Chapter 54

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all the laughing.

" you want...cement to...seal the hole?" Mia asked as I laughed even harder.

"M...maybe we c...can play golf!" I laughed as she nodded in agreement.

We both forcefully stopped ourselves from laughing and took deep breaths in and out to calm ourselves down. Once we were calm, we look up at Mason who looked at us incredulously before looking at each other and burst out laughing once again.

"What the fuck have I done?" We heard him mumble to himself. "Go to fucking sleep for god sake!" He yelled before flopping on the couch and putting a cushion over his face.

Once we were done laughing, we got up from the floor and stood over Mason.

"We're not tired anymore." We shrugged. "Let's go cook." We said at the same time before leaving the living room and walked into the kitchen.

"I think he hates us." I snorted as she nodded in agreement and pulled out a few bowls and spoons from the cupboards. "Let's make carbonara chicken pasta. It's his favourite isn't it?" I suggested as she rapidly nodded and took out the ingredients.

The two of us got started and began making the food. Despite not liking pasta myself, I still wanted to make it for him. It's my way of...thanking him I guess. My tears from today alone could create a new ocean. I can't believe how much I cried today, I've never been one to cry so easily and over think so much simply because I find no reason to do it. Whatever happens, happens and I live by that. He probably got freaked out seeing my face. I mean, I know I would.

It didn't take us very long to make it since Mia was moving quite fast. I only have a cut on my upper arm which means it wasn't totally useless, but it definitely did slow me down. We made sure to close the door to the living room before playing music while cooking. It felt almost therapeutic. Dancing around the kitchen while cooking.

Once we were done, Mia put all the dishes in the dishwasher while I plated the food on two plates for the twins. I grabbed two forks and placed them on their plates before carrying them over to the dining room.

"Where's your plate?" Mia asked as she wiped her hands and sat down.

"I don't like pasta." I shrugged as her jaw dropped. "Mia, it's not that shocking." I laughed as she gave me a look of disbelief.

"Why does my brother love you again?" She joked as I rolled my eyes.

"Because even though I don't like pasta, I can make it pretty good." I winked as she raised an eyebrow at me and took a bite. Her eyes immediately widened as her head snapped in my direction.

"Holy mother of all pasta. I literally handed you all the ingredients, but what did you put in this?" She asked in shock as she continued eating as though she had been starved.

"I'll go get Mason." I snorted as she looked at his plate and then at her half empty one and frowned. "Mia, we made a lot for a reason." I reminded her as her smile returned before she continued eating.

I left the dining room and opened the door to the living room to see Mason sprawled across the couch, dead asleep. The hypocrite was telling us not too long ago that we couldn't sleep and here he is.

I silently walked over to him and crouched down in front of him. I ran my hand through his hair and watched as he unconsciously leaned into my touch. A wide smile made its way to my face as I softly kissed his forehead.

"Mason." I whispered. "Wake up." I said as I gently shook him awake. Instead of waking up like I had expected, he moved around and turned away from me. "Mason there's someone at the door and he looks big and scary." I whispered as he leaped off the couch and stormed into the direction of the front door.

I quickly ran after him and grabbed his good arm before pulling him backwards. He looked at me in confusion as I pressed my lips together stopping myself from smiling. It took him longer than expected but once he realised that I lied only to get him up, he's shot me a harsh glare before walking back into the living room.

"No wait! I made you food, and Mia might just eat it all." I told him as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"You made food?" He asked as I nodded and watched him walk into the dining room with me following close behind. "You made carbonara chicken pasta!" He squealed like a little school girl as he twirled his fork and shoved it in his mouth.

"You like?" I asked as I crossed my fingers.

"I love." He grinned as he shovelled the food into his mouth and before I could even blink, it was all gone.

Taking both the twins plates, I put some more in and brought it back. The two animals snatched the plate from me and continued eating.

"I swear we just ate pizza a bit ago." I said worriedly as they waved me off and continued eating.

I leaned over the table and grabbed the carton of apple juice before pouring it in their glasses. Just as I screwed the cap back on, I felt Mason's arm wrap around my waist before pulling me down to his lap. I let out a surprised squeal as my arms instinctively wrapped around his neck while he looked at me in amusement.

"I think the chef deserves a kiss." He grinned as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. I could taste the pasta sauce and pulled him closer as his hold on my waist tightened. "I'd love to just sit here and kiss you but that pasta is best thing I've eaten and I don't plan on wasting it." He grinned as I rolled my eyes in amusement before pulling away from him.

I moved to get up from his lap, but was pulled back down. I raised an eyebrow at him while he simply shrugged his shoulders.

"And how are you planning on eating with your immobilised arm?" I asked as he leaned forward and picked up his fork before handing it to me. He's such a baby.

Rolling my eyes, I twirled the pasta onto the fork and began feeding him like the baby he is. I hadn't even realised Mia was gone along with her plate, and unless she's completely full, I know for a fact she's gone for thirds. They exaggerate way too much.

Once he was done, he leaned back into his chair and rubbed his belly while I stood up and took his plate into the kitchen. I quickly rinsed it off and put it in the dishwasher before wiping down the counters. Before I knew it, I felt Mason standing directly behind me. He put his hand on my hip and moved my hair to one side before he started kissing my neck once again.

"You're a real tease you know." I said breathlessly referring to the incident back in my room.

"Just for you." His husky voice whispered as he spun me around and pressed his lips with mine causing the sleeping butterflies in my tummy to reappear.

"I love you more than every lantern in the sky." I grinned.

"I love you more than every lantern in the sky." He repeated.

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