If you thought the whole y/n-might-be-a-princess thing was really random, well, you're not wrong. I thought if it on a whim and went with the idea even though it's kind of crazy. It's not that well thought out, so let's see how this will play out...
Also, for any fellow Catradora shippers out there, I've started a book: Future in the Stars | Catradora. Feel free to check it out but feel free to ignore this message if you've never seen She-Ra lol
Love you guys! <3
————y/n's POV————
I followed Zephyr out the door. We rushed upstairs and out through the gates, where the rebellion was fighting what appeared to be the last line of the Horde's army.
"How long was I out?" I asked, wondering how we could have defeated our opponent so fast.
"A while," Zephyr shrugged.
"Why didn't you wake me up, then?!"
"You were being unresponsive!" she defended. "I couldn't snap you out of it even if I tried."
Our argument was interrupted by Entrapta screaming and pointing up at a bot coming flying towards us. We dodged out of the way just as it came crashing into the palace.
"We should get down there," I said, heading for the staircase that leads up to the castle.
"I'm not really a fighter so I'm just gonna stay behind," Entrapta said with a nervous laugh. Before she backed away into the palace, she took the miraculous out from my hair. "You don't mind if I borrow this to study, do you? Okay, thanks!"
"Wha— hey! Entrapta!" I called.
"Bye! Have fun!"
I sighed, then I turned back around. Before I took another step forward, however, I noticed a bunch of spears leaning up against the wall. I grabbed as many as my arms could fit, then tossed them all to Zephyr.
"You don't have to fight, but you can at least hand these out," I said, scooping up the rest.
"Okay," Zephyr said. "But after that, I'm not going back inside. I'm want to help win this battle."
"You're not scared?" I questioned.
"Ha, of course I'm scared," she scoffed. "I may be terrified, but I'm done being a coward."
——————Lloyd's POV————-
We were on the ground fighting the tanks and bots, using our elemental powers and Spinjitzu. Our dragons were our most effective attack method, but direct combat was a lot more fun.
I destroyed another bot, and as I spun out of Spinjitzu, I ended up facing the castle. I squinted as I noticed two figures running down the steps.
"Y/n!" I gasped, glancing over at the palace gates. "She's okay!"
"I told you she would be!" Kai smirked. "Hey, where are you going?"
Before I could get any further, Kai grabbed me by the hood.
"Hey! Let me go!"
"You can talk to her later! We've got a war to finish!"
"No buts! If she's running, she's fine—she'll be here in a minute. Control your damn teenage brain."
I huffed in annoyance, but I turned back around and started fighting again.
"What did I miss?" Y/n asked a few moments later as she ran up next to me.
"Not much," I admitted sarcastically. "Except for the fact that the war's almost over... wait, how are you standing? You got blasted pretty bad."
"It's all thanks to the brilliance of plot convenience," she muttered.
"Oh, never mind."
"Y/n!" Adrien exclaimed, springing over here and burying his friend in a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay! Zephyr and Entrapta said you might not wake up until She-Ra could heal you."
"When did they say that?" I asked.
"They told me when I went to go check on y/n."
"You went to go che—" I started, about to blow up in anger and jealousy, but then Kai whacked me on the back of the head.
"Save it," he ordered. His voice was quiet, but commanding.
The irritation didn't go away, but instead of getting mad at Adrien just for being alive, I harnessed the rage and used it to make a strong blast of energy. I directed it at the enemies, and wiped out multiple machines at once.
"Way to go, Lloyd!" Adrien cheered. "That was awesome!"
I ignored his comment and continued fighting. Argh, even him being nice annoyed me! Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw y/n using her powers, but instead of just creating mist, the moisture from the ground was rising up around her hands in heavy drops. I watched in confusion as she was able to command the water not only in the air, but also from around her feet. She looked just as shocked as me and Kai.
"How..." she muttered.
"It's just like Entrapta said," Zephyr said. She had actually started fighting alongside the rebellion, but had drawn back to stare at y/n like the rest of us. "You're using the power from the Pearl—now that you're in the same realm as your rune stone, the connection to your element is stronger."
"Rune stone?" I questioned. "What are you talking about?"
Both girls ignored me. Y/n bit her lip as she stared at the water droplets obeying her will, then she attempted one of the moves we had seen Nya do multiple times. She raised her arms, and water followed. A massive wave rose above her, but y/n freaked out, and started to run away, screaming.
"Hey, wait—" I said, rushing over to stop her. I motioned to the others to get back to the battle.
"I can't do it!" she exclaimed, fighting against my hold on her. "I'm not Nya, I'm not Mermista or whatever the heck her name is, I can't control water! I'm not meant for this!"
"Calm down!" I advised gently. "You don't have to be either of them—just be you."
"I'm the master of one of the weakest elements in Ninjago," she whispered, looking up at me with fear in her eyes. "How am I supposed to control one of the strongest aspects of nature?"
"Water and mist are made up of the same chemical compound," I said, shaking my head.
"Yeah, but moving way more of it at once is a lot harder!"
"Y/n, it's okay," I assured her. "It's just like what you told me many years ago at the bounty; you just need to focus. Bring all of your attention to the energy at your fingertips."
Y/n took a deep breath, relaxed her shoulders, and closed her eyes. I watched as her hands started to move water up into the air, first as mist, but then it became heavy spheres of the substance. When she opened her eyes again, I smiled happily, letting her know how proud I was of her.
Her determined expression returned, and she turned to face the rest of the Horde army. The liquid under her control spread out, and was joined by every ounce of water nearby, forming a gigantic tidal wave behind her.
"Uh, y/n?" I wondered nervously, staring at the size of that thing. "You have everything under control, right?"
"Does it look like I have everything under control?!" she yelled, but not in anger. "I have no idea what I'm doing!"
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