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Unknown: So let's continue shall we?

Rock'n'Rolling: Please! Before Shota kills our pets!

Unknown: Okay so Nezu, you have too many connections. Did someone ever tell you having connections to villains is bad for you and making them work under you to get blackmail material is even worse?

Unknown: No?

Unknown: Just me?

KillMeHealMe: Nezu!? Really?!

TiredAsFuck: ...

MindFuckingDog: If you say anything I'll do it.

TiredAsFuck: Ok.

Unknown: By the way Aizawa, he has more blackmail on you then any other one.

TiredAsFuck: Not surprised. I'm the most stubborn person here, he has to get me to do work someway or the other.

Unknown: Reminds me of your class. They are all idiots.

TiredAsFuck: They are but they're my kids.

Unknown: @ PlaymobileBitch: I like your class the most. It's cozy from what I could tell and Hatsume makes the best explosions which a new article in the newspaper will come out tomorrow.

PlaymobileBitch: Thank you mystery person.

TiredAsFuck: I like it too but the pink girl scared midoriya so she's my enemy now.

Unknown: I haven't heard from Nezu for quite a while. Say how are you doing chimera-san?

MickeyGoneWrong: Just peachy.

TiredAsFuck: He's grumbling

TiredAsFuck: ...He just threw a shoe at me.

Unknown: How do you know?

TiredAsFuck: Next question

Unknown: How is it going on to find me? Oh and don't think I don't know about the villain you sent after me.

MickeyGoneWrong: You are one sneaky human.

Unknown: I never said I was human.

Unknown: Bold of you to assume so.

MickeyGoneWrong: I swear if you're who I think you are I'm going to kms.

TiredAsFuck: Nezu, DB?

Unknown: Who you think I am?

MickeyGoneWrong: Doesn't matter who I think you are, and yes Aizawa, DB.

Unknown: Oh it does because I am a fellow chimera at thought.

MickeyGoneWrong: Oh my gosh, I need to drink some tea!!

TiredAsFuck: I'll make some, don't worry.

Unknown: @HD you might want to look after this chimera.

MindFuckingDog: He seems to be having a mental breakdown.

TiredAsFuck: I'll take care of him, won't be the first time.

Unknown: Nor the last one.

TiredAsFuck: You should stop talking. It's starting to annoy me.

PlaymobileBitch: I have a bad feeling.

Rock'n'Rolling: Me too.

KillMeHealMe: He's serious, nice.

Midnight and Rock'n'Rolling: WTF CHIYO?!

Unknown: So you want me to shut up?

TiredAsFuck: For a while. yeah.

Unknown: Ama go annoy someone else then.

Unknown went offline.

KillMeHealMe: How long has he had those Shota?

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: Help!

TiredAsFuck: Years now.

MindFuckingDog: How do you know that? I've been working here longer than you!

TiredAsFuck: When I attended UA, Nezu ad I used to just... hang out. We drank tea and talked about classes.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: HELP!

PussInLatex: What?!

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: I have my boy on a full panic mode. What am I supposed to do?!

KillMeHealMe: I'm on my way!

MindFuckingDog: Me Too!

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: He looked at his phone, screeched at me and ran out... what the hell?! I saw Bakugo's message on it as well as something else but I couldn't make it out.

TiredAsFuck: What about Bakugou? I might like both but I will punish them when needed.

Unknown went online

Unknown: I am bored! I am done annoying another person.


Rock'n'Rolling: I can hear his voice throught the phone.

Unknown: ... do you hate me?

TiredAsFuck: Just stressed, promise...

TiredAsFuck: What is it?

Unknown: Oh my god, you really hate me!

Unknown: I am sorry.

Unknown left the groupchat

TiredAsFuck: I'm not angry! WTF?! I'm going to bed, or atleast try to. Good night.

TiredAsFuck is offline

Rock'n'Rolling: Wow, that was a reaction.

LostInSpace: Wait! Where did he go?

PussInLatex: Who?

LostInSpace: Aizawa.

MickeyGoneWrong: The couch in my office, he's actually asleep.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: Ahm I have a situation here again.

MickeyGoneWrong: Hm? RG and HD are on their way.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: He just called, he isn't with me but he is crying something about everyone hating him.

TiredAsFuck is online

TiredAsFuck: I'm on my way to his room.

TiredAsFuck is offline

Rock'n'Rolling: He really just came online to say he gonna take care of his kid.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: Yeah.. ahm I wouldn't recommended that because when I told Aizawa that, he told me he doesn't want to see him at all.

MickeyGoneWrong: I tried to stop him, he stapled me to my chair. Someone help.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: Did someone save the unknown guy name?

Everyone: No...

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: Should I get My boy in here?

Rock'n'Rolling: Is he even in the mind space to do that?

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: He is on the phone but doesn't let anyone inside the room. I am in front of it and he is sitting right in front of it, this is why I didn't burst through yet.

MickeyGoneWrong: I honestly just want to sleep.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe:I'll deal with this for now.

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