Chapter Thirty-Five:
Hunter's POV:
"We got a location." Tyler speaks up from next to me.
"You'll need to turn left from here."
He is staring at his phone's screen.
"It will be an old warehouse. A typical place where a kidnapping will happen."
He mutters and I smirk.
I know that warehouse.
It was the place I had beaten Aiden to a pulp the very first time.
I get to a stop across the street and turn of the engine.
The headlights as well in order not to get attention.
I don't know if he has the rest of his gang here or not.
He probably isn't even expecting us to be here so soon.
It has only been a half an hour, but it would have been sooner if Craig could have located them.
They were very sneaky.
The paint is busy peeling off and the door's hinges is rusted of the building.
What a lovely spot to hide someone that's kidnapped.
I feel like rolling my eyes.
Typical spot for gangs to hang out and sell drugs or get in a fight.
Tyler is typing on his phone and with the deep frown on his face, I can see that something is off.
"What's wrong?" I ask, trying to get a look at his phone.
He pulls it away and looks up at me.
"Stephanie is complaining about cramps, Bianca has taken her to the hospital." He explains and I feel the knot in my stomach.
"It is too early for her to give birth; I am worried that this stress might make her lose the baby."
I can see that this is really making him upset.
I don't want her to lose the baby either.
I nod my head, "Okay, I am going in and getting Julia. This is going to be over. Call the police."
I can't let this keep up any further.
I have warned Aiden countless of times to stay away, but he has made up his own bed and now he must sleep in it.
In a jail cell.
I open the car door and nod my head towards the car parked behind me.
Stan and Stephan get out and make their way towards me.
"We're going and we are going to distract them until the police arrives." I explain, "As far as I know no other gang member has come out. It is only Aiden and Amanda so far."
I hope.
We start making our way to the building.
Julia's POV:
I spit out the blood and glare at Amanda.
She's laughing hysterically after she blew punches at me.
Yes, Amanda was beating me up and Aiden's getting turned on by this shit.
He comes closer to us, and grabs hold of Amanda's hair, crashing his lips against hers and I feel like barfing.
She grabs his hair as well, smearing the blood on her knuckles in his hair.
I try not to wince at the pain when I turn my face away.
My body is stiff, and my head is pounding harder than before.
That fucking bitch.
We hear a sound coming from within the building and Aiden pulls away, "Stay here. I'll go check."
I roll my eyes at his mock bravery and slump my shoulders.
"It is probably just a cat." He tries to comfort Amanda when she looks at the door in worry, or is trying to comfort himself?
"You know," Amanda starts when Aiden's out, "I thought we would stay friends until we are old and wrinkled." Her eyes look everywhere, but at me.
I know she feels guilty for beating my face until it is purple and blue.
I know the real Amanda.
The real Amanda wouldn't have done this to anyone.
"I don't know you anymore, Amanda." I whisper and I hear shouting and grunting outside the door.
It makes both of us go quiet and Amanda steps back to the wall.
She is clearly scared.
My heart starts beating fast and I feel excitement rushing through my veins.
"What would daddy say if his sweet little girl goes to jail?" I ask with a grin, the iron taste of blood still on my tongue.
Right on que police sirens went off and I smile with a sore face and all.
I am saved.
Amanda is frightened and she is looking everywhere, but the mistake they made is putting me in a room where the windows is nailed shut and the only exit is the door that will lead her straight to them.
Total dummies.
"Julia?!" I hear Hunter's voice and I am about to shout back when Amanda walks up to me and slaps me across the face.
"Bitch!" She squeals, "You ruined everything! Again!" She yells and I look at her through my hair strands.
"We were going to have a family once we got rid of you!" She sobs, "He just couldn't get over you. He said he will once I get rid of you and now you ruined my shot!" Her face is streaked with running mascara and tears.
I just give her a blank look.
Who would be so desperate for a guy that is obviously just using you?
She clearly didn't get enough love as a child, and I feel like I should be sorry for her.
"What do you have that I don't have, Julia?" She whispers and I feel the laughter crawling up from my stomach.
I grin, "You really wanna know?" I ask and she nods her head, "I don't have fake boobs."
Her face scrunches up in anger.
And on que Hunter busts the door open.
Policemen comes running in and one of them grabs Amanda's arms.
"You are under arrest for kidnapping Julia."
"You have the right to remain silent," She doesn't fight back, she just breaks down.
"Everything you say can, and will, be held against you." Hunter starts untying me and the police starts looking around.
My wrists and ankles are sore from the burn of the rope.
Maybe I shouldn't have tried to fight against my restraints.
"You saved me." I smile and he helps me up.
"I'll always save you, Jules." He kisses my forehead and helps me to the door.
My body still feels stiff, and I feel like I can cry in relief.
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