Chapter 54

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Thankfully Mason and I weren't kept at the hospital for longer than a couple hours. Kelly and dad were both anxiously waiting for us once we arrived and rushed us through to a room for two people. They conducted a million and one tests and scans before they were convinced that we were both luckily fine and not as severely injured as we could have been.

I had a minor concussion from when I hit the back of my head on Mason's car, one large scratch on my upper arm, and minor scratches and bruises from the broken glass around us. Since Mason had selflessly taken almost all the impact, his injuries were a lot more extensive but thankfully not too much. His bullet wound had reopened, he had a lot larger cuts on his arms and head, and he also broke two ribs. I guess it's safe to say he's missing two weeks of school. Lucky. I can't believe how selfish he is, I know for a fact he took the fall so he could miss school and rub it in my face.

The police of course got involved considering it was a literal explosion but they came to the conclusion that someone gas tank was leaning and a lit cigarette had set the entire thing off. There's no way Annabelle would have stupidly not found a cover story for herself and covered her tracks. I refuse to believe the second someone hits Mason's car with a note that is literally signed by her, an explosion happens barely seconds later and that too not very far away from us.

Unfortunately there's nothing much I myself can do considering the situation, but that doesn't mean my brothers aren't. Especially Elijah. After the phone call, the six of them rushed over to the hospital and stormed into our room. If that wasn't enough, all our friends including Mia bursting in just moments later topped it all off. I guess it's safe to say my uterus renter was given the name of Annabelle for a reason. The similarities between her and the creepy doll are uncanny.

"I'm still mad at you." I huffed as Mason rolled his eyes and shoved fries in my mouth to shut me up. "I think I've got PTSD from McDonald's." I mumbled as I chewed on the fries before taking more.

"Remind me why you're mad again?" He asked with an amused look as I pressed pause and turned to face him.

"Because you're an inconsiderate, disrespectful, and a horrible person. Did you not once think of how I would feel? It's like you say you love me but you don't really mean it, Mason. Because if you did then you wouldn't have said what you did." I said as I wiped a tear and crossed my arms.

"Why are you crying, my love? I don't even know what I said!" He exclaimed as the tears fell down my cheeks a lot faster.

"You're just making it worse! How can you just make it seem so irrelevant. My heart is literally breaking and it's all your fault!" I sobbed as he shuffled closer and wrapped his arm around my shoulders before pulling me to his chest. "I'd get it if it was someone else, but I didn't expect it from you of all people! How could you just call miraculous a childish show for kids?! Do you not realise the damage your words cause? Words hurt Mason! Especially those words." I cried as he gently stroked my hair as I grabbed multiple tissues from the box and wiped my eyes.

"Are you done crying?" He asked softly as I nodded and sniffled. "Do you need your hot water bottle?" He asked after a few moments of silence as I nodded my head once again.

"They love each other so much and they don't even know it! I can't believe she disregarded him like that the entire time and he still stuck by her." I cried once again as the last episode of season four came to an end.

Before I knew it, a hot water bottle was being pressed against my stomach dulling the harsh pain that was there earlier. It's not pretty being injured and then having Aunt Flo come for a visit. It's like the worlds out to get me.

"I'm sorry I called your show childish, why don't we watch it all over again from the start for the second time?" He asked as I nodded and wiped my nose.

"I won't cry this time." I pathetically said knowing I definitely will.

It's only been a day since we left the hospital and Mason's been with me ever since. Despite still not completely liking Mason as my boyfriend, dad still loves him as my friend and Kelly's son. Which is why he convinced Kelly to let Mason and Mia stay over at ours. It didn't take very much to convince Kelly to agree since she spent most of her days and nights either at the hospital, or sleeping since she had to go back only hours later. She was considering dropping a lot of her shifts to take care of Mason but the amount of patients she personally takes care of would need her and it would take a lot more than a small briefing to make sure they were in good hands. Nurses know their patients.

Anyway, dad and Athena set up two rooms for the older twins and helped the two of them move in for the week. Since Mason was hopeless in taking care of himself, Mia and I took up the job and were getting paid good food for it too. It's a win win.

Mason and I have been watching miraculous ladybug and cat noir for the last six hours. From season one to four and all the movies too. I was a lot less emotional till he decided to call the best show in the world childish. That was when the dam broke and the waterworks started. My period had just started earlier this morning making everything a million times worse.

"It's okay, I hate Mason too." Mia comforted as she glared at Mason before pulling me away from him and hugged me.

"You're my favourite twin." I sniffled as Mason immediately snapped his head at me and looked at me in disbelief. "Are you getting mad at me?!" I asked in disbelief as my eyes welled up with more tears. His eyes widened in panic as he frantically began thinking of ways to stop me from crying.

"Do you want pizza? Stuffed crust? I know you love it. I'll order you two. Do you want cake? What kind of question is that, of course you do. I'll be back in fifteen minutes." He said before running out of the living room with his phone in his hand.

"Are you calling me fat?!" I screeched as Mia burst into a fit of laughter. "Do you think we annoyed him enough?" I asked as I wiped my crocodile tears and relaxed on the couch.

"Great job, we got two pizzas and cake." Mia grinned as she high fived me before grabbing the remote and pressing play. "You're evil." Mia snorted as I rolled my eyes.

"I get bored what can I do? Besides, I only started pretending once you came in." I shrugged as she burst into a fit of laughter while shaking her head in amusement.

"How have you guys been since the whole 'evil biological mother' situation?" She asked as I instinctively began fiddling with the ring Mason had given me.

"They're stressed out. I spoke to Rachel last night and asked if Elijah was home and she said he wasn't. It was two in the morning." I told her as I leaned my head on her shoulder while she leaned her head on top of mine. "They can't arrest her for anything because apparently she was nowhere near us when it all happened and was 'getting over her breakup with her now ex husband.'" I sighed.

"Have you told Mason any of this?" She asked after a few moments of silence.

"I don't want more people to stress Mi. I should've just kept my mouth shut instead of getting revenge. We could've died in that explosion if we were any closer to it. What if he died?" I gulped as I felt my throat close up at the thought of it. I don't want to think about it.

"She wouldn't have done that Ev. It takes a lot to kill someone and she wouldn't have done it no matter how psychotic she seems." She reassured. "You can't forget that you're a kid yourself, you're only seventeen and you should be worried about what colour you should paint your nails. Leave this one to the grown ups?" She tried convincing me but I shook my head.

"I can't do that Mia. If anything, that would make me feel so much more worse. I don't know how you haven't convinced your brother to leave me yet. Heck, I'm surprised he's not gone himself." I said as I pressed my palms to my eyes to stop the tears from falling.

"Why would I hurt my brother like that? You love him and he loves you just as much if not more. You can't just constantly see situations as something you fight by yourself while everyone watches on the sidelines. It doesn't work like that." She said before wrapping her arms around me and squeezed me as tight as she possibly could without hurting me too much.

She soon let go and stood up from the couch before leaving the living room. My vision was blurry as I continuously wiped my eyes just for them to fill with tears once again. It was like a broken tap constantly dripping with water making so sign of stopping.

Just as I moved to wipe my eyes once again, I felt calloused hands wrap around my wrist and gently pull them away. The second my green eyes met with his heavenly blue ones, I broke out into sobs pulling my hands away from him and covering my face.

I heard an almost inaudible sigh as the couch slightly dipped besides me and an arm was wrapped around my shoulders. I felt him gently move me into his lap as I cuddled up into a bawl and kept my face pressed into his chest as my body shook. I felt his hand take both my shaking ones and pull them away from my face as he planted a long kiss on the top of my head while silently stroking my back. I'm probably hurting him as we speak.

I tried pulling away from him so I could sit back on the couch, but he kept a firm hold on me stopping me from moving away from him. After a few futile attempts, I gave up and let myself relax in his embrace.

"Do you want some water?" I heard his deep voice ask after what felt like hours of silence and crying.

Shaking my head, I kept my face pressed into his chest feeling too embarrassed to even show my face. I can't believe I cried like a baby for absolutely no reason!

Ignoring my answer, he held up an open water bottle in front of me not forcing me to look up at him or move at all. I wrapped a shaking hand around the bottle and sniffled before taking a sip. Once I was done, he screwed the cap back on the bottle before setting it down somewhere.

"Do you feel better?" He asked as I shook my head not trusting my own voice to speak. I feel as though I'll start crying all over again if I even look at him, forget speaking to him. "Can I see my gorgeous girls face?" He asked as I shook my head once again.

I heard another soft sigh from him as I wiped my eyes for the nth time in the last couple of minutes. I shifted slightly in his lap and accidentally dug my elbow in his ribs making him hiss in pain. I immediately shot backwards and looked up at his face in worry while he simply smirked at me.

"There it is." He grinned as he kissed my cheek while I glared at him. "I know I said I love the colour red on you, but not for your eyes." He frowned as he gently wiped my eyes and kept his hand on my cheek.

"I'm sorry." I croaked out as his frown deepened.

"Why're you sorry, my love?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I could tell it was difficult for him since he only had one good arm, but either way he was ignoring whatever pain he felt and focused on me.

"It's just my period, forget it." I dismissed as I moved to get off of him just for his hold to tighten a lot more. The earlier look of worry was replaced with anger as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Don't do that. You can not tell me but don't lie to me and dismiss it like it's nothing." He said as I looked down at my hands and bit my lip.

"I just feel so pathetic okay?" I said in frustration as my eyes burned immediately making me cover my face once again.

He didn't speak, instead he stood up from the couch with his arm still tightly wrapped around my waist, and lead me to the stairs. We walked up the stairs and into my room, and after closing the door behind him, he lead me to my bed and sat me down in front of him while he crouched down in front of me.

"What's wrong? I don't want to hear a lie." He whispered as I wiped my face with my sleeve and looked back into his blue eyes once again. Fingers crossed I don't cry.

"I don't deserve you. And you don't deserve for this shit to happen to you." I said as he moved to say something but decided to stay quiet. "You three came here to get away from the awful memories back in England, but I just came and gave you more. Kelly has seen you in the hospital twice and one of those times was because of me. You almost died the other day all because you were with me. You call Elijah in the middle of the night for updates and don't get any sleep because of me." I blurted out, surprised that I hadn't started crying all over again. "AND NOW IM ON MY PERIOD AND ITS MAKING ME FEEL SO MUCH MORE WORSE!" I yelled as I grabbed my pillow and screamed as loud as I possibly could into it before pulling it away from my face and sighing.

"Sometimes I think you're only book smart." He said after a few moments of silence making me look at him in confusion. "You're right, we did leave England to get away from horrible memories and to make new ones. Mia became friends with people and she's never had friends before, none she could count on anyway. She got best friends who have her back. My mum got a job where she gets treated like family. She's felt more at home in a place where she's barely spent half a year than where she spent her entire life. She chooses to go to work because it's the best part of her day besides her two kids. And for me, I met someone I love. I don't punch someone new every hour of the day, instead I'm too busy obsessing over one girl whose lot the plot." He said with a wide smile. "So don't you dare say I deserve better because I've got the best." He whispered before pressing a long kiss to my lips catching me off guard.

I was still processing everything he just said while he was kissing me. I know he would never have agreed with me because he loves me, but a small part of me thought maybe the love he has for me wasn't enough. Maybe it was just something he was holding on too till he finally reached a point to leave.

"You can't possibly love me that much." I said in disbelief once we pulled away from each other.

"That and so much more, my love." He replied as he moved a single strand of hair away from my face. "Ninety nine percent of me loves you for your looks and you look really ugly when you cry. So can you stop?" He joked as my jaw dropped. How dare he? I immediately slapped his shoulder and shoved him away before crossing my arms over my chest. The audacity.

"Well Mason, I fell in love with your heart. Your looks weren't doing much." I smirked before standing up from my bed and skipped over to my bathroom.

Before I could even open the door, a hand wrapped around my wrist and twirled me around before I was pressed against the wall. His face was barely centimetres away from mine.

"Babe, I've told you so many times." He whispered as he kissed the corner of my lips and moved down to my jawline. "Don't lie to me." He said as he buried his face in the crook of my neck, sucking and biting at one spot in specific making me gasp in surprise.

"M...Mason..." I started but was immediately cut off with his lips on mine. I wrapped one arm around his neck pulling him closer while my other hand tugged on his jet black hair.

"I've got food downstairs, be quick." He smirked before pulling away and leaving my room as though nothing just happened.

I stood there completely frozen in place as my mind tried to process what exactly happened. Mason Gregory Black just left me all hot and bothered.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I rushed into my bathroom and splashed cold water on my face to both wake me the hell up from whatever just happened, and also get rid of the puffiness of my face. I noticed two barely visible red marks on my neck that would definitely darken soon enough. Letting out a loud groan, I grabbed my concealer and began covering them up before anyone notices. I remember the first time he ever gave me a hickey and I thank the lord every day that dad never saw. It's genuinely a miracle.

Once I was done, I quickly moisturised my face and put on some lip gloss before rushing out of my room and down the stairs. I took in a deep breath and pushed open the living room door to see Mason and Mia both eating pizza while watching High School Musical. Definitely Mia's choice and I am not complaining.

I sat myself down in between them stopping them from fighting over the TV remote and grabbed a large slice of pizza. I could see Mia from my peripheral vision giving Mason a victorious smirk before leaning against the couch while Mason huffed in annoyance.

"I thought myself a girlfriend would help me in situations like this." He huffed as he aggressively took a bite out of his slice.

"Mia and I have been friends longer than you and I have been a couple. She has a good four months on you, darling." I grinned as he rolled his eyes while Mia high fived me.

The three of us watched the movie and sang along to every single song. Once 'breaking free' started playing where Gabriella and Troy were performing their call back, Mia and I stood up and picked up the twins karaoke microphones before singing along as though we were them. We hadn't even noticed Mason recording till he began whistling and cheering at the end of our performance.

"I'm tried." We both said breathlessly while throwing ourselves on the couch almost hitting our heads on the armrests.

"Watch your heads." Mason scolded as we rolled our eyes and let out a loud yawn.

"I think we should nap." Mia suggested.

"I think we should nap too." I agreed.

"No one's napping, you both sleep enough as it is." Mason said as we waved him off and snuggled under the throw blanket before closing our eyes.

Before we knew it, the blanket was immediately pulled off of us and thrown onto the couch on the other side of the room. Our eyes snapped open in shock and soon turned into glares once we saw Mason standing in front of us.

"Get your asses up, we're cooking." He said as we rolled our eyes and closed them once again. "Don't make me get the water." He threatened as our eyes shot open once again.

"Mason, how the hell do you expect us to cook? You've got one functioning arm, I've got one functioning arm, and sweet little delicate Mia is the only whole person we have! And I know you're not doing any cooking because you can barely use a microwave!" I yelled in annoyance.

"Yeah Mason, and she has a concussion which means she has to sleep as much as possible!" She said as she gently stroked the back of my head while pouting. "What kind of boyfriend wants their injured girlfriend to cook food instead of heal? Do I need to call mum?" She threatened as he narrowed his eyes at us.

"Yeah Mason, what kind of boyfriend and brother are you? You don't even care about us!" We pouted as he threw his head back and massaged his temples.

"What about me?! I've got broken bones and shit and a fucking hole in one of them!" He yelled as Mia and I jumped in surprise before bursting out laughing.

We laughed so hard we both ended up fall off the couch as tears poured down our eyes. We tried stopping to catch our breath but the very second we stopped, we started once again but laughed even harder. My eyes were blurry from the tears of laughter as I look up at Mason to see him look both confused and worried.

"H...he's a hole...a hole in...his bone!" I screamed as I felt my stomach starting to hurt from

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