Tomorrow is my audition for the film but tonight I was on stage again, acting the scene, which was me hovering over Chad on a bed, kissing him.
Robert's plays weren't always like this. I mean, some of his plays did have to make love scenes, even though I had no experience, I acted my part well.
After the play, I was exhausted. I changed into my skirt and a collared shirt then walked back to the main area. I saw a shadowy figure just standing in front of the bed.
'Robert? Is that you'? The shadowy figure did not answer.
I walked closer, still not exactly sure who it was.
'I think I did well, do you think? Oh, and by the way, tomorrow is my audition for that film'.
'Congratulations', the man finally said. I didn't recognize the voice so I started back away until he grabbed my arm and threw me on the bed and jumped on top of me.
'Who are you'? I choked out. The man didn't answer but started kissing my neck. 'Get off'! He didn't but moved his lips to mine.
While kissing me, he fiddled with his belt and took off his pants. I struggled in his grip.
'Get off me'. His hand came to my beast and I slapped it off.
'Don't be such a tease'.
'Who are you'? He started taking off my dress.
I kicked and wiggled, slowly losing my energy to fight. I felt his fingers slip into my panties and tug them.
'Stop... Robert, Theo'!
'No one here, they all left for the night'. He started slipping my panties off. I struggled and struggled, slowly losing my breath.
Then I stopped, I was exhausted, I could die from my exhaustion. He slipped two fingers inside me, I began to struggle again but in his strong grip, I stopped just as quickly.
He took his own underwear off and I felt his erection against my inner thigh. Tears rolled down my face.
'Stay still', he said in my ear. He pulled his fingers out of me and turned me around. My face buried in a pillow.
He lifted my hips so he got better access. His hand pressed my head down on the pillow and I slowly lost my breath. This was it, I was going to die and from lac of air and from how exhausted I was, I passed out.
I woke up in my room at the theatre. My clothes were still off me. I checked my wrist and there was a bruise. It was not just a bad dream.
I'm dirty, I felt really dirty. I had a shower in my room so I used it. Sitting on the shower floor, hugging my knees to my chest, while the water ran over me.
'(Y/n), is that you in there'? Theo knocked lightly on the glass shower cubicle. It was not see-through so it was not uncomfortable for me.
'Yes', I choked out.
'Okay, you better get ready, Alan might come early you know'.
I still felt dirty so I stayed under the water, crying silently.
When I finally got out of the shower it was 11:30, I like spent an hour and a half in the shower as I went in somewhere around 10:00.
I stayed in my room for the remainder of the time, reading the script and fiddling with the two rings around my neck. A knock came on the door.
'It's open', I said, softly. I heard the door open and shut.
'Are you ready'? I heard Alan's voice say.
'Yes', I said not looking up from the script.
'Let's go then, you better put a coat on, it's raining out'. When I finally looked up at him, his coat was wet a little and he had an umbrella.
'Sure'. I got up and got the knee-length black raincoat that I kept in the theatre just in case. I smiled weakly at Alan before walking past him.
I went out and stood in the rain, not really caring if I got wet. Alan came out shortly afterward and stood close beside me to shield me with his umbrella as well as himself.
'You alright? Not nervous are you'?
'No, completely fine'.
'You fiddle with the two rings on your necklace when your nervous'. I dropped my hand, leaving my necklace alone.
'I brought these for Ben, Theo just told me to keep them for someone that can appreciate me more'.
When I had finished my audition, Alan insisted on walking me home. I tried talking him out of it but that didn't really help. When I stepped inside the house, a raging father came out of the room.
'Where the hell were you last night'? He yelled.
'I can explain'.
'Well? I'm listening'.
'Father, a man... raped me last night at the theatre, I passed out and I woke up still there, there was nothing I could do'.
'You were at the theatre, what did I tell you'?
'Are you seriously worried about me going to the theatre but not that the fact I got rapped'?
'Why should I be worried? You dress like a hoe'.
'Have you seen what I wear? It doesn't reveal anything'.
'I bet you wanted it to happen'.
'Your sick, your a sick, old bastard'!
'Don't you dare talk to me like that'.
'I'm your daughter, the fact that you don't care my life was in danger, your sick, you fucker'! He punched me in the face. 'I'm leaving, good luck with money, bastard'! I opened the door and stormed out in the rain.
I ran as fast as I could back to the theatre.
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