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WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: I tried dealing with this but, I kinda am completely clueless. Aizawa what do you do in these situations?

TiredAsFuck That's for me to know and you to not find out. I'm not withholding information from you but you're not really the best person to talk to. You only focus on the positive, there can be negatives and you mainly overlook it and that's not right.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: Fine but tell me what to do when my boy doesn't want to see you!

TiredAsFuck Get Bakugou. That rabbit dog can get problem child to open up in a heartbeat. Even if they are mad at each other.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: Isn't he in a hospital?

TiredAsFuck If you were to tell him that Midoriya is being a little shit, he'll find a way to escape and knock some sense into his thick skull.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: @RG will you kill me for getting Bakugo out the hospital?

KillMeHealMe: As long as he's back by morning, no. Just this once tho.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: Thanks. I'll do that then.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe went offline

Rock'n'Rolling: So... is @Unknown ok? They've been eerily quiet.

PussInLatex: Zashi, they left the groupchat.

Rock'n'Rolling: Oh right. I miss them, they added some variety.

Ectoplasm: I'd hate to agree with the walking speaker but he's right

HideMyBodyCallME: I just want sleep... but they were fun to have around

TiredAsFuck I'll admit it this once!

TiredAsFuck They weren't annoying like you idiots.

LostInSpace: So should we get them back then?

MickeyGoneWrong: I believe you guys said that no one saved their number?

LostInSpace: Does it stop you from getting him back?

MickeyGoneWrong: I can try something, but it's not guaranteed to work...

PussInLatex: JUST DO IT!

MickeyGoneWrong: I will dock your pay.

LostInSpace: Do half mine then too! We stick together!

MickeyGoneWrong: Where was this teamwork when Bakugou got in trouble the other day?

LostInSpace: It's just Bakugo. Who is alway in trouble.

MickeyGoneWrong: I'm just gonna-

MickeyGoneWrong went offline

TiredAsFuck He'll be back in a few.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe went online

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: Ahm we have a problem.

TiredAsFuck I swear, I'm gonna kms. What is it?

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: ahm I got Nezu's number on Midoriya's phone... he chucked it at me the moment Bakugo opened the door....

Rock'n'Rolling: Ummm, Shota? I can feel your frustration through the screen. Are you ok?

TiredAsFuck I think I have some sleeping pills in my medicine cabinet. I'm going to bed.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: You gonna use it on yourself? Or Midoriya and Bakugo who are basically killing each other now.

TiredAsFuck I'm on my way and if you can, please hold them down like in their exams. You had no problem doing it then.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe: Still don't have it. I'll wait on you.

WeDon'tTalkAboutMe went offline

WatergunBitch: Are we gonna ignore that he said Nezu's number was that kids phone?

TiredAsFuck I was going to deal with that WHEN I GOT THERE!!! SHUT UP!!!

TiredAsFuck went offline

PlaymobileBitch: I am scared for them now....


PussInLatex: I'm gonna go and knock them out. Aizawa needs sleep and those three aren't going to give him any.

MindFuckingDog: SO why didn't your kinky ass suggest going down there and knocking them out? Aizawa's having a crisis now.

Rock'n'Rolling: Ah he needs that from time to time too.

PlaymobileBitch: I don't think you guys remember but whenever Aizawa has a crisis, most if not everyone who bothers him ends up in a mini coma...


MindFuckingDog: I'm concerned I just heard a loud THUNK!


KillMeHealMe went offline

PussInLatex: Am I still needed?

HideMyBodyCallME: Why are you here again?

PussInLatex: I am done with them. I put them to sleep.

PlaymobileBitch: Nezu should have fired you a long time ago, no offense.

PussInLatex: ME?! How about you!!!! I at least have a class to look after that likes me and also have all the hero classes and your class for my lessons. What are you doing huh? Just support course!

PlaymobileBitch: I built your suit! Don't test me Nemuri! As a matter of fact, I built everyone of y'alls suits I deserve a raise! I don't get paid enough to deal with this!!

HideMyBodyCallME: Neither does Aizawa, he's packed full of trauma.

Rock'n'Rolling: Or RG. We wouldn't be able to live if not for her.

MickeyGoneWrong went online

MickeyGoneWrong: After this week, I'm putting school on break for a month, you guys need to relax.

MickeyGoneWrong went offline

PussInLatex: YUHU!

Rock'n'Rolling: I'm gonna make Shota sleep, he needs it.

PussInLatex: If you need help, call me.

Rock'n'Rolling: YUH!! BESTIE!!

WatergunBitch:I'm gonna visit my family. 

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