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(Your Outfit)

(Y/N)'s POV

The sun was setting and with Alex and Justin not back, Max and I went to find the hammocks on the beach. I was about to get on a lone one when Max asked, "What if I wasn't a wizard?"

"Come again?" I asked.

Max sighed, "I just told you I'm a wizard and I was just thinking about the family wizard competition-

"What is the family wizard competition?" I asked.

"Basically once Justin, Alex, and I get our full wizard powers we compete in a final challenge to see who gets to keep their powers and become the family wizard. There can really only be one left standing and the rest lose their powers and become mortal," Max explained.

 "Did your Dad compete?" I asked.

"Yeah he did and our Uncle won but he would've had to give up his powers anyways to marry our Mom," Max replied.

I nodded, "Well to answer your question even if you weren't a wizard you'd still be my friend, I mean almost fourteen years we've been friends and I never even knew you were a wizard so I think life would go on."

"Huh, I never thought about it that way," Max said.

I smiled, about to lie down on my hammock Max asked, "So can you finally tell me what you were going to tell me at dinner now that we're alone?"

I stopped, took a deep breath remembering the rose quart and the vendor's words. I sat down on Max's hammock, "I know this isn't the time and place right now but, well, I guess I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship. Well, Max for a while now my feelings for you have grown for, oh for goodness sake, I'm trying to say is that I like you."

"I like you too," Max replied.

'No Max, like, like you like you as in romantically," I replied looking at my hands.

"Oh...oh...OH!" Max exclaimed.

There was some silence for a moment before suddenly I was engulfed in a hug by Max and I breathed a sigh of relief. "FYI, I like you like you too," Max whispered, "When did you know?"

"I think maybe I've always had feelings for you but they only recently started to really come out," I replied, "You?"

"I think they really really started to come out when we were on the Tipton and that Zack guy ws flirting with you," Max replied.

"You were jealous!" I exclaimed.

"And you were jealous of Chelsa," Max replied.

"Touche," I muttered.

Max smiled at me before pulling me down onto his hammock, still engulfed in his hug. Max kissed the top of my head as we both went to sleep, feel like the weight lifted off our chests.

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