|3| Explanations and Revelations

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(Your Outfit)

(Y/N)'s POV


"Keep your voice down," Alex whispered harshly. The Russo kids had taken me out by the a secluded part of the beach and were trying to explain what I just saw.

"It was a trick of the light-" Justin said before I stopped him.

"No, No I've seen tricks of the light. That was some kind of, kind of, I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT!" I yelled, my breathing quickening, "HOW LONG HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN HIDING THIS FROM ME?"

The three of them looked between each other as I asked again, "How long?"

Justin and Alex looked at Max who replied, "Well regarding wizards, um, I've technically been hiding this since we were...oh, since we met technically."

My jaw dropped, "Fourteen years."

"Look, we can explain-" Justin started.

"Fourteen years," I repeated.

"This is probably a shocker but-" Alex started.


Max looked down at his hands as I sighed, "I'm sorry but, why didn't you tell me? Why didn't any of you guys tell me?"

"If we told you then according to the Wizard World rules we would've had to erase your memory for good and with that comes side effects and none of us wanted to put you through that," Justin replied.

"Does anyone else besides me know?" I asked.

"Harper," Alex replied.

"So Harper knows but I couldn't know? How does that work?" I asked.

Max sighed, "Well actually you did know but you freaked out so much that the headmaster of WizTech actually erased your memory."

"But I recognize you guys," I said.

"He didn't erase all your memory because while you were knocked out from the spell we defended you saying how important you were to Max, to us and erasing your memory could turn out for the worse. So he only erased the part where you found out about magic," Justin explained.

"Wait, wait you guys erased my memory!" I exclaimed, "I can keep a secret! If you had explained to me-"

"(Y/N)!" Max exclaimed, "I didn't want to tell you because I was scared, okay!"

I stared at him as he continued, "Magic can have consequences, sometimes it attracts the wrong people and I just didn't want to do that to you because...you matter a lot to me and I was going to tell you at some point but-"

"But you couldn't," I finished.

He nodded as I sighed. I uncrossed my arms and hugged him, "Oh Max..."

I pulled away and looked at him, smacking him upside the head. "OW! What was that for?" He exclaimed.

"Good measure," I replied.

"So you're okay with this?" Alex asked.

"Yeah! Don't get me wrong I'm a little mad but, wow, my best friend is a wizard!" I exclaimed.

"We'll have time for celebration but right now we have a big problem. Alex messed up and now our parents don't remember each other so we need to get the Stone of Dreams and reverse this mess because we only have 48 hours before we cease from existence," Justin explained.

"No pressure," I replied.

"We have to move fast because we'll slowly lose our memories until we barely remember each other. Mom and Dad already forgot us," Alex added.

"Great but, uh, does that mean we no longer have our hotel room or luggage?" I asked.

In the end we all ended up sleeping in hammocks on the beach. Max and I ended up sharing one. "Wait so you have a wand and everything?" I asked.

"Yeah and we use spells to activate them," Max added.

I turned to look at him, "Wait so have you ever used magic around me?"

There was a pause, "Remember in fifth grade when you tore your favorite skirt and I said I could fix it?"

I gasped, "Yeah and then I turned around and it was good as new!"

"It was a simple mending spell that we were learning at the time. Decently easy and only worked on clothing," Max explained.

"Any other times I should know about?" I asked.

"When we were talking about the headmaster of WizTech, Professor Crumbs, he erased your memory because you were turned into a guinea pig," Max said.

"Huh, so that wasn't a weird fever dream from you knocking me out with the giant hamster ball," I muttered.

"Sorry, for well, everything. This as supposed to be a vacation but now we have to fix a mess I didn't even create," Max said.

I sighed, "It's okay Max besides what good is a vacation without some excitement."

Yawning I set my head on his chest, "We should probably sleep, big day tomorrow. Good night Max."

"Goodnight (Y/N)," Max whispered.

There was a pause before I asked, "Was family night just a rouse for your wizard class?"

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