*Italics + underline mean muttering or whispering*
*Italics mean thoughts*
(Y/n's Pov)
I was chilling in my room, at 6:15, waiting for 7:00 pm to roll around.
"Tonight is gonna be interesting."
"Why is tonight gonna be interesting?"
I turned on my TV and put on channel TV5.
"Tonight, for our first edition of Face-to-Face, you'll have the opportunity of a lifetime! The chance to talk live with Ladybug, Chat Noir and Frostine! Along with me, Nadia Chamack. We'll be revealing sizzling hot information about your favorite superheroes! Don't be bemused, it's just the news!"
"And don't worry Taani, I won't reveal anything like my identity. It's just for fun, besides, Ladybug and Chat agreed and I can't leave them hanging."
"Just please stay safe. What time does the show start anyway?"
"Of course, and the show starts at 7 and lasts till 8."
"Shouldn't you start leaving soon then, it's 6:45."
"Wow, time sure flied! Ready Taani?"
"Taani, Let's ambush!"
I transformed and swung to the TV station.
I walked through the front doors and went to the front desk.
"Um, excuse me, which floor is Face-to-Face on?"
"Oh! Miss Frostine! It's an honour to meet you! It's on the 3rd floor!"
"Oh alright, thank you!"
"You're welcome!"
I got in the elevator and pressed the 3 button.
Once the elevator stopped, I found the doors to the TV5 studio.
I opened the doors and saw Chat and Nadia sitting on some couches with food and drinks in-between them.
"Hey Chat."
"Ah Frosty, I was wondering when you would show up."
*Chuckles* "It's a nickname he calls me, like how he calls Ladybug, Milady."
"Ah, I see how quaint."
"Oh, (f/d)!"
I took the bottle, unscrewed the cap, and took a sip.
"Ah, that hits the spot."
I checked a clock that was on the wall to see it was 6:55.
Where's LB?
After a couple minutes, it was 6:59.
Ladybug's really cutting it close.
A staff member was coming to take the food and drinks away, so I grabbed a choquette as they were being taken away.
4 seconds away from 7 pm, Ladybug bursted through the doors I came in and used her yo-yo to quickly get to the sofa me and Chat we're on.
"I thought you'd decided to stand me up, Milady."
"And let the audience down? Never!"
I turned to look at Chat and decided to tease him.
"What am I?! A third wheel!?"
Chat held his hands up in defense.
"What? No, no, no, no! That's not what i-"
*Laughs* "I'm just messing with you alley-cat."
Chat gave me an unimpressed look. I just smirked at him while Ladybug was apologizing for being late.
Nadia looked at her bracelet looking confident.
And thus, the show began.
"Good evening. I'm Nadia Chamack and this is Face-to-Face. For our first edition, I welcome the beloved guardians of Paris. Ladybug, Chat Noir and Frostine!"
We all waved kindly into the camera.
"Thanks so much accepting this exclusive live interview!"
"Well thank you, Nadia. We're honored to be here."
"And hello to all my fans."
"What fans?"
Chat look at me like earlier again while just giggles at making a wee bit of fun at him.
"I'm sure thousands have tuned in to watch you tonight."
"Don't encourage him Nadia or the cat won't stop purring all night."
"Don't listen to her. Bugaboo's just a spot jealous."
"Was that a pun?"
Ladybug reached over me and flicked Chat's bell.
"I thought we agreed on no more Bugaboo-calling, Pussycat!"
I just sat with my head in hands.
"Yeah you two are definitely not together, my god." (Note the sarcasm)
"But it's so cute!"
*Laughs* "It's obvious you two are very close."
"That's an understatement, Nadia."
"What do you mean Frostine?"
I gave Ladybug the look Alya gives Mari when she rambles on too much.
"Nothing, nevermind."
"People know you, but they don't really know you. We see you and the other superheroes saving Paris, but we don't know anything else about you."
"We won't be keeping anything from you tonight, Nadia."
"Well, we do have to keep a few secrets, including our identities, of course."
"Absolutely. How about we start off with a few questions from your biggest fans?"
"Yeah, let's do it!"
Nadia swiped on her iPad and Chloe popped up on the screen.
"Hello, caller, state your name and your question."
"Uh, seriously, Nadia? Surely no one else would be the first caller but me! I'm only the most prestigious fan of Ladybug!"
"Oh, yes, of course. Hello there, Chloe Bourgeois, daughter of the Mayor of Paris."
"And don't forget my Daddy is the manager of the Grand Paris, the best luxury hotel in the entire city!"
"Uh, thank you for reminding us. What is your question, Chloe?"
"Oh, I don't have a question. I just wanted to say 'Hi'."
Ladybug looked at Chloe with an unamused look on her face, me and Chat we're kind enough to wave.
"Since, as you all know, we are such very good friends. Ladybug, Chat Noir, Frostine and I."
Nadia looked at her bracelet again.
"Thank you, Chloe Bourgeois. Next caller."
"Hey! I'm not finished! Who gives you the right to-"
Nadia ended the call and Alya popped onto the screen.
"Hi there, Ladybug, Chat Noir and Frostine! I'm Alya and I'm wondering if you'd grant me an interview for the Ladyblog. Y'know, since I have way more viewers than Nadia! What do you say?"
"Uh, yeah, sure, Alya. I'd love to do that."
"That totally rocks! Thank you! Thank you!"
"I'm on TV? Mommy!"
"Manon? But where's Marinette?"
"She had to go tell her parents something!"
"Uh, yeah. Sometimes she can take awhile."
Nadia ended the call, I'm guessing because she didn't want worry too much about Mari.
"Uh, Ladybug, Chat Noir. Um, so a lot of fans think of you as a couple of superheroes, but also, and I quote, as a 'couple', period."
Wow, straight to the point.
"Can you confirm that you are dating, here, tonight?"
"Uh, I'm very sorry, Nadia, but we're superheroes. We're not here to answer such personal questions!"
"Miaow. Mi'Ladybug's growing claws!"
"Not helping Chat."
"We're here to assure all Parisians that they're safe, and that it's only a matter of time before we defeat Hawkmoth. That's all."
"Fine. How do you explain these photographs, then?"
Nadia swiped on her iPad and picture of Ladybug and a black lipsticked Chat popped up!
"What! When did that happen!?"
"I'd like to know too."
"I was saving you, not kissing you!"
Nadia put more pictures on the screen, clearly taken out context.
"It's so obvious that you're both in love! And you Frostine."
"Huh, what about me?"
"Ever since you became a hero along side Ladybug and Chat Noir fans are starting to think you are doing more than helping."
"And that would be?"
Nadia swiped on her iPad again and pictures of me carrying Ladybug when she was injured appeared.
Where is Nadia going with this?
"Fans are starting to believe that there is more than just Ladybug and Chat Noir's love for each other but you trying to woo Ladybug! Can you confirm this?"
I. was. Speechless.
"What!? Oh no, I'm sorry but I don't have those kinds of feelings for Ladybug!"
"These are just a bunch of photos taken out of context! We're only doing our job, we save the city together ever day! We're not a couple!"
"But, hopefully, one day-"
"Cat! Not now!"
"Why won't you tell the truth?"
"But it is the truth, Nadia!"
"Come on, the audience awaits you're answer."
"This interview is so over!"
Ladybug grabbed mine and Chat's hands.
"Whoa! What's the rush?"
"Uh, there's an alert! Paris needs us right now!"
"Sorry! When duty calls, gotta get going!"
"Hey, wait you three! The show is not over yet! Your fans'll be disappointed if they don't get an answer!"
"If they're true fans, they'll understand."
"The lady's right."
With that, we left the studio and went to the top of it.
"So, who are we saving?"
"Just us. Nadia was willing to do anything to make sure her show was a success! And I'm not about to answer anymore of her prime questions!"
"But that's the price of success, the price of stardom!"
"We aren't stars, you damn cat!"
"Frostine's right. We're superheroes, not stars! We should be doing our job, not looking like fools on TV! Come on, Frostine!"
"Right behind you, LB!"
Me and Ladybug swung away with Chat on our heels.
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