Gamer part 2

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*Italics + underline mean muttering or whispering*

*Italics mean thoughts*
*Italics + bold mean over com speak*

(Y/n's Pov)

After Mari gave Adrien her bracelet, Mari's parents popped into her room to visit again.

"Uh Marinette, a little snack wouldn't hurt, would it?"

Mari finally considered a snack break, even though we didn't get much gameplay done but it was okay.

Mari and Adrien left to go get some fresh air and I ended the call to get a bit more gameplay in for myself.

After I finished a game, my phone went off.

Shit, Akuma alert!

I logged off the game and turned off my computer.

"Taani, Let's ambush!"

I leapt out my balcony and searched for where the akumatized victim was.

I spotted Adrien and Mari running away from a robot from Mecha Strike.

Oh no, I guess that loss did more harm to Max then he let on. Damn it I should of consoled him.

"Hey Cyclops! Try and catch me!"

"I don't have time for you!"

"Sheesh, rude."

He continued to follow Mari, so I had to intervene.

Mari tried to hide behind a car but tripped.

Shit! Hang on Mari!

Chat's baton hit the robot's pyramid head and distracted him.

I swung low with my baton whip to the ground and picked up Mari.

"Don't worry, I got ya."

While cyclops was still distracted, I swung away with Mari in tow.

I got as far away as I could, which was the famous hotel.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine now thanks to you and Chat."

"Do you know why he was so invested on you specifically?"

"He's a classmate of mine, I guess he was upset I beat in a game he was rigorously training all year for."

"It's okay, we all make mistakes. I just hope Chat's okay."

*Gasp* "Wait, Frostine! I left my friend Adrien at the park, he could be in danger, we have to go back!"

"I understand that he's your friend and important to you but we have a job to protect citizens. I'll go check and make sure he's okay but you stay here. You're a target to that cyclops robot, your safety is our first priority, okay?"

*Sigh* "Alright."

I swung away to check for Adrien. I didn't see him anywhere and I couldn't do much else so I left to go find and help Chat.

I found Chat trying to warn some people on a bus to vacate the premise.

I helped Chat by joining in and distracting Cyclops.

Ladybug arrived seconds later tripping the robot up.

"You're the one crashing, robot!"

Me and Chat joined Ladybug.

"He's a life-size robot from Ultimate Mecha Strike!"

"I know! And it's nearly at level 3, 4 is the highest level!"

"Wait, you know that game?"

"Duh! Of course!"

"At least no-ones outta the loop."

Cyclops was able to get more XP and level up while we were distracted.

"Uh, I think our problem just got a whole lot bigger."

"Way to state the obvious."

"Level 3." *cackles*

"Those miraculouses are mine!"

The robot tried to grab at us but we dodged and leapt away as he tried to zap us with his beam.

"We have to get him out of here before he destroys all of Paris!"

We all spotted a billboard with a picture of the stadium.

(All) "The stadium!"

We all got there and we're wondering where One-eye was since he was following us.

"Where's Clunky gone to?"

We all felt the ground momentarily shake from behind us, indicating he was here.

Ladybug and Chat tried attacking it but their weapons weren't working.

The robot cackled before he tried attacking us.

"Attack the robot with your Cataclysm power, it might be enough to shock him."

"My pleasure, two can play this game."


Chat jumped at Cyclops and the robots physical structure was destroyed!


"Woo! Way to go Chat!"

All that was left of the robot was Max in villain form.

"Smack down, Chat Noir."

"Chat Noir style, boo-ya!"

"Silly cat."

Right after, a ball of red, black and white appeared.

"Haha! Check out that loot!"


"System crashed, Gamer!"

*Cackles* "You've forgotten the rules. I saved my last level!"

He touched his glasses and the robot was here, again.

"God damn it!"


*Groans* "Not the old spawn point glitch again."

"I hate glitches!"

"Yeah but did you guys see him push that button on his glasses? I bet the Akuma's in there."

I touched the ball of loot, cause I was curious, and a robot of red, black and white appeared!

"Ha! We've leveled up too!"

"Okay, but I've only got a few minutes left."

We hopped into the robot through three black dots on the chest.

There were three control chairs. One facing the back, and two facing the sides in the front.

I got one of the front chairs and Ladybug got back while Chat got the other front.

"I'll man it, you two shoot."

"Why do you get to man it?"

"What do you say we flip for it?"

"What does this side even control?"

Chat was trying to move the legs while I figured out I could move the arms.

Chat was terrible at trying to move the robot forward so LB and Chat switched.

Cyclops hit our robot in the chest, showing no signs of playing fair.

I used my controls to punch Cyclops's pyramid clean off.

Cyclops was trying to move his body to get his head back.

"Hey LB, do you want to control the arms or is okay if I do?"

"Hm, I am a bit more skilled with arms when playing. Is it alright with you?"

"Yup, that's why I was wondering. I'm fast on my feet when playing games anyway."

Cyclops eventually got his head back but we were ready to play.

"Round 2, Gamer."


"Force-field, Chat Noir!"

"Got it! Force-field activated."

The force-field deflected the missiles.


The robot grabbed it's tail and used it like a sword.


Ladybug moved the arms so the force was blocking the attack but it was damaging the force-field itself in the process!

When the attack seized, the force-field was broken.

"This Gamer's way powerful, he just took out our force-field!"

"We're gonna have to manage without!"


Chat pressed a button and mechanic ladybugs aimed for Cyclops.

"Laser wall!"

Cyclops countered the attack.


The yo-yo looking shoulder pads tried attacking but Cyclops blocked them.


"Shouldn't there have been a pun with that move?"

Cyclops blocked the attack again.

"Ear thunder!"

And then the attacks kept going. Like 'Gamer-fire', 'Cat-touken', 'Tatsu-lady', 'Gamer Crusher', and 'Shory-bug'.

Eventually the robots came to a stand still by holding the arms in place.

"We've gotta get inside his cock-pit!" (I know full well what I wrote, don't roast me)

"Go for it, you're in charge!"

"Take over the controls Frostine, I'll be right back."

"Uh alright."

Ladybug got out the robot and summoned her Lucky Charm.

She got a spray paint can. She ran over to Cyclops's head and cover the eye with the spray paint.

Gamer went check out what happened and Ladybug swiped the glasses when he poked his head out.

She broke the glasses and caught the Akuma.

Everything was right as rain again.

"Pound it!"

Ladybug and Chat's miraculouses went off and they left the Max to me.

"You alright?"

"I guess so, I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused."

"It's alright, would you like me to take you home?"


I toke Max to his home after he told me where he lived.

The next day was the tournament and Mari was incredibly nervous.

*Gasps* "Felix! Did you come to watch?"

"Yeah, if you're gonna teach I might as well watch a match live to understand how to play."


*Laughs and sighs* "And to cheer you on."

"With you cheering me on, I shall not fail!"

*Chuckles* "So silly."

"Yup! And you gotta deal with me forever!"

"I'm gonna go check on Mari, see ya Fel!"

I walked over to Mari and Alya.

"You bent over backwards to be in the team and now you wanna pull out?"

"It's just that I feel so bad for Max."

"He was preparing for this day and you bet him quite easily. Give her a break, Als." (Als is a nickname for Alya)

"And well, it just wouldn't be right!"

"You're doing the right thing, but honestly, it's not like you get the chance to play with Adrien every day."

Mari walked over to Max to give him her place.

"Max. I thought about this a lot and-"

"And now, representing the Françoise Dupont High School!"

"Well, I think you should be playing tonight, Max."


"Don't get me wrong, I love gaming, but it's not my heart and soul. This is your baby, it's your tournament, Max. I don't want to take that away from you."

"Dudes, make up your minds. They're waiting for you."

"I insist!"


I put a hand on Max's shoulder.

"It'll be fun, come on."

"I don't know how to thank you."

"By winning the tournament, with them."

Marinette was at a lose for words.

"Go on Marinette, you and Y/n are a 100 times better than me. You belong on the team."

"Win the tournament for the school. I know you can do it."

"Go on, dudes, they're waiting for you."

I grabbed Mari's arm.

"Come on Mari."

"But, uh, no I, only with you?"

"Let's show'em who's gold!"

"Fuck yeah!"

The tournament was a blast! Me, Max and Mari were unstoppable.

Later in the week, I got to begin training Felix in gaming.

Who would've thought games could bring people together like this?

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