|1| Vacation of A Lifetime

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(Your Outfit)

(Y/N)'s POV

"Mom, it's only two weeks. You and Dad left at the perfect time for the conference...Yes, I'm packing the nausea pills...No, I'm not forgetting underwear this time. You forget underwear on one vacation and suddenly it's who you are...Yeah Max and I are sharing a room...Gross Mom! He's just a friend!" I said over the phone as I was packing the last of my clothes into my luggage.

A little over a month ago my best and closest friend Max Russo invited me with him and his family on vacation to the Caribbean. He explained how I already was family and that it would be the vacation of a lifetime. I accepted of course and now we were about to embark on what would be the most amazing adventure ever!

"Hang on Mom, Max is calling...Tell Dad I love him...Okay love you too, bye," I then hung up and answered the next call.

"Hey Maxie!" I exclaimed.

"Hey! Are you almost ready? We're almost at your apartment complex," Max said over the line.

"I just finished packing, giving the neighbor and extra key to water the plants, what am I forgetting?" I ask myself.

"Your shoes?" Max asked.

I looked down at my feet which only had socks on, "Yup!"

I rushed to put on my shoes as Max talked, "So I actually forgot to tell you but Alex-"

A honk was heard over his phone and outside my apartment complex as I shoved my foot into my shoe, "Tell me in the car!"

I hung up and grabbed my bag and luggage. Turning off all the lights I took one last look before shutting and locking the door. I rushed into the elevator and hit the bottom floor button. I got off as the cab driver kept honking," I'm coming I'm coming!"

Max got out and helped me with my stuff, "So I was trying to tell you that Alex is coming now."

"I thought she was staying with Harper?" I asked.

Max shook his head, "She snuck out to try and go to some party in Brooklyn and this is punishment?"

We shut the trunk as he opened the door for me, "M'lady."

"Thank you good sir," I replied.

As I got into the back with Mr. Russo I noticed they were all wearing matching patterned dresses and shirts. I covered my mouth as Alex turned and said, "Don't say anything."

I put my hands up, "Wasn't gonna."

Faster than I thought was possible (besides the usual New York traffic) we were at the airport and checking in. I quickly opened the nausea medication and took two of them as we finished getting past the metal detectors. Boarding the plane I was sat between Max and Alex, who had her headphones in. 

"You excited?" Max asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, this will be a nice change of pace from the conference vacations my parents sometimes took me on."

Max nodded, "Just think, the two of us finally on a cool vacation together! Think of all the cool activities we can do!"

I offered Max and Alex some chewing gum to making the pressure change a little easier. We then took off and after we reached coasting altitude I started to feel the nausea medication taking on. I let my head fall on Max's shoulder as I started to fall asleep hearing Mrs. Russo talk about how she and Mr. Russo met at the resort we were going to stay in.

'I wonder if I'll finally have the guts to tell Max how I feel. But I don't want to ruin our friendship,' I thought as I finally felt myself drift off.

Little did I know Max was having the exact same thought as he adjusted his shoulder so that I was more comfortable. Three hours later we finally landed in the Caribbean. "(Y/N), (Y/N) wake up," Max whispered.

I yawned lifting my head up from his shoulder, "Did we finally arrive?"

He nodded as we both unbuckled and I grabbed my carry on from under the seat. We all headed to luggage claim and grabbed our respective luggage before loading into a taxi van. I sat in the back with Max this time as we went over what cool activities the resort had to offer.

Before long Mrs. Russo was recounting the tale of how she and Mr. Russo met for the millionth time (?) and the Russo kids groaned when they kissed as Max covered my eyes. "No visuals please or audio!" Justin exclaimed.

I turned to Max, "Well when you take away the fact I've heard this as many times as you have I think it's romantic. Who knows maybe I might find love here!"

"You think so?" Max asked, looking a little sad.

I shook my head, "Nah, besides I'd rather spend time with my friend than some stupid boy who I might not ever see again."

Soon enough we pulled into the resort with Alex the first to jump out shouting, "We're here!"

Everyone unloaded and met with some of the resort workers who met us up front as our luggage was being unloaded.

"Hola and welcome to paradise!" A man in a yellow work shirt greeted.

Max and I gawked at the drinks, "Sweet!"

We each took one before Mr. Russo intervened, "Put that back you two! Are those included in the price?"

The workers looked confused before the lady replied, "Yes. Of course."

"Welcome to the Caribbean. Everybody take two," Mr. Russo said

Max ended up taking the whole tray as I snuck one of the decorative umbrellas behind his ear. He smiled at me as I sipped my drink. "Well, I'm Javier. I'm one of the activities counselors here," The man in the yellow work shirt introduced.

"Well that's great because I already know the first thing I'd like you to do. Would you take our picture?" Mrs. Russo asked.

"Yeah. Of course," Javier replied, "Say 'Paradise'."

"Paradise!" We all said.

After the photo was taken, Mrs. Russo exclaimed, "Jerry, look, it's that little gift shop where we bought those coconut monkeys!"

"I love those monkeys," Mr. Russo replied.

"Let's take a picture!" Mrs. Russo exclaimed, running over to the gift shop.

Justin, Alex, Max and I followed as switched out my drink for one on Max's tray. "I was drinking that!" Max exclaimed.

"No you weren't," I replied.

"Yes I was." "No you weren't." "Yes, I was." "No, you weren't."

"Cut it out you two!" Justin exclaimed.

Soon enough we were in one of the bedroom suites and unpacking our stuff, Max had handed me some snorkel goggles he packed when Mrs. Russo walked in, "What is going on? Where's everybody going?"

"(Y/N) and I are going snorkeling. Once you get used to swimming in a fish's toilet bowl, it's awesome," Max replied.

"To see the ruins, the most important battles of the first and third troll wars were fought there," Justin said but I didn't see Mrs. Russo glaring at him.

I chuckled, "Justin, trolls aren't real."

"They might've been at some point," Justin stammered out.

"I don't know but I'm getting out of here," Alex added.

"No, no, no. This is a family vacation," Mrs. Russo said.

At that point Mr. Russo walked in in only his trunks and slathered in sunscreen, Max covered my eyes, "Really Max?"

"Your mother's right. We should be doing everything together," Mr. Russo replied.

"With you? In public? Looking like that?" Alex asked sarcastically.

Mr. Russo ignored her, "So we're all in agreement."

'This'll be fun,' I thought as Max finally took his hands off my eyes

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