inside his jacket anyway so he kept them out.
He opened the door to his apartment and stepped into the crisp Autumn air. He didn't want to be seen by any of the citizens right now, everything had always gotten worse this time of year so he jumped onto the nearest roof soundlessly and took off with the agility and speed of a fox. When he was close to the academy, he jumped down into an alleyway and walked the rest of the way. He went to his seat in the back and sat after yelling something about being the hokage one day and "believe it!".
Being satisfied with his display, he looked around and waited for class to start. Why does he act infront of others? he has to keep his mask up infront of them. No, Naruto was not dumb, nor did he want to become the hokage. Why would he want to become the leader to this place anyway after all that they had done to him in the past....But he needed to keep up his mask after all. He had noticed that there were Anbu on his tail watching him after a while, how could he not? He had very acute senses and thanks to his "kenkie genkies" was a natural with many things, sensory was so easy actually, it was a side effect to the ways of his people. With his hypersensitive senses (including sense of chakra as we will call it XD) made it easy to see them. How else were there more than one heartbeat when he was alone? It only made sense that he was being monitored to see if they had a potential weapon or if they had to send him to root or dispose of him. So he put on an act. He and his people were masters of trickery after all. Suddenly he was punched in the back of the head hard by a furious Pinket after having been ignored.
"Ow! What the heck was that for Sakura chan?!" He asked, a bit out of character for his persona, rather loudly
"That was for ignoring me, you Baka!" The now named Sakura yelled angrily, fist raised slightly as if to threaten the quickly healing kitsune.
"You would know what I was saying if you weren't the dead last!" She yelled. She never knew why, but she enjoyed yelling at the blonde every chance she got, along with hitting him too. As said, she didn't know why, but something about the boy just made her pissed.
"EVERYONE TAKE YOUR SEATS!" Iruka yelled using his very own big-head no jutsu. The children all scrambled to there seats, Sakura glaring at him all the way.
"Ok everyone, today you will all be taking the genin exam, it will start with the written part, then we will check your aim with shuriken and kunai. After that, we will be doing the combat part, finishing up with jutsu." Mizuki said as Iruka handed out the written exam.
"Don't hold back kit." Naruto heard Kuruma say from in his mind.
'Morning Kuru-neechan' Naruto replied back mentally.
"Show them just how wrong they are and rub it in there faces" she said in a growl. How dare that girl call her kit a dobe!?
'I'll make it higher then they expect, but I still need my mask Kuru...' Naruto said hesitantly, he hadn't planned on passing with flying colors after all, he was planning to just barely pass it to avoid suspicion.
'but...If I'm going to pass above there standards, I'll just have to pass with a perfect score' he thought as a grin appeared on his face.
'This'll be fun!'
"Begin!" Iruka yelled and everyone flipped there paper over, and started answering.
'This is so easy, "What is a hidden village"? seriously, who doesn't know that?' He thought as he zipped through the test in record time. He then realized something, He had half an hour long wait until he could do anything else. He looked around, hoping to entertain himself with something, ANYTHING. Shikamaru was sleeping with a bit more than 60% of his work done.
'Might as well sleep a bit...haven't got any in a while' Naruto thought before getting in a comfortable position and shutting his eyes. He appeared in his real home inside his mind but never opened his eyes. One of his onechaan tails gently wrapped around him and brought him inside of her cage. He was carefully nuzzled in between her front paws by her head as she too took a nap. A gentle purring sounding from them both.
Naruto was waken from his peaceful sleep by being elbowed by his neighbor, Sasuke Uchiha. With an annoyed growl, he sat up again and glared at his rival. He was still sleepy dammit!
"As I was saying," Iruka said with a tick mark appearing on his forehead.
"We will now all go to take the shooting accuracy test." With that, he led the way to there training ground, which was about a quarter of the size as a normal one, but was still fairly large. Targets were placed on some of the trees in the area for the test. One by one, names were called, each time the student that had been summoned receiving a certain amount of kunai and shurikan. Naruto was called last, walking up to Mizuki who had the weapons for him to throw with a large bright smile.
When he took the weapons from Mizuki though, his smile turned into a frown when he noticed they were heavier than the average ones. Not by much, heavier than the handle, the handle was too light and the blade to heavy. Mizuki looked nervous when Naruto's smile fell and and a suspicious look took its place.
"What's wrong dobe? You aren't scared are you?" Sasuke said arrogantly.
"Never! It's just that these kunai are all too heavy on the blade and too light on the handle and it makes it way to imbalanced!" Naruto said loudly, further shocking Sakura and a couple other students at the intelligence Naruto let them glance at. But most dismissed it as Naruto just being Naruto and was pulling some mm sort of prank.
"Lier, your just making up an excuse for you not going to be able to hit the targets." Sasuke said with a smirk as he was backed up by his fan girls.
"Yeah you Baka! Stop trying to act smart and cool like Sasuke!" Sakura yelled, anxious to impress her self proclaimed 'beloved'.
"Now Naruto, why would I ever try to sabotage you?" Mizuki said as he had begun to sweat, feigning confusion with the smallest touch of betrayal mixed in, it was a genuinely impressive display of fake emotion, if not for the fact that this had not been the first time, Naruto would have been fooled easily.
"Oh, no reason, just speaking out loud about something I noticed! And look!" He quickly threw all of the kunai into the air high so that the weight difference would make them all land on target. He then proceeded to do the same with the shuriken. For the shuriken, one of the points made up half of the weight. One of them missed and landed on ground.
"Oh well! Guess I can't win 'em all right?" Naruto said loudly with a fox smile present on his face.
"Haha! You can't even make all of them hit the target! What a loser!" Kiba yelled, followed by a chorus of laughter.
"Naruto, you made a bullseye on all but one which would normally give you a good grade but... I will have to take off half of your points for each of them, which gives you..." Iruka quickly did the math " 19/40 of your grade in this part of the test."
"Oh that little! Naruto, tune me out now!" He heard his somewhat sugarcoat mother say in his mind
' um...ok?' He said back before blocking her.
"That little ----- can't get his ------- head out of his ------- --- to see that his 'friend' was trying to ------- ruin the life of of my precious kit?!" Naruto had tuned her out pretty well as he thought about his situation. He came to a conclusion and he turned back to Iruka.
"That was never a rule." He stated calmly. On the inside however, he was raging. He saw multiple people brake that rule but they were never punished in any way for it! This was so unfair!
"You can't make rules that would effect only one person's grade after the test is taken. You can't make a rule for one person only. You never mentioned it before the test. And you shouldn't sabotage your students because of personal opinion, sensei." Naruto concluded, sending the last sentence mostly towards Mizuki with undertones of malice.
"N-Naruto I wouldn't...didn't...do anything like that..." Iruka said. What was with Naruto?! He was acting so much different from his usual hyperactive self. It was starting to worry him.
"Yeah ok whatever, let's just move to the next part of the exam." Naruto said grumpily. Iruka looked at the young blonde worriedly before turning around and walking into a part of the training ground with less trees for the next part of the exam. This one was combat. Mizuki went to go grade the written tests from earlier. It was pretty uneventful really, the rules were that you have to last for two minutes and no weapons or jutsu. Basically, to sum it up, only muscle and brain. Naruto went against someone who had once been, or was going to be, his friend. He forgot his name, but knew that he had set him up to get killed in a forest by enemy ninja. At least he still had the cool kunai from that day. He stood in the center of the area, awaiting for the go to for him to strike.
"You can beat him easily kit. Beat him into the dirt." Kuruma said with a light growl. She remembered the kids that thought it was funny to try and get her kit killed at the mere age of eight.
'Sounds like a good idea, I never had the chance for any real revenge for them trying to throw away my life.' He responded. Sure he got to scare them with a prank but Iruka had stopped him before he could really prank them. So let it be said that he would be happy to relieve some of the stress that came from this time of year and get his pay back. Iruka suddenly yelled "begin!", Naruto dashing at his opponent with inhuman speed and agility the instant his mind processed the words.
Today he would show them all that he was no dobe, he wouldn't show them all of what he was, what he could do, but he would show them that he was not what they thought he was. He quickly dropped down low the moment he was close enough and swept the feet from under the other before bringing his leg up in a hard kick that sent him back up a decent way above the ground just barely above Naruto's own head. Naruto backflipped high enough and then delivered a flying kick, slamming his foot into the other's gut just so he would be sent to the ground, making him coughing up a bit of blood as he fell to the ground, unconscious, before he could process anything that had transpired. With that done, Naruto had won with flying colors.
"Well done Naruto...you um...won by default seeing as your opponent is unable to continue..." Iruka said slowly, still unsure of what was wrong with the blonde. After that they were temporarily dismissed for lunch so he went to his swing and sat there to sway a little here and there on it. This was where he went when everyone else ate their lunch. Shikamaru and Choji sat down a bit to the side on a bench. Choji was eating a bag of chips, chicken, and rice along with some water. The smell of the meat made him hungrier then he already was and his stomached let out a hungry rumble which did not go unnoticed by Choji who also noticed Naruto's lack of food or drink in any sort.
"Hey Naruto, how did you eat so fast?" Choji asked, earning another hungry grumble from the young kitsune's stomach.
"Oh I um..." 'how am I going to get out of this?' "don't have one Choji" Naruto said and waited for the pair to leave him alone. Seeing this further confused Choji. How could some one not have a lunch? He himself felt that he would die if he ever skipped a meal.
"Whaaaa?" Was Choji's logical response.
"What a drag, now if I don't give you something to eat I'll feel guilty." Shikamaru said as he was Naruto's friend once upon a time and he did still care about the blond, he never knew why they had stopped hanging out, but he did know that they simply just stopped one day without warning of explanation.
"No, you don't have to do that! I'm fine! Really! A little bit of hunger won't kill me" his stomach growled in contrast to his words.
"Here, just take a chicken leg." Shikamaru said as he took one of his and Choji's pieces of chicken.
"But, what will you eat? Isn't this your lunch?" He asked the two, bewildered that someone would do something like that for him.
"We have a whole chicken to eat so it's fine." Choji said handing the blond a chicken leg, to which Naruto gratefully took and gobbled the meat quickly. He smiled at them with a rare true smile as he felt a little bit more happy at the reminder that there were some purebred humans that did bother to care. Before he could say thank you the bell rang and they all had to rush back to class for the last part of the exam.
Naruto sat nervous. He could do the first to parts of the test easily but he couldn't make a clone! He couldn't fail this test either because he knew what would happen if he were to prove useless or weak. He was an asset to Konoha, a tool to be used and tossed to the side whenever they saw fit. Funny how most of them wanted him dead though if he was their oh so important tool. In his nervous musings he almost missed his name being called by Iruka, almost. He hopped up from his seat and went to the next room to do the jutsu test.
"Ok Naruto" Iruka said a bit slowly, as his nervousness had increased after watching Naruto's fight.
"I want you to make three bunshin, a henge, and a kawarimi." Naruto nodded and performed the jutsu. He switched with Iruka and into him at the same time earning an alarmed yelp from his instructor.
"Very good Naruto, now the clones please." Mizuki said mentally growling at the young boys antics. Naruto hesitantly did the hand seal and attempted to channel the right amount of chakra into the jutsu. He was doing good and had managed to make one good one but his chakra suddenly spiked when he sensed KI directed towards him, as he was sensitive to that form of energy as well, two of the clones instantly dispersing and the last remaining literally paled in comparison of the real deal. They checked his scores, Iruka frowning in pity and displeasure.
"Naruto, your scores aren't good in any of your tests except for sparing, I'm going to have to fail you." Iruka said, afraid of the young jinchuriki would react.
"What?!" Naruto yelled. He had hit all of the targets perfectly except one. He had gotten all of the questions on the test right, Kuru having checked them over, he had won his fight in record time, he had done two of his jutsu at once with no hand seals, and they were going to fail him just because he was a jinchuriki?! Yes he knew it, if he was able to talk to her with ease, then he obviously knew that much.
"You completely failed your written exam, and got less than half on your aim part, and you failed to do one of your jutsu."
"Oh come on Iruka, he did two clones this time! Plus he passed the combat with flying colors." Mizuki protested to cover his tracks in what he had done.
"That is true but he needs to have done three! He only did two and one of them shouldn't even count. Plus his grades are so bad that him wining the spar in record time doesn't even count for anything! I'm sorry Naruto, but I can't let you pass." Iruka said in a finalizing tone. Mizuki's smirk went unnoticed by Iruka, but not by the eyes of Naruto.
'The hell? Kuru, I thought you said that I had all of the answers right!'
"You did kit, it's just that this mother fucking traitor is lying about your grades." Kuruma said with a low growl at her sugarcoat son was sabotaged once more.
"Oh...that makes sense I guess..." Naruto accidentally said out loud.
"What does?" Iruka asked earning a nervous glance at the boy from Mizuki.
"Oh! Did I say that out loud? It's just that, I was...sabotaged again I guess..." Naruto trailed off at the ticked off look he received from Iruka.
"Naruto! You can not blame your lack of success on us! We would never do that to a student!" Iruka yelled, being fed up with Naruto's behavior
"Now leave this room so that the others can do their test!" He continued to yell in distain.
"Fine! It's not like you people have ever changed! Your all the same!"
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