(Your Outfit)
(Y/N)'s POV
We ended up doing snorkling like Max and I were originally going to do but we ended up in the water a little to early due to Alex causing a chain reaction by bumping into Max who grabbed my arm and I grabbed Justin' arm, he grabbed Mrs. Russo's arm and she grabbed Mr. Russo's arm.
Next we went on a floating climbing wall in the water, I climbed up behind Max and tried to get to the top. Max ended up there first before Justin shoved him into the water and Max took Alex with him. Justin didn't realize I was behind him until I pushed him and followed after doing a front flip.
(Your Outfit)
Mr. Russo had come to check up on us in bed and we had all pretended to be asleep but I snuck from my bed into Max's since he was still up.
"Hey, what is all of this?" I whispered.
"The stuff I managed to fit in with my luggage," Max whispered back.
I rolled my eyes, "Scoot over."
He did and I picked up one of the magazines he bought with him on aliens and took some sips from the blender he bought with him.
The next morning we had ended up asleep stretched across each other when Mrs. Russo came to get us up. I ended up rolling off of Max and then the bed.
"Good job (Y/N)," Max mumbled, still sleepy.
I laughed mockingly before throwing a pillow at him.
(Your Outfit)
That day we ended up at the ruins of some famous battles where Max stoled a conquistador's helmet we were taking photos. I laughed as I followed the Russos and the conquistador chasing after him.
We ended up at the market by the ancient walls, Max and I were looking at the different vendors looking at what they had to offer drinking grape soda with Max. As his siblings ended up watching a nearby magic show I stopped by a vendor selling crystals.
I picked up a rose quartz as the vendor spoke, "Rose quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace."
"I could use that right about now," I said as I smiled looking at Max watching the magic show.
"The boy in yellow? Do you love him?" The vendor asked.
I shook my head, "No, well yes, but it's complicated. We've been best friends since we could walk! I don't want to jeopardize that."
I was going to put the rose quartz down when the vendor pushed it back into my hand, "Maybe but perhaps this will help you on your journey."
I nodded, "Thanks."
I turned around and saw the Russos left. Luckily I knew the way back to the van. By the time I got there the weird magician dude was talking with Justin and Mr. Russo.
"Now if you'll excuse us, our last passenger is here," Mr. Russo said as I climbed into the van.
"Where'd you go?" Mrs. Russo asked.
"I got caught up with a vendor, no biggie just shiny crystals," I replied.
"Aw you know I love shiny stuff!" Max groaned turning to look at me.
I chuckled, "So what next?"
(Your Outfit)
Max and I ended up not attending the windsurfing lessons in favor of taking naps. By the time the Russos came to collect us we were awake and playing Go Fish with some cards I bought. Walking to an outdoor dinner buffet, Max and I were tossing small pieces of food into each others mouths before I ended up running out of food and going to get seconds.
Coming back I pulled my chair out sitting next to Max, "What did I miss?"
"Just Mom and Dad talking about their love for one another," Max replied.
I smiled and grasped the rose quartz, taking a deep breath I took Max's hand, "max there's something I need to tell you."
Max gestured me to go on. I breathed, "I-"
But as I spoke Mrs. Russo shouted, "Who put glue on my chair!"
I looked at her weird letting go of Max's hand. She then got up and stormed off.
"I better go see what's up, stay here," Mr. Russo said.
"So what did you want to tell me?" Max asked.
I turned to him, stammering, "I, uh-"
"I better go find Dad," Justin replied as I got a sinking feeling in my stomach.
"Oh, something isn't right," I said.
"Yeah, they all ditched us! Tell me what you need to tell me later, I'm gonna find Justin and Alex!" Max exclaimed.
I nodded as he got up from the table. I sighed smacking my forehead, "Stupid, stupid idiot. He'll never see you as more than a friend."
I waited there for who knows how long before I got up rubbing my forehead. I walked over to the resort and found a juice bar and asked for a water. Turning around as I was drinking my water I saw the Russos by what was the adult bar. They were talking with Mr. Russo when I saw what looked like magic sparklers come from his fingers and saw the steel drums and piano playing by itself...no people. I spat out my water and watched as he pulled out what looked like a wand. My jaw dropped at what I saw. Soon enough, Mr. Russo got up and walked away leaving Justin, Alex and Max behind. Alex was the first to spot me and I dropped my water and would have run had it felt like I wasn't glued to my chair. I turned around and saw they were right next to me, I looked at them in fear as Justin said, "I think it's time we told you the truth about our family."
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