Chapter Twelve

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Shivangi was already giving up when Justin pointed out that they had five minutes only to save her at all costs. Since all the doctors had panicked and no one was really listening to what Justin was saying, he decided to ask them to vouch for him so he could finish the surgery and save his wife.

Nobody was ready to do so as they knew pretty much that if the word got out and the patient wasn't saved, they were all in trouble that would cost them their licenses.

"I think it's right, we should let him finish this before losing her. He is a surgeon also and the husband of this woman. Not to mention he was the one who said they both could be saved." Dr. Shivangi suggested which they reluctantly agreed and Justin was then in charge.

He was able to restart her heart in just two minutes followed by 24 minutes of sweating his brain to save his wife. He had managed to do it like the expert he was and ordered the anesthetist to give her 2 hours of sedatives that would help her adjust to the situation after that near-death experience.

"Ouch... It hurts!"

Those were Anna's first words after regaining her consciousness and getting to know that she was in a hospital.

She looked around and it was all white. The curtains, the wall, the roof, the bed even the fucking sheets were white. She thought she might have been dead and it was all a ploy but the pain that she felt from her stomach down, assured her that she was still alive. Dead people aren't supposed to feel pain, isn't it?

Her train of weird thoughts was cut short by a sudden cry of a baby. It was at that moment when it hit Anna and she remembered why she was at the hospital in the first place. "Please, can I see my..."

"Son, our son!" Justin who was just behind those curtains replied as he gave the boy to Anna.

"He's so beautiful." Anna sighed.

"I think it's from his mother." Shivangi interrupted and made the couple laugh a bit. "And by the way, I am here to thank you for your courage and patience to endure all those things to keep your son safe, and it turned out you are also in the mercy of God."

"It's not me, thanks to you doctors who made me breathe again for God's grace. I was terrified when they told me I had to deliver early." She said the last bit turning to Justin.

"No Anna, keep your thanks for when you get home. It was your sweet and handsome husband who saved you. I was the first who thought we were going to lose you." Shivangi replied just as fast as Anna had spoken.

"It was nothing terrifying as what she is saying. They just needed a little help and I stepped up." Justin said trying not to worry Anna any more than she might have already been.

"Thank you," Anna said holding Justin with one hand while the other stayed with the baby.

Justin had tears threatening to fall and he knew he wouldn't be able to stop them unless he went away from her, but how could he? And so, he let them fall down and just used his free hand to wipe them off.

"I think we should let her rest. She has been through a lot today itself." Shivangi said and started to leave but Anna called for her.

"Doctor!" She sounded short of breath but she braved it and whispered her question just loud enough for Shivangi to hear. "How long am I going to be here?"

"I... can't really tell, but... I think two to three days. Until you get better and we are satisfied that you won't have any problems at home then we will discharge you." Shivangi replied looking at Justin as if to confirm that she was saying it right since he was the one who did the surgery in the first place. "Why do you ask that if I may ask?"

Justin looked at Anna and as if realization crept upon him, he looked at her and smiled. "You want to come back home on the 18th."

Anna nodded and smiled as well. She was just glad that Justin could crack that one.

"You are tired. Get some sleep and when you wake up we will arrange for you to be home on the 18th. I promise." Justin said to Anna who motioned for him to take the baby and tried to stay still.

It didn't take long before Anna drifted off to sleep leaving Justin and Shivangi looking at her adoringly.

Justin had to deal with unending questions from Aarush who wanted to hear nothing but where his mother was. He was so concerned because apparently, his mother had swallowed his young sibling and he wanted them back. Both of them.

He kept on nagging his father whenever he saw him that Justin had to tell Aarush that Anna had gone to spit the baby out and will be back with it when she came. He had no other lie to tell him and so he just told him a twisted truth to help him understand what was going on and that he should be patient and wait for Anna to come back.

Aarush's birthday had reached and all he could think about was if his mother would be back with the baby. What would the baby look alike? What will be the gender of the baby? What will be his name if it was a boy? Or would it be a girl?

He didn't want to think much of it and instead, he invited his friends to come over that evening for his birthday. He didn't have that many friends but the little he had, was enough to help him celebrate his big day. He was already so excited about the baby and he wanted nothing but to get over it.

Minna Ma had made him a cake that looked so yummy. It was calling the knife and the stomachs of the people who saw it. And Aarush didn't want to let the moment go to waste as he started singing the happy birthday song to himself making others laugh and join in.

He closed his eyes and made his wish and as he was about to blow out the candles, Anna's voice sounded from the door.

"Did you wish that I come back home safe? Because I've been wishing to see your little face again."


Justin couldn't believe that Aarush would leave the cake and run to his mother, but it was the love that made it all happen. Aarush went to hug his mother's legs and cried.

"Happy birthday my older son." Aarush was left with his mouth wide open and his eyes popped out as if he was in paradise. He knew pretty well that the baby was a boy at that point but where was he?

Rustema who was behind Justin came forward and gave Aarush his baby brother. He was so tiny and beautiful that Aarush couldn't resist the temptation of kissing the baby.

"No, Aarush don't lick him. Don't." Justin joked.

"I'm not licking him. What is his name?" Aarush asked Justin who was still laughing at his joke.

"Aryan. His name is Aryan." Anna replied looking at him lovingly.

"But I want to name him Farhan!" Aarush complained making Justin feel bad about it. He was suddenly insecure about everything that was happening around him and even a single complaint made him feel like he was powerless and not doing things the right way.

"He can be Aryan Farhan." Rustema suggested. "You are Aarush Vinod, so it's okay if he gets two names as well."

"But Roshni has only one name," Aarush said watching his mother who was smiling at Justin.

"Roshni has two names. Her other name is Orha." Justin replied instantly.

"Roshni Orha!" Aarush said as if he was testing the name. It sounded great.

"Enough with the names now! Where's my cake?" Justin shouted and everyone was brought back to the party with Aarush cutting the cake and enjoying it with everyone who was there.

That was one of the best days of Aarush's life.

Fast forward to six years, another boy was born to Justin and Anna.

Just like the usual, the baby was to be given two names and one from Aarush but Aarush decided that it was all a childish game and so he asked Minna Ma to give the baby a name.

Minna Ma didn't believe that she was given such a golden opportunity but she went on and suggested the name Gabaar. She had always been fond of Gabaar, an Indian celebrity who ran a game show and so, if she was going to give a name, he was her safest bet.

Since they had already named him Mahir back when they were at the hospital, his official name was then Mahir Gabaar Solanki.

All was well in Solanki paradise with quarrels here and there but mostly, the family was going on strong. Or so they thought.

Roshni and Aryan had then started primary school and Roshni was in class 3 with Aryan in class 1. They were doing great at school and the teachers always praised them for how clever they were just like their brother Aarush.

Aarush himself was in class eleven in high school. He was still doing wonders by being at the top of the papers whenever the results came back. He had only a year left and he would graduate high school and go about his life. He never really chose a major he wanted to thrust himself into but the Indian defaults were far from his mind. He never really saw himself as a doctor or an engineer type.

Aarush had made quite a persona for himself and he had a lot of friends who were always with him. He also made enemies with some people who sailed in different boats with different slogans that has quite different motives. He didn't think much about those people though since he would rather spend his time with his friends than just sitting and hating on other people and being toxic. He wasn't that kind of a person.

Everything was going on pretty smoothly for Aarush until one day when he invited over two girls to their home. The girls were Disha and Pooja. Among his first female friends he had made back in the day when he was still young.

Disha and Pooja were very close to him and that's why they visited each other's homes from time to time. Anna knew them as well since she was always there when her children brought their friends over. She was the greatest impression on her little kids.

Apart from Disha and Pooja, Aarush also had a group of friends who had five other boys and him. Many students who went to the same school with them called his group of friends a gang but he didn't really like that name and thus, he and Kesari, Raj, Rahul, Sid, and Prem decided that they would call themselves the Jeep X. The Jeep X and the two girls were the people he called friends.

He had school work that was pending and since he always studied with Disha and Pooja, he didn't hesitate to invite them over so they could finish their school work together. He didn't know that there might be someone who will be agitated with that simple act.

"Aarush! What's going on?! What's up with the uninvited guests?!" Justin asked him.

"They are invited. I called them over so we can finish doing the school work together." Aarush said and hugged his mom while beckoning his guests over.

"So, you can now invite whoever you want to my house and I'm not even informed?" Justin asked getting frustrated by a second.

"Dad! Cut the crap! We are only doing our homework and they will be gone in a jiffy!" Aarush said getting drinks from the fridge. "Girls! Come on over!"

"Where are you going? I'm speaking to you!" Justin asked Aarush.

"Moom! Really?!" Aarush said to his mom.

"Justin, let the kids study before it gets dark outside. They are girls you know." Anna said while shooing them off the living room to Aarush's room where they were going to study.

Justin was angry at what had happened and how it was handled but he didn't say a word. He just stormed off saying he would be back before sunset and expecting the guests to be gone.

"Isn't he like scary?!" Disha asked setting her things beside Aarush's bed and jumping on it.

"He is just moody today. My mom says he is a bigger baby if that makes it clear."

"Yes, it puts it very clear. Like boy! Look at that piece of walking meat! Your dad is hot!" Pooja said peering outside from Aarush's window. She saw Justin going away.

"Eew gross!" Aarush said going over to get his laptop and placing it on the bed with them so they could start doing their school work.

"Do you happen to realize that he is his father?!" Disha asked getting grossed out.

"That's why I said 'Your dad is hot' if you heard me," Pooja said turning to peer outside the window again.

"Can we cut it already and get to work?!" Aarush said making Disha take a book from her bag and they started to do their homework.

Not long after, Roshni and Aryan went running inside Aarush's room.

"Roshni, stop it!" Aryan said as they ran right in.

"Guys! Not now!" Aarush was getting pissed off at how the day was progressing.

"Ooh, Disha didi!" Aryan said and beat Roshni to Disha.

"Bhabhi!" Roshni also went over to hug her.

"Roshni! What have I told you earlier?!" Aarush was then pissed off.

"Nothing much just you like her."

"And where does the part 'As a friend' goes?!"

"Back to your mouth. You admitted you like her and that's all."

"Glad there is someone else who also sees that. You should make it official already!" Pooja said high-fiving Roshni.

"I like this one. What's your name?!" Roshni said sitting on the bed with them.

"Roshni get out!" Aarush said.

"I'm Pooja."

"Roshni, Bhai said to get out!" Aryan said going over to the couch.

"You as well. Both of you out of this room, right now!" Aarush went all over a father mode.

"Aargh! Just like father. Typical firstborn." Roshni said while dragging Aryan out with her.

Pooja and Disha started to laugh after Aarush's siblings left the room but Disha's laugh wasn't a sincere one and Aarush saw through it. He didn't want to pry or make a big deal out of it because he was already pissed off with how it was all going down.

It was nearly dinner time and Justin wasn't back yet.

"Mom, is dad not coming back?" Aryan asked as they still waited for the egocentric Justin to at least call and say he won't be home if not coming back as he had promised.

"He will be here soon. He might be stuck in traffic." Anna replied with a weak smile as she arranged the table with Aarush.

When they were out of earshot, Aarush stopped his mom and asked her. "Is it because of me?!"

"Aarush, it's not like that."

"It doesn't seem like not like that to me. They were just my friends, the only girl friends I have in this whole Uttar." Aarush spoke with unbelievable concern spitting out his words.

"He'll come around. He hasn't been here anytime that you had brought them over so he is still adjusting to it and the fact that you are a teenager now."

"I've been a teenager for the past three years. And what is there to adjust to?!" Aarush asked her clearly hurting, and before Anna could answer, Roshni appeared.

"Mom! I want to help set the table." Roshni said with her cute dimple smile.

"I can handle it," Aarush said while taking plates from the kitchen counter.

"I'm tired of not being taken seriously. I want to help and learn everything, and I'm doing it." Roshni said snatching the plates from Aarush but not to her luck, they slipped and broke as soon as they hit the ground.

"Roshni baby! Are you alright?! Get over this side!" Anna said while taking her to the side to see if she had any injury or bruise from the incident.

"See now! You need to be careful!" Aarush said as he got down to start picking up the larger pieces and put them in the kitchen trash can before he took a broom and started to sweep the smaller ones into a plastic tray.

"What's going on over here?" A voice loomed in the kitchen as Justin entered.

Aarush wanted to say what happened but he chose against it, as he knew pretty well what would have happened if he did and so he took the blame.

"I was moving the plates and they slipped. No one's hurt by the way."

"Like you care if people get hurt or not." Justin moved and took Roshni away from Anna.

"Dad, and what's that supposed to mean?" Aarush didn't understand what Justin meant. And he even thought of once, that they weren't talking about the incident anymore.

"It's supposed to mean, no pocket money for the whole week, and don't you ever pester me again than I already am."

Aarush wanted to reply but Anna shook her head not. Justin was a hot mess those days and Aarush was always a stubborn kid. Whatever the case, the only way it could end with no harm done was with Aarush zipping it and keeping his thoughts and all answers he had to himself.

They went on to have dinner without another word being exchanged between both of them.

"Bhaiya, Disha Didi will come again?" Aryan asked in the middle of the dinner.

"Do you like her?" Aarush asked.

"Yes, so much."

"Even I, like her. She is funny." Roshni added after Aryan.

"Glad to hear you like my friend, but sadly she won't be coming here anytime soon or ever," Aarush said sparing a glance at his father.

"Why?" Aryan pouted at Aarush then at his father.

"Because -" Anna was about to answer before Aarush cut her off. "Papa doesn't like her and Pooja."

"They are good why doesn't he like them? Why don't you like them?" Aryan asked low down.

"Eat! I don't want anybody speaking during meals." Justin barked at them.

"Justin!" Anna said clearly caught off guard by her husband's outburst.

"Nobody!" Justin barked again.

Aarush felt things were weird and so unexpected. Justin was always cool and calm, but why all of sudden he was becoming arrogant, aggressive, and dangerous in minutes.

"Dad, this is enough!" Aarush said and caused everybody to turn his way as if saying 'Are you serious? He has never been like this before! Why don't you listen to him and shut the fuck up?'

But he paid no heeds nor wanted to do so. He just said what he wanted to say. He never went around holding grudges or regrets over something which he should have done or said a long time ago.

"If it's about me and bringing my friends here, then I understand and I'll stop but don't act like this. This is so not you."

"And what is so me?"

"The normal you is the so you. The you that we know."

"You don't know me. Nobody here knows me, at least Anna has a glimpse of who I might be but no one here knows me and no one ever will."

"Then if we don't know you, try to act like the same Justin we all try to believe is the real one." Aarush snapped.

"Did you just snap at me and called me Justin?"

"Isn't that your real name? Cut this crap, dad! You are being unreasonable and a jerk!" Aarush found himself calling his dad a jerk without meaning to do so.

"Aarush! That's enough! Keep quiet or go to your room." Anna shot back at him.

Justin had a priceless look planted on his face. He didn't expect that and so the anger was starting to boil inside him that he clenched his fists feeling like he wanted to beat the shit out of him. But before he did anything stupid, Anna placed her hand on top of his, and as much as he hated it at that time, it kind of sent shivers down his spine and soothed him.

He didn't like that a bit and so before Aarush who was trying to get up really got up, he stood and backed away from the table shooting for his room.

Anna made an angry face at Aarush for doing so and went after her husband. Roshni and Aryan just looked at Aarush whose face flashed embarrassment. He wasn't planning to go all out on his dad like that but he was a teenager with hormones and wanted to set everything he saw going astray, right.

"Let's eat and watch the TV show. It's about to start." Aarush said with a forced smile to act like everything was cool.

That was the day that strained the relationships in the family. And to be precise, it was the day that showed the clear distance between the family members especially Justin to the others, especially

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