Prime Queen part 2

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*Italics + underline mean muttering or whispering*

*Italics mean thoughts*
*Italics + bold mean TV talk/video speak*

(Y/n's Pov)

After a few minutes, Chat had caught up to me and Ladybug. Chat finally stopped saying how we were 'stars', and at this point we were just patrolling from the rooftops.

Until we stumbled across a tv billboard. It had a woman, who looked like a robot, talking.

"Welcome everyone, to a new show hosted by me, Prime Queen! Ha, ha! Don't be bemused, it's just the news!"

All of us spoke at the same time.


"Oh boy, guess a lot was riding on that interview."

*Evil laughter* "Tonight, Ladybug and Chat Noir have disappointed all their loyal fans by refusing to admit their love for one another and Frostine disappointing quite a juicy love triangle!"

Prime Queen hopped backwards and Chloe appeared sitting in one of her chairs.

"I've prepared some trials just to see how far they're prepared to keep the truth hidden from us!"

Chloe noticed her tv turned on by itself while Prime Queen was talking and she looked scared.

Prime Queen stuck her hand into the screen of Chloe's room and the screen turned black.

After a few seconds, the camera turned back to Chloe tied up in rope and Prime Queen holding her.

"Let's welcome our very first guest, Chloe Bourgeois, who's apparently a personal friend of our three superheroes."

"I certainly am."

Ladybug shook her head at Chloe's claims.

"Just proves you can't believe everything you see on tv."


"Well then, dear Chloe, let's find out if you really can count on them as true friends!"

Prime Queen snapped her fingers and the screen went black again.

After a while the screen showed Chloe with a wad of green gum on her jacket and her trying to wipe it off with a pole from the subway, while still tied up in rope.

"Welcome to the Subway of Suspense!"

The screen showed Prime Queen at an angle.

"If it reaches 120 miles per hour, you three can say goodbye to your precious little friend!"

(I'm using 120 mph because in the show it already showed it was past 70 mph)

We all stood in shook from the fact of how fast she could travel through screens and the situation in general.

"Well, well, look here! The ratings are rising! More and more of you want to know if our superhero friends will get here in time! The suspense is killing her!" *Evil laughter*

"Ladybug, Chat Noir, Frostine, are you three willing to travel through the screen to save your darling Chloe?"

The screen showed Chloe, still with the wad of gum on her jacket.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir, Frostine I beg you, save my jacket!"

The screen turned white.

We all look at one another, Chat extended his baton to the screen and it went right through.

"Ready to take the leap, Milady, Frosty?"


"What if it's a trap? I think I'd rather get there by my own means."

Chat gave Ladybug that look he gave me earlier.

"There are many, many, subway lines in Paris, which means a 140 miles of rails! If we want to get there in time to save Chloe, I don't think we have a choice."

"What he said. Besides, if we don't save her, everyone else will see we don't care that much about citizens, even if Chloe isn't well liked."

*Sigh* "I hate when you two make points."

"We're just that good."

We all took a few steps back and leapt into the screen.

We landed in the subway train and had our weapons out, preparing to attack.

"Finally! What took you so long!? Hurry up and get me out of this underground nightmare!"

The train shook and Chloe fell.

"Whoa! Ugh!"

I bent down, moved Chloe to side in-between the seats and undid the rope binding her.

*Evil laughter*

Prime Queen stood on the other side of the train car.

"You're about to be the stars of the highest-rated show in all of TV history!

"The akuma must be in that watch. I'll deal with Prime Queen."

"I'll deal with the door."

Ladybug and Chat Noir started running forward, while I made sure Chloe was safe where she was.

"Are you alright now, Chloe?"

"Much better now that you all are finally here. Ugh! I just wish I could get this stupid piece of gum of my jacket!"

Chloe tried to pulled the gum off her jacket with her fingers but they got stuck.

"Here, let me try."

After a couple seconds, I was able to get the gum off.

"There. Just stay here, we'll deal with Ms Roboto."

Chole nodded and stayed against the wall of the car.

Ladybug was fending off Prime Queen while Chat was trying to open the door.

"We're trapped!"

Just as I was about to join, Prime Queen escaped through a screen.

"The rules for my show are simple. Admit the truth, live on tv, that you two are dating and in love, and I'll stop the train! And that you, Frostine, are trying to take Ladybug from Chat Noir!"

"A superhero never lies! We won't admit to something that's not true!"


"I want my scoops!"

"I'll use my superpower!"

"No, wait! We might need it for an emergency."

"Yeah. Like, right now!"

"What will we do after you use cataclysm, cat? We can't get to her."

"Frostine's right, we have to lure her over here first, or we'll never capture her akuma. So let's just play along with her. At least it'll buy us some time."


"Okay, Prime Queen. You win."

Ladybug grabbed Chat's hand to physically trick Prime Queen into believing.

"I confess. Chat Noir and I are dating, like you said! We are in love."

"And I do like Ladybug!"

The train stopped very abruptly and all of us had trouble trying to stand our ground.

Chat hit wall of the car and Ladybug was forced to be lean onto him. I was holding onto one of the poles in the subway with Chloe holding onto me for dear life.


"Did I just hear you purr?"

"Uh, what me, no! It must of been Frosty!"

"Oh yeah, definitely." (Sarcasm)

"Our two heroic lovebirds and third wheel are saving their fan's life by admitting their true feelings! Our viewers are going crazy!" (Like most of the fandom lol)

"But, the tv ratings haven't maxed out yet. You must do better!"

"Then come and join us, Prime Queen! You're the host and the star of the show after all. Then you'll have your ratings!"

While Ladybug was talking with Prime Queen, I was able to get Chloe out of the car.

"You're going to have to call your driver to come get you. Please try to remain safe in the future."

Chloe hesitantly nodded and walked up the stairs.

"My show, my rules, Ladybug! To prove that your feelings are genuine, you're going to have to take off your masks! Which means you all must give me you're miraculous!"

"Not a chance, Prime Queen!"

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