|4| Splitting Up

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(Your Outfit)

(Y/N)'s POV

We all woke up the next day, sans Alex who we Justin shook awake. She fell into the sand and got up shaking off the sand, "Mom and Dad are gone. What's your plan?"

"Oh, I get it. You thought that you would just wake up and problem solved. Of course I would think of something," Justin sarcastically said.

"Kind of hoping..." Alex mumbled.

Max shook his head, "Alright guys. Come on. We're all gonna disappear. Justin?"

"Of course I thought of something," Justin replied, "Okay, Alex and I are gonna go find the Stone of Dreams. Max and (Y/N) stay here and make sure that Mom and Dad don't get into any trouble."

"Trouble? They're old," Max replied as I smacked his chest, "What kind of trouble you think they're gonna get into."

"I don't know. Meet other people, fall in love, have kids-" Justin listed.

"Okay, we get it. We'll keep a close eye on them," I interrupted.

We all went our separate ways with Max and I keeping close watch on Mr. and Mrs. Russo. We hid by some bushes keeping watch by the pool area. "So, uh, before we were interrupted at dinner last night, what were you going to tell me?" Max asked.

"Oh, um, I didn't think you remembered," I replied.

Max laughed, "I remember because you look a little scared and you grabbed my hand. You only do that when you're scared, excited or don't want to get lost. So what were you going to tell me? I'm all ears."

I took a deep breath, "Max, I really...where's your Dad?"

Max turned, "There he is! Jerry wait up!" 

We ran after him but just as we did he left and we were left panting at the table Alex and Justin were at with a strange guy with a parrot. "I swear thy'e like cockroaches. You corner one and the other one takes off in the opposite direction!" Max exclaimed.

"Jerry!" I shouted as we took off after him.

We ended up tailing him back to the poolside bar where Max and I kept our distance for a bit. "Okay, hopefully he'll stay awhile and, hey are you okay?" Max asked.

"I can't remember anything from my 5th birthday party, I think my memories are starting to fading away," I replied.

Max took my hands, "Hey, we'll get through this okay?"

I nodded, "Okay. Oh no."

"What?" Max asked.

I pointed at the poolside bar where Mr. Russo was flirting with the bartender. "Okay let's move in, be cool," Max said.

I nodded as we walked over to the bar. I took a seat as Max started laughing, "One guava smoothie please."

"We don't make guava smoothies, sorry," The bartender replied.

"Well then what am I drinking?" Mr. Russo asked.

"Papaya," The bartender replied.

"We'll take two please," I said.

"Papaya, I love the way you say that," Mr. Russo said making the bartender giggle.

Max turned to me, "All these years. Get your fruits straight man."

"What?" Mr. Russo asked.

Max turned to him, "What? Nothing."

The bartender handed us our drinks as I said a quick "Thank you."

"Gracias," Mr. Russo added.

As I was drinking my smoothie Max leaned over to Mr. Russo, "Hey, why don't you take this over to that girl for me? You know, she was kind of asking about you earlier." 

He gestured to Mrs. Russo as Mr. Russo asked, "Who is that? Is that your mom?"

"What? What? No! No. Unless you think she is and memories are flooding back," Max replied.

"Smooth," I whispered.

"You know you're a weird little kid, you know that?" Mr. Russo said.

"He gets that a lot," I replied.

Max then tried to egg Mr. Russo into giving Mrs. Russo the smoothie but he was to enamored with the bartender. Sure enough Max then turned the bartender into a golden retriever in order to get Mr. Russo to take the smoothie over to Mrs. Russo. But just as he did he spilled it all over her.

I gasped as Max smiled, then frowned, "Wait this is supposed to be the other way around.

"Yeah! Your mom was supposed to be the spiller not the spillee, do something!" I said.

I saw Max flick his finger to make Mrs. Russo throw a nearby glass of limeade on Mr. Russo. He turned to us as we smiled innocently. But sure enough they started to talk before Mrs. Russo walked away and Mr. Russo turned to us.

"What are you doing that's it?" I asked.

"What's the matter with you two?" Mr. Russo asked looking at us.

"You like her, right? Then why don't you go after her?" Max asked.

"Cute and feisty? Those are the most dangerous. I could really fall for her, you know if she was a wizard," Mr. Russo replied.

"What does that matter?" I asked.

"I told you. I'm a full wizard. I'm not gonna give up my powers for some mortal," Mr. Russo answered.

"You don't understand. You-" Max started.

"This is sticky now. This is sticky," Mr. Russo muttered, walking away.

Max then looked confused, "Why do I feel like there was something I was supposed to do?"

I cleared my throat pointing at the golden retriever bartender. He nodded before flicking his finger and we walked away.

(Your Outfit)

After we lost Mr. Russo again, Max and I managed to find our luggage and grab some clothing so we could change out. After we were changed, we went to go and find Mr. Russo again.

"This alternate version of my Dad is really obnoxious. The first version would've done anything to stay with my Mom. I mean they loved each other irregardless of their fights," Max ranted.

"I mean if you had these 'full wizard' powers would you give them up for a mortal?" I asked.

Max sighed, "I mean maybe. If I could see myself being happy with them regardless of having powers or not sure! If they made me laugh all the time, liked me for just being me and never trying to change me I..."

I stared at Max as he stared back at me, "I, uh, mean, sure but it really depends on the person."

I nodded, "So would this person have to be a friend or like a girlfriend?"

"Well my Dad and Mom were dating when he gave up his powers to marry Mom so girlfriend probably. I mean Alex is friends with Harper and her powers were never threatened," Max explained.

"Oh, so would you even consider dating a mortal?" I asked.

Max turned to me, "Depends on her and how I feel."

We both looked at each other just as we stopped in front of a finishing yoga session where Mr. Russo was. Jogging over there, Max exclaimed, "There you are! Okay where have you been?

"Yoga lesson. Which is just fancy stretching if you ask me. But I mean look at the-" Mr. Russo started.

"Really? that's great. It sounds like you've just got money to burn," I said.

"Hey if you guys go to the restaurant tonight, don't order the noodles because at 9:00 they're going to turn into worms. People are going to freak!" Mr. Russo exclaimed.

Max scoffed, "Really? Really? Pasta into worms. The dad that I know would never let me get away with something like that."

"I know, mine either. Hey, are you two from New York? Me too!" Mr. Russo said before walking away to see some lady.

"I'm not sure where I was born," Max muttered.

My eyes widened, "Me either."

We turned to each other in shock before Max spotted his Mom and walked us over. "Theresa. Where are you going?"

"None of your business. Look, I know what this is about," Mrs. Russo said.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yes, you two are trying to set me up with your friend but trust me he couldn't be less interested," Mrs. Russo replied.

"What? No, that's not true at all. In fact, he told me that you were his type," Max said, smiling.

"Really?" Mrs. Russo asked.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed.

Mrs. Russo sighed, "Well it doesn't matter because I've already made plans."

"With who?" Max and I said at the same time.

Soon a worker cleared his throat and looked at Mrs. Russo, "All set. The boat is ready for us."

"Thank you," Mrs. Russo smiled at him flirtatiously.

I saw Max look at the boat and it sunk, I covered my mouth to hide my laughter as the worker left to save the boat.

Max smirked as Mrs. Russo put her hands on her hips looking at us. She sighed and walked away as Max and I fist bumped.

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