Shoutout to HTTYDLOVER1 just cuz! She's my friend and u should go follow her :D
————Catra's POV————-
The war was almost over. The final fleet of the army was approaching, so the rest of us were getting ready for the last stretch of the battle. It felt weird to be against the Horde instead of ordering the troops, but I loved fighting alongside Adora again—I hadn't realized how much I missed it.
I suddenly noticed Adora, still transformed into She-Ra, standing by herself. She was watching the tanks advance, looking exhausted.
"Adora?" I questioned, coming over to her.
She groaned and dropped to one knee, using her sword for balance. I rushed over to her side to make sure she was alright. She started to fall over, but I caught her before she hit the ground.
"Adora!" I yelled. She turned back into her regular self, and closed her eyes. "Adora, stay awake!"
"What's going on?" Scorpia asked, running over to me.
"I-I don't know," I said, holding onto Adora. "She just... collapsed."
"What did you do to She-Ra?!" Frosta demanded.
"Lay off, Elsa," Kai warned, landing his dragon. "I saw from above; Catra didn't do anything. Come on—let's get her inside."
Swift Wind knelt down in front of me so I could get on him with Adora in my arms. He spread his wings and flew us over to the castle.
"Why do you always have to overwork yourself?" I muttered, pulling her in close.
"Oh, no! Not Adora, too!" Bow exclaimed as we landed.
"We're in the middle of a war, what did you expect?" I huffed. "She isn't injured, just burnt out or something."
"C-Catra?" Adora suddenly whispered.
"Oh, thank the gods," I breathed.
"Wha...what's going on?"
"You overdid it again," I explained. "You need to rest."
"No! I can fight."
"Yeah, like hell you can," I scoffed. "You're exhausted, and you're not going anywhere until you can stand."
"Okay—let me down, then," she challenged.
"Not a chance," I said quietly. I lowered her down to the ground. "Adora, I... I can't lose you again."
She stared up at me with those beautiful eyes, gave a weak smile, then wrapped her arms around me. It surprised me at first, and I almost backed away, but then I shifted my position so I could hug her back.
"You won't," Adora muttered. "I'm never leaving you again."
"You promise?" I asked, pulling away slightly.
She smiled. "I promise."
Adora suddenly started shimmering. It began at her heart, and then spread throughout the rest of her body. My eyes went wide as I watched her transform into She-Ra, without the help of her sword.
The other princesses also started to glow, because that's how things work in Etheria, apparently. I turned my head to see the their powers strengthen, and as the last fleet of tanks entered the battle, the rebellion had no trouble wiping out line after line.
"Let's finish this," Adora said, pushing herself up.
"Right behind you," I agreed, helping her stand up.
"You're not going to stop me?" she asked.
"Nope," I said. "But I am going to stick by you and make sure you don't hurt yourself, dummy."
————-y/n's POV—————
I woke up to a tingling sensation all over my body. I sat up with a gasp and was confused on how I got back inside the palace.
"Where am I?" I asked. I looked around to see Entrapta and Zephyr, who were both staring at me with open mouths.
"How are you doing that?" Entrapta shrieked.
"Doing what?"
Zephyr pointed to my whole body.
"You just gestured to all of me," I said, but then I looked down screamed. "Why am I glowing?!"
"Fascinating," Entrapta muttered, placing a hand on her chin. While I freaked out, she pulled out her voice log. "y/n currently looks the same as all the princesses when they connect themselves to the power of the heart, although, the glow seems to be partly sourced from the miraculous."
"Huh?" I questioned, reaching for my shell clip. I held it out in front of me, and sure enough, it was glowing really brightly. I set it down on the cot I was lying on, which made me go back to normal.
"Do it again!" Entrapta ordered.
I looked at her with a doubtful expression, but I picked up the clip and put it in my hair. A white and blue light encased me, then sunk into my skin.
"Whoa," Zephyr mumbled.
Entrapta took it off of me and held it close to her face, studying it. After a few minutes, she finally seemed to find an answer. "Hmm... ahah! Of course!"
"What?" I asked.
"I'm surprised I didn't notice this before!"
"Notice what?"
"Look," she said, shoving the miraculous in my face. "The underside is lined with pearl."
"Yeah, so?" I said.
"Well, it's not just any pearl. Your miraculous is connected to the rune stone of Salineas—The Pearl runestone."
"Okay... what does that mean, exactly?"
"It means you're currently drawing power from the heart of Etheria, just like the rest of the princesses."
"That doesn't make any sense! The amount of pearl on the clip is tiny. How could it be drawing power from whatever you just said?"
"The rune stone doesn't draw the power; the princess does. The stones are just what gives you the connection to the heart," Entrapta explained. "Speaking of power, didn't you say you have control over an element?"
"Well, yeah... I control mist. But as Dauphine Blue, I'm able to manipulate water for a limited amount of time."
"Mist?" Zephyr repeated. "As in water vapour?"
I nodded.
"That's kind of lame."
I crossed my arms. "Well, you don't have a power at all, so I wouldn't be saying anything if I were you."
".... which would mean y/n would have to be a royal of that particular kingdom," Entrapta continued talking on her voice logger. "Now that I think about it, she does carry a small resemblance to Mermista... so this whole thing could be just one big coincidence."
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"I was just saying—"
"Okay, I hate to interrupt," Zephyr said, not allowing Entrapta to finish. "But we better get outside; if you and the rest of the princesses are glowing, it could either mean something good or something very, very bad."
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