Chapter Thirty-Four:

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Chapter Thirty-Four:

Hunter's POV:

"Where's Julia?"

Tyler stares at me for five seconds before answering, "I thought she was with you."

I scan the huge room again, "No," I look back at him, "Are you telling me you lost her?!" I ask when realization sunk in.

"Me?! She's your girl!" He points at me, and I shove his hand away.

"We were all supposed to watch at her."

Bianca shoves me from behind.

"What?!" I turn around, the stress starting to make me aggressive.

"I just saw Amanda walking out through the back doors. I have bad feeling." She answers and I immediately make my way to it.

I run out the doors and see the white van speeding away.


Tyler comes running out as well.

"They fucking took her after we warned her!" I shove my hands through my hair.

"Why does she always get herself in trouble?" I groan and kick the curb, "She just needs to listen!"

Tyler pulls out his phone, completely ignoring my rant, and dials a number.

"Craig." He answers.

"We need your help."

Tyler doesn't take his eyes from the van.

After another few seconds he talks again, "Tracking. I'll send you the number plate's number and you find out who the hell has Julia."

Tyler has never been this serious.

He was always the type to lighten a serious situation, but this is important.

He has taken Julia in as his sister.

No one messes with his girl, family, or friends.

"Craig won't take long." He talks to me after putting his phone away.

"Maximum ten minutes, for now, get Stefan to take the girls to a safe place." I nod my head and turn to get back inside.

While making my way through the crowd I can't help but feel disappointed in myself.

If I just paid a bit more attention to her rather than trying to find Aiden this wouldn't have happened.

I am such a dickhead.

She probably felt neglected by me after I promised her a great night, but here I was questioning every person in this crowded room if they had seen him.

I should have thought smarter. If she stayed with me, Aiden wouldn't have had a choice but to come to us to get to her.

I feel the anger for myself boil in the pit of my stomach.

Stefan was where I left him when I realized Julia was gone.

I explained briefly what was going on and we make our way out.

Leaving Prom way to early.


Julia's POV:

The pain that shoots through my head and the stiffness in my muscles offers discomfort through my entire body.

I groan and lift my head, facing the roof, but keeping my eyes closed.

I can feel a sticky liquid on my forehead, probably from hitting the ground when I blacked out.

My neck feels stiff, and my throat is dry.

"Fuck..." I whisper and try to lift my arms when I realized I am tied.

"What the fuck..." I try to think, but the throbbing headache won't allow me to think further then the pain.

"Ah! You're awake," a shiver goes through me when I hear his voice.

Why can't the fucknut leave me alone?

Why didn't you stay in the building?

"What do you want Aiden?" I groan, looking at him with distaste.

He comes closer, dragging a chair, the scraping sound is horrible to my ears, and it makes the headache ten times worse.

He smirks and sits down in front of me.


He places his hand on my bare thigh where the slit is, his warm skin touches my cold skin, but nothing happens like when Hunter touches me.

Hunter....where is he?

Has he noticed that I am gone?

Gosh I am such a fucking dumbass.

Aiden starts moving his hand upwards.

I glare at him and try moving legs, but it's tied to the chair's legs.

I feel completely weak.

"Stop." I grit out and move my entire body, but that only made him move his hand faster.

I feel my heart beating faster and try to wiggle my hands, ignoring the pain it causes.

I need to escape.

I hear the door open and Amanda steps inside.

For once I feel relieve about her presence, because Aiden has moved his hand away.

She makes her way to us.

"Julia." She smiles too sweetly, and I look away.

Fuck you.

"Don't be so upset sweetie." She purrs, "We will just keep you here," she wraps her arms around Aiden's shoulders, and he pulls her over his lap, "until Aiden gets rid of you." He smiles at her and grabs her ass.


I roll my eyes.

Yeah, his way of getting rid of me is raping me and cheating on you.

But you don't have to know that princess.

"Hunter will find me. And you will go down." I spit out and they just start to laugh.

"Hunter?" Amanda asks with a snicker.

"He is probably sucking face with that other girl. I told you, you are worthless."

I refuse to believe her, but it didn't stop my heart from sinking.

I try to convince myself, repeating the same sentence repeatedly in my head.

He will come for me.

Amanda's face is smudged with amusement and Aiden has his head between her neck and shoulder, smirking at me from behind her blonde curls.

They will be so disappointed when they realise how stupid their plan is.

Hunter will come for me.


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