Old Rain.

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Before you start I am fully aware that this book is in need of major editing, but due to me having four books, no editor and still in the middle of writing one book, it is not my main priority at the moment. I also have a bit of a life, hard to believe I know, but I do.

Feel free to comment and vote for any chapter, I am grateful for it all and I will always do my best to reply to you - it's a pleasure having every single one of you as a reader and you will always be appreciated by me. So from here on out, thank you very much for everything. I hope you enjoy it.

Happy reading!


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The contents of this book are protected by the copyright laws, none of the material within the book can be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any form, (eg. elctronically, mechanically, photocopied or recorded) without permission from the author. ©Pianogirl56 2013.

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