I know you guys are already tired of these two- but I promise this is the final chapter with them! Then we'll return to Julian and (Y/N)!
(Y/N)'s POV
It was my sixth period and our teacher wouldn't stop going on and on about her personal life. I mean, I don't mind because it stopped us from doing anything more work- But my mind was on other things, The blond staring off into space.
"Hey! Tommy!" I whispered and tapped his shoulder. No response.
"Hey!! Wake up!!" I whispered a little louder this time. Once again, no response. I sighed then smacked his head. It was hard enough to bring him back to reality, but not hard enough to hurt.
"AH!" Thomas stood up from his seat in a rush and everyone's eyes turned to him. His face paled and our teacher asked,
"Everything alright, Mr. Anderson?" She looked at him suspiciously and he regained his composure.
"Yes ma'am. My apologies." He sat back down and shrunk in his seat.
"What is up with you lately?" I asked silently not trying to get caught.
"I honestly have no clue..." He sighed and put his head down on the desk.
"Wanna try dueling (Y/N)?" Chelsea came up to me during fencing practice with a bright grin on her face.
"Sure!" I smiled in return and waved goodbye to Auggie. Thomas then asked Auggie the same thing.
Chelsea and I dueled with all our might, and the boys to our left did the same. Thomas kept glancing over to us quite frequently. It was pretty suspicious...
"Got something better to look at?" Auggie said scoring a point. Thomas shook his head and tried to regain focus. After a while, Chelsea ended up beating me as expected.
"Good job (Y/N)! You're hard work paid off!" She smiled and hugged me telling me how much I'm improving. I couldn't help but do the same in return.
We all went our separate ways during our break and I spotted a silent Thomas contemplating who knows what.
"Hey man, how are you feeling?" I asked taking a seat next to him.
"I honestly don't know... I get jealous every time I see her with someone else, I notice every little detail about her, Her laugh is the absolute cutest. I don't know what to do..." Thomas groaned and ran a hand through his hair. He didn't even have to say a name, I knew exactly who he was talking about.
"You're just in love Thomas... You need to tell her!" I placed a hand on his shoulder and tried my best to encourage him.
"What if she doesn't like me anymore? What if I'm too late? I was so oblivious for such a long time... I regret it so much..." He mumbled sorrow clear in his eyes.
"It's never too late. Why are you giving up when you haven't even seen the results? I have a strong feeling Chelsea still likes you... No girl gets over feelings so quickly. However, if you wait too long, she might get over you." I patted his back and he sighed.
"Are you sure...? I know I need to tell her, but I can't do it alone... Can you help me please?" I grinned and nodded. He smiled sheepishly and let out a deep breath.
After ten minutes of coming up with a good plan, we commenced.
"Hey, Chels!" Thomas waved to the brunette and smiled with a light blush on his face.
"Hey, Tom!" Chelsea smiled back and faced him taking off her helmet.
"I was wondering if you were free later?" Tom scratched the back of his neck and Chelsea smirked.
"Are you asking me out on a date?" She said slyly.
"I- uh-! hehe-," Thomas looked away and blushed more. Chelsea giggled at Thomas's flustered expression.
"Well if it's considered a date, then sure! Just come over to my house later!" Chelsea laid a hand on Thomas's shoulder and brought him to her height, kissing him on the cheek. She walked away leaving the lovesick king behind. Thomas brought a hand to his face and covered it, thinking about how cute he thought that was...
"I'm going to marry her-," Tom walked to me, who was hiding with my mask on from a distance.
"Hold your horses, Thomas! You're not even dating yet-!" I yelled at him smacking his head.
"Hmm... Would Julian mind being my best man?" He contemplated as I rolled my eyes. What a goof...
"(Y/N)!! I need to talk to you!" Chelsea came up to me after practice with a worried expression.
"Why don't we talk about it over tea?" I suggest, the usually upbeat girl shook her head.
"I can't! I have a- err-... a date, you see," Pink dusted Chelsea's cheek as she thought about the blond boy she was going to meet.
"No way!! With who?" I asked pretending not to have a clue.
"Thomas..." She played with her fingers shyly.
"Yes!" I punched the air in victory.
"What do you need me for though?" I asked her,
"I'm nervous... When he asked I panicked and said it was a date. The thing is, I've never been on a date before..." Chelsea looked down sadly feeling as if she was going to mess up.
"You'll be fine Chels! He really likes you you know, I've been hearing him talk about how beautiful you are for weeks now! It's cute but almost annoying..." I reassured her, giving her a comforting hug to lift her spirits.
"Really? I'm sorry he put you through that. I'll give him a piece of my mind later." She laughed and did I. We soon parted ways and I walked home.
Thomas's POV
I stood outside of Chelsea's house mentally preparing myself for our date. I took a deep breath and knocked on her door, after a minute I heard a familiar voice say,
"Coming!" I heard some footsteps and the door opened up.
"Oh hey, Tom! Come in!" Chelsea opened the door fully and let me in.
"Who's this, Freckles?" An older intimidating looking guy walked in. He was a bit taller than me and had brown hair with brown eyes.
"Oh, Charlie! Didn't see you there..." Chelsea chuckled nervously and grabbed my hand.
"We're here to study! Don't mind us! Go with Hunter or something!" She tried to go past him but Charlie grabbed my wrist.
"Let me test him first." I gulped as he stared into my eyes. Breathe Thomas, for Chels. I breathed in and gained my composure. He glared at me and then smirked.
"He has my approval. Now you just need Hunters. Try not to get too scared of Freckles! She can be a real sweetheart once you get to know her!" Charlie walked away and waved goodbye.
"Oh I know," I smirked at her and Chelsea rolled her eyes. She then led me to her room where we found a kid not much younger than us playing a Nintendo Switch on Chelsea's bed.
"Hunter!! Get out!" Hunter jumped to his feet and saluted.
"Yes ma'am!" He got up and walked towards the door, then stopped in his tracks.
"Wait, *sniff, sniff* stranger." He turned to me and I got a good look at him, He was a pretty skinny guy with a beenie sitting on his head. He had long hair that covered his ears and cozy clothes.
"Hey, I know that guy! That's Cloud from Final Fantasy!" Hunter ran to me and pointed to the pin on my backpack.
"You play Final Fantasy too?" I asked excitedly. He just jumped up and down.
"He has my approval, piggy!! You gotta bring him again, promise? I have to play FF with him!" Hunter grinned and ran away.
"I am so sorry about that..." Chelsea closed her door and laid down on her bed.
"It's alright darling, I like your family." I smiled and Chelsea looked away.
"Don't do that!" She hid her face in her pillow and I sat on her bed with her.
"Do what?" I asked innocently.
"That! Mr. Smoothtalker! Especially when you call me darling..." I chuckled and inched closer to her.
"Like this, darling~" She pushed my face softly and turned away. I sighed and laid back on the bed facing her.
"I like you, Chelsea. If I said you're a beautiful girl would it upset you?" Chelsea laughed in return and leaned close.
"Took you long enough Tom..." She whispered and laid her head on my shoulder.
"So Freckles huh?"
"Shut up!"
"And that's what happened." Thomas just had finished telling us everything that had happened last night.
"Anyways I have to take my leave, have fun you two!" He got up and left to sit with his newlywed- I mean girlfriend.
"How did I get lucky enough to date you?" Julian looked at me with a gentle smile on his face.
"What do you mean?" I giggled,
"You're always putting others before yourself. You have a kind soul, always willing to help. That's what I love about you (Y/N)," I smiled in return and said,
"When did you get so cheesy? You've been hanging out with Thomas too much!"
"You love me though~,"
"Yeah yeah whatever..."
Alright, guys! One more chapter left! Thanks for sticking to the end.
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