Chapter 9.

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Chapter 9:

"Harry where are you taking me?" I asked him again as we sat in his car still driving.

"It's a surprise!" he replied chirpily focussing on the road ahead. I sighed in defeat and waited until we stopped, I looked out of the window to see the familiar London landmarks in the distance - knowing we weren't too far from home was comforting for me.

"Were here!" he exclaimed as he parked the car in an open spot and got out. I looked up as I started getting out, seeing a small café in front of me. Harry walked ahead leading the way.

It was beautiful. It had lovely tables with mini baskets on top that held the menus, an orchard in the middle of every table and the familiar smell of coffee overtook my senses as I entered through the door. "Wow! Harry this place is amazing! I love it" I commented and smiled largely at him as he looked around the room then looked back to me, replicating my grin.

"I'm glad you like it!" he chuckled and walked towards the back of the room and sat at a table, with me sitting across from him.

"So are you going to tell me why you brought me here?" I question as he picks up a menu and glances at it.

"What? Can't a guy just want to spend some time with a new friend?" his smile was huge as he tore his eyes away from the menu and looked at me through his eyelashes, I smirked at him and replied.

"Yeah he can, but normally he wouldn't kidnap her from a friend and take her to an unfamiliar place" giggling, I noticed the waitress coming over; after we ordered our drinks Harry continued.

"I just wanted to get to know you." he spoke truthfully as his piercing green eyes looked into my average hazel ones. I pulled a suspicious looking face and he chuckled, me joining shortly after.

"Okay, what do you want to know?" I smiled.

------{Harry's POV}------

I looked at her with my famous cheeky grin, "Everything. Tell me about your family, you said you had brothers?"

"Yeah I do. Ben and Jake; Ben is twenty-six and Jake is twenty-one. They're really great, although annoying when we were growing up, but I'm lucky to have them as brothers." She stated honestly as I nodded.

"What about your parents?" I asked curiously.

"They separated four years ago" I could see the pain in her face as she spoke - she must have not expected it. And I know the feeling. I grasped her hands in mine and gently traced my thumb across the top of her hand, she looked up at me a gave a sad smile.

"Sorry Em, I shouldn't hav-" she interrupted before I finished.

"No, no, it's fine. It was just unexpected that's all. I just didn't see it coming and when it did, it was hard to handle. You don't need to apologise; you were bound to find out anyway. And it was a long time ago so..." she trailed off, I completely understood her situation and I could tell she tried to stay strong when people asked her that question but I could tell it hit a nerve. "So what about you, tell me about your family?" she changed the situation and I respected the fact that she didn't wanted to talk about it.

"I thought you said you were a fan?" I asked.

"I am, why?"

"Well surely you would know a bit about me" I asked confused to why she was asking about me.

"Well I do know about you, but that's just what I've read. I want to hear it from you, I want the truth. The real Harry Styles." she smiled widely at me as she asked this. I appreciated the way she asked about me and genuinely wanted to know about me as a person and not as a well known boyband member.

"Okay, well, I have an older sister called Gemma. My mum and dad got divorced when I was seven, and my mum remarried to Robin who is a really great guy. He's always taken care of my mum and I am really grateful for that - even more now that I'm gone for a while at a time." whilst explaining my story, she looked concentrated and all of her attention was on me as she listened intently. She nodded and smiled, thankful that I had told her about myself.

"So..." she began to change the subject, "The other day when we were playing twenty question's.."

"Yeah?" I asked, wanting to know where this was going.

"You asked me what my ideal first date would be. Why?" with a cheeky smirk on her face, she looked at me.

I smiled at her and took in her features. Her curly hair cascading down her chest and her hazel eyes glistening in the sunlight that was beaming through one of the windows; her perfectly natural smile forming as she looks at me, Ive never really realised how beautiful she is.

I blushed, trying to cover my embarrassment as I think of my answer, "I was just curious I suppose."

She looked at me unconvinced and giggled, "okay then."

We finished up in the café and I took her back to her house, walking her up to her door.

"Thank you for today Harry, I mean it. I really enjoyed it; we'll have to go back to that place, it was beautiful." she smiled at me and I returned the favour by closing the gap between us, I held her face with my right hand and my left one in my pocket. I inched my face closer to hers, her breathing hitched as I did, and I could feel her peppermint breath on my face.

I decided to tease her, our lips were centermeters apart and I paused; moving my lips to her ear and whispering "Now we're even." I kissed her lightly on the cheek feeling sparks coarse through both our bodies, I pulled back and gave her a wink before leaving her stunned on her step. I looked over my shoulder and smiled at her, seeing her doing the same as she walked into her door.


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- Pianogirl56

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