Chapter 25: The End?

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Hey Everyone! I am proud to say this book is complete! After such a long time I finished my first Wattpad book! Thank you for sticking along and enjoy the final chapter!

(Y/N)'s POV

"Hey!!" I hear a familiar voice call out and flick my forehead.
"Huh...?" I yawned and mumbled toward the voice.
"It's the last day of school sleepyhead!!" I opened my eyes groggily to see my twin brother Auggie.
"Morning..." I yawned again and stood up trying to settle my bed head.
"Breakfast is ready so come down soon!" He told me then ran downstairs. Last day of school huh? That was fast. I should probably get ready.


"Look who's finally up and running today!" Mom joked as I walked into the kitchen. I took a seat and enjoyed my favorite breakfast!
"We should hurry! Don't want to be late for school!!" Auggie jumped up and down excitedly shaking me a bit.
"Why are you so excited Auggie?" I asked him after finishing my meal.
"Summer Vacation!! I can finally rest and play Minecraft all day instead of homework!" He happily spoke. I chuckled and put my dish in the sink.
"Let's go let's go let's go!" Auggie grabbed Mom's and my hand and pulled us out of the house.


Soon enough we arrived at school.
"Bye Mom! See you later!" Auggie and I waved at our mom picking up our backpacks and walking toward the building.
"Hey (Y/N)!" I look up to see who called my name and to my surprise, it was Jack Will!
"Hey, Jack! Long time no see!" I fist-bumped my friend and gave him a smile which he returned.
"Ready for the last day of school party?" My eyes widened and a grin snuck on my face.
"A last of school party?! No one told me about that!" I exclaimed in delight.
"Well, it's tradition to have a party every day when the year ends. It's been happening for years!" Jack laughed at my shocked expression and started walking with us to our first period.
"Hey, guys!" I smiled immediately after hearing that voice.
"Julian! Hey!" I turned to the brunette and hugged him.
"Hey (Y/N)! How's your day?" He asked with his cute smile.
"Pretty good so far! Did you hear about the last day of school party?" I beamed with excitement and Julian just chuckled.
"Didn't everybody? We always do this!" I frowned and pondered for a moment.
"We do? Huh..." I started thinking back to our past years but I couldn't remember.
"Anyway let's get to class!" Jack ushered us to our classroom.
Opening the door we saw our favorite couple. The moment we saw them I shhed everyone so we could scare them. Thomas was talking to Chelsea facing the board so they couldn't see us.
"Chels what are you planning to do this summer?" Thomas asked his girlfriend sitting across from him. Chelsea smiled and said,
"Probably fence and hone my artistic skills." She smiled and pretended to be painting an invisible canvas. Thomas just chuckled and grinned.
"Okay, guys...! On the count of three...!" I whispered the guys behind me crouching getting ready to pounce.
"One..!" We got a little closer.
"Two..." We got to the right distance.
"Three...!" We all jumped up and screamed boo at the poor British boy.
"AHH!! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!" Thomas jumped up and screamed clutching on to Chelsea immediately after getting startled. The five of us burst into laughter.
"Did you see his face-" Julian said tears streaming down his face.
"wHot tHe bLoOdY hElL" Auggie mimicked Tom's accent and also started crying tears of laughter.
"You guys scared the living daylights out of me!" Thomas said steading his heartbeat and breathing heavily.
"Uhh... Tommy..." Chelsea poked at the blonde clinging on to her for dear life.
"Chelsea! I'm sorry!" He said jolting away from her hiding his face in his hands.
"You're fine Tom! Don't worry!" She calmed him down and we all took our seats chatting excitedly about the party.
"What period is it?" I asked curiously.
"All of them!" Auggie exclaimed.
"Really??" My jaw dropped and I spun around excitedly.
"Speaking of which we should be heading toward the cafeteria now! It should be starting soon." Julian said standing up and grabbing his things. We all agreed and made our way toward the cafeteria.


"Wait so you're really leaving Tom?" I asked sadly. Tom had just broken the news to us when we sat down at a table in the cafeteria.
"Yes I am, it is time that I go back to my regular life," Thomas spoke sadly glancing at Chelsea occasionally.
"It's fine Tom! I can just visit you if you get lonely!" Julian said with a wide grin.
"After all, we still have that wedding to plan!" Tom chuckled and hi-fived Julian.
"For now, we should just party instead!" Julian smiled and started dancing terribly at the table.
"You're right! Let's dance!" I stood up and walked to the dance floor moving to the beat of the song. Soon everyone joined and we started dancing together. Then as if on cue, the music switched to a slow dance song. I blushed a bit then faced Julian. He also blushed but took my hand. I looked to my left to see Chelsea and Thomas dancing together, then Auggie and Jack making fun of them. Julian grabbed my hand and places it on his shoulder. Then he placed a hand on my waist.
"You know I really am glad to have had so much fun with you these past years." Julians sincerely spoke and hugged me while dancing slowly.
"I feel the same way, It wouldn't have been the same without you." I leaned on his shoulder and just enjoyed his company.
"Thank you so much for staying... I wish for it to be like this forever. Just you and me against the world." He spoke softly and from the heart, it almost brought me to tears.
"I love you (Y/N)," My eyes widened and I blushed. Did he really just say that?!? Stay calm (Y/N)! Stay calm!
"I love you too Julian..." We enjoyed the rest of our day dancing and having fun together like there was no tomorrow.


Eventually, the party came to an end and we went to the fencing joint to hang out.
"Hey, guys! I need to show you a secret!" Thomas guided us to the back of the joint to some stairs.
"Follow me!" We did as he told us and followed him up the stairs. We eventually made it to the rooftop.
"Woahh!!" Julian gasped as he saw the starry night sky. The six of us laid on our backs watching the stars.
"It's beautiful..." I mumbled and stared in awe at the sparkling sky.
"nOt aS bEaUtIfUl aS yOu!" Auggie mocked to Jack who burst out laughing.
"On a serious note guys, I'm grateful to have had this year with everyone." Julian grabbed my hand intertwined our fingers.
"I'm grateful that I can end this school year, with you guys, with no regrets."

AHHHH!! I got a little emotional at the end! Ending something is always sad, but it just opens an opportunity for better things to happen! Thank you for all the support and I hope everyone lives this year with no regrets.

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