//A:N// BLUEBERRY SEASON!! So tasty, so sweet and sour, nummy nummy blueberries.
When things powered down everyone helped set up the table and cook the meal, Sasuke and Naruto getting along for the time being and both assisting with the work. They ended up eating a cooked deer stew, which was something unique to Naruto and therefore something exciting. Inari, who was sitting beside Naruto, couldn't help but snicker at the blonde's exclamation of the similarities between the stew and his favorite dish of ramen.
"Fifths please!~" Naruto pleaded, Inari giving another snicker as he was still on his second bowl
"My my, what an appetite" Tsunami said as she refilled the bowl again, Sakura gave Naruto a dirty look
"Naruto! You realize that you're mooching off their food you DOBE!" Sakura screeched as she sent a fist in his direction, Naruto puffed to the sealing, his bowl spilling a hot droplet onto her head as she looked up, the liquid spilling dangerously close to her eye. "NARUTO!" She cried in anger, wiping at her face with clear rage, Kakashi looking on with surprise and shock as he watched Naruto crouch on the rather high ceiling, one hand touching the high surface and the other holding the upright bowl. "Seriously! This town is poor! People are dying of hunger in the streets and you have the gall to eat up all of their food?!!" Sakura hollered after him before suddenly turning to Kakashi "Kakashi-sensei! Get Naruto down here and tell him off!" Kakashi sighed before puffing up to the ceiling with his self-famed eye smile, taking hold of the bowl before puffing down to the table
"Now Naruto, food stays at the table, ok?" He asked in a pleasant tone, setting down the still hot bowl, Naruto made a muttered response. "Please speak up Naruto or else your word doesn't count." Kakashi responded
"Fine" Naruto groaned, letting go of the ceiling wall and dropping himself down. He landed in a crouch on the table
"Show off" Sasuke muttered, sending a glare at the blonde
"Like you aren't one" Naruto retorted, moving back to his spot while avoiding Sakura's rage
"Someone shut the banshee up! Please!" Someone from within Naruto cried into Naruto's head. Naruto calmly looked at Sakura with a slightly smug look and said in a different language
"<Make me bitch>" he responded, most everyone looking at him oddly as they hadn't known that he knew any other language, he stuck out his tongue towards Sakura "<You have no idea what I'm saying right now, so I'll tell you that you look and act like a wore desperate for Uchiha dick>" Naruto continued, the laughter within him raging, he continued while ignoring Kurama's twitchy silence as her kit cussed in the demonic language. Naruto full on smirked "<Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch!>" Sakura had by then caught on that Naruto had been making fun of her and had started chasing him with her fists ready "<Can't catch me>" he cooed sarcastically, jumping away from her unswift movements with the grace of a kitsune spirit
"If you won't speak Japanese then don't speak at all!" Sakura yelled as she tried after him, finding that the blond was always just out of her grasp, Naruto leapt onto the upper wall, just below the ceiling
"Miss me, miss me, now you gotta kiss me!" Naruto cried laughingly, unaware of just how much this would piss off the other ninja
"IN YOUR DREAMS, BAKA!" Sakura bellowed as I began to run out of yelling words and my audience loosing patience for my fourth-wall-destruction. Naruto only had time to mutter a single "<fuck>" in his foreign language before being forced to duck under the now quicker fist of the pinkette.
~Night time~
Sasuke grumbled in his sleep, moving to the edge of the bed to avoid the other person the best he could. The other sleeping person moved closer, forcing the raven to move again and fall off and onto the floor. He jumped up in announce and shoved the pinkette off before jumping back on the mattress. Naruto slept soundly from his place beneath the springs with the large comforter cocooning his being. Kakashi walked into the room when he heard a thud and seeatdropped at the scene of Sasuke grumbling in annoyance. The next day he would begin training Sas-the team how to tree walk, though Naruto seemed to already know how that didn't bother his plans any. He would let the kids sleep, or try to sleep, and closed the door. He snickered slightly as he watched Sasuke try to claim the bed, only for Sakura to sneak in and slowly try to cling onto the annoyed raven once more. He snickered again and closed the door, slowly so as to not disturb the pair and walking away and back to the living room couch where he went to sleep.
Eyes peered down upon the home with the focus of a predator stalking its prey, he hadn't been too pleased when such a lowly job had been passed on to him but here he was, watching a pair of prepubescent teens subconsciously fight for the right to the bed. The boy next to the predatory assassin looked up towards his master.
"What do you wish us to do Zabuza-Sama?" The masked child asked, any possible expression numbed by the emotionless mask. Zabuza scoffed at the idea of a sneak attack, way too easy. No, he wanted to enjoy this kill, give them hope just before smashing them down.
"For now, nothing" Zabuza responded "Let's watch them for a while, they just might amuse us." Haiku nodded at his master's decision, though that didn't mean he had to like the plan.
~Next Day, 2:00 am~
Naruto crawled out from his hidy-hole, stuffing his blanket in the farthest reach of the underside before tip toeing away from the pair of sleeping genin. All throughout the night he had been forced to listen to grunts and the creaking of the bed's springs and, while he was amused, it had cut into his precious sleep, not that he had gotten much anyway considering the current date, only one day away before that day, the day that haunted his nightmares above every other.
Sure others were bad but not as much as this one, the repeated pain of various ways of reception had conditioned his mind to fear the very date of the horrid day. Naruto held his breath at the thought of the day and had to pause in his motion before continuing onwards. He forced himself to calm and moved onwards and into the bathroom, not bothering to turn on the lights as his eyes saw through the darkness with ease. The sun had yet to rise, the sky still being an ocean of inky blue and purple with and endless number of tinkling white dots decorating the blue and purple hues. Naruto glanced at them through a window before turning back to the mirror before him.
He sighed as he looked at his growing bags, soon they might notice if he didn't fix them soon. He touched one of his eye's shadow and rubbed it slightly with two of his fingertips and prodded at them worriedly. He then turned to his whisker marks and gently caressed one of the lines, the odd sensation of the touch always confused him but he had learned early on that they produced demonic energy, small amounts that he could then use. He continued to touch the smooth lines for a few more minutes until he felt enough usable energy in his system to force away the shaded area underneath his eyelids. They faded away after a bit of hard focusing, little of the demonic energy left over which he stored away for later use, though he still felt tired. Even with this being true the idea of sleep refused him, nightmares of the past and possible future taunting him whenever his eyelids pleaded for a prolonged pause of use.
Naruto ended up going up to the roof and stared at the night sky, a luxury he rarely was able to enjoy unless the situation was just right. Here he didn't need to worry about that though, and if anyone did try to harm him he would be allowed to fight back, this thought comforting him enough for his troubled mind to allow him to relax, or try to anyway. As he sat down on the roof and lost himself in the sounds of the woodland creatures and the low murder of the wind through the surrounding tree's leaves. Naruto's eyes grew heavy again and almost closed when he heard something, someone stepping? He looked around him, ears that he hadn't known were out alert and upright. Whomever had moved below had stopped in their movements, their chakra being hidden too well for him to track. Naruto stared into the trees for a longer period of time before finally giving up, though this time he never relaxed. The cool air was enjoyable out here and the view unlike his home's back there were clothing hanging around buildings and he had never had a proper balcony, only an old window that never seemed to close all of the way, it was always a pain in the ass whenever the weather became unfavorable. The window did however give him access to part of the roof so it wasn't entirely a hinderance, though that still didn't erase the water damage from whenever it rained. Naruto gave an almost content sigh, tired ears drooping as his eyelids grew heavy again. He made a slight jerk when his head had fallen, having had fallen asleep for a mere moment, and wrapped his now out wings around him for extra warmth. Five tails curled around whatever possible, two snaking around the chimney he had been leaning on while the other three wrapped around his lower being. The fur was ruff and in need of brushing, not too mention proper washing, and his wings had become disorganized and were in desperate need for some preening.
"I wonder if I can still fly like this..." Naruto mumbled as he sorted through some of the disorganized feathers. He decided against the idea and resumed his warm cocoon, relaxing more and his eyelids becoming heavy once more. His breath evened out and his body relaxed as sleep found him, no dream nor nightmare having yet started as his body continued to calm. He thought he had heard a gentle swoosh but felt a warm energy, demonic, lick at his insides and relaxing him more, preventing his calm state from dissipating. Someone touched the side of his face to look at the boy, his eyes still closed, and hummed before gently setting him back down.
"I've finally found you, jinchuriki." She said lowly, a slight glare on her face. She sighed slightly as she realized her mother likely wouldn't allow the death of the child, much less Edward's own approval. She growled, Naruto squaring in his sleep before the feminine demon took notice in what the boy was. There was no way she would be allowed to end the boy now, much less would it be possible. She patted the boy on the head, gently rubbing the smooth ears, before turning to leave to bare knees of the events to the others. She paused and looked down at one of her hands, a white serpentine-like dragon sliding off and gaining in size. It's hollow, glowing eyes peered at her with question, the creature's detached body moving into place and claws settled into a position similar to a hand or paw. "Protect him from the shadows, let no one attempt to harm him whilst his back is turned." Nightingale instructed sternly "Return to me once either I return or he returns to his place of living." She continued before disappearing into the darkness of the night. The creature, whom appeared as if its being was designed out of floating chunks of rounded flesh, only certain areas being physically attached to each other and same pieces not being rounded or smooth. It opened its mouth, jaw never being attached but fitting into place comfortably and tongue slinking itself into the mouth. Once the creature had truly assembled itself, something only done after extended episodes of being unused, it sunk into the shadows and watched the boy with determined flames within deep shadows for eyes. Its head gave a sudden twist as it heard a sound, the sound of the smallest bit of movement. The shadow disappeared into the night's own, awaiting any harm to come to the blonde demon before it would strike like a python to kill whatever possible prey. A masked boy stared on with sharp eyes at blonde boy, having had watched everything and was now unsure of what action should be taken. He sunk back into an ice mirror, his form of transportation, to return to his master to bare the knew news.
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